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Battery operated lights


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Has anyone here ever heard of or used battery operated lights for their dollhouses? Do they exist?

I thought they would be good for a small project but I have no idea if they even make them and what anyone's experience with them would be. Thanks :)

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Roxxie, I used battery powered lights in my White Orchid. I found them in the floral section of one of the craft stores, I think. There are ten GOW size bulbs, each on the end of a 20" wire. I had to extend some of the wires so they would reach where they needed to go, but that wasn't difficult.

Click on my Projects Blog link below and then on Electrical in the Table of Contents on the left side. It will show you how I did it.

They do not give off as much light as the plug-in lights, but they add a lovely glow to the scene.

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Roxxie, Ive used them and love them! Its pretty easy to hide the battery box. My husband says Im going to set the house on fire,but I dont see how it could be more of a fire hazard than regualr DH lights. I got mine at Micheals in the floral/bridal section. HBS also sells them.

This picture is the inside of my sandcastle Canterbury,you can see it bigger in my album if ur interested. Ive also used battery christmas lights all around my Gingerbread house and to light its Christmas tree.

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Wow Kathie! You are another expert! Your dh's are gorgious! I haven't seen those lights but I was thinking of giving my little Michael's Puzzle house a little something extra. I am in love with this silly little project and since I don't have much experience its all experimentation. What I thought would be great is if they had little self contained lights that ran on batteries....that would be great for a very small project and wouldn't be so involved. I already wallpapered and so I think it might be too late to get into lighting but next time.....I love the effect of the soft little lights and like you I don't want to have electric cords holding me in one place. Thanks for the information and I enjoyed visiting your site. :)

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Ok This is giving me some ideas. I was thinking since I already wallpapered I probably can't add electric lights but maybe I can do something with these. I would consider lighting the eves just under the inside roofline just to give it a little something extra. Hmmmmmm thinking about this..oh my! My brain is on fire! lol

I would think battery lights would be much safer and rechargables just about perfect!

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I have used them on several of my projects. I found some at like Walmart & Lowe's at their after Christmas sales & I found some at a local flea market that were very cheap. if you or a friend have any electrical skill, another source is old toys at yard sales. You can find some that light up for a few cents, tear them apart & save the lights for future use. You can even make your own light fixtures for them.

Steve in PA

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Emily,they are less expensive at Micheals, but if you want the item #s for HBS (miniatures.com) #8666 should point you in the right direction,they come with different colored lights and strings,each has it own item #. Do you have the HBS catalogue? Its free and its a MUST have! Helps you know whats out there. You can get one from their website,or call 1-800-926-6464

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I did see some at Christmas time but nothing around here now. I know exactly what I want to do and get frustrated trying to find it don't you? LOL

:dunno: I thought of those tiny battery operated tea lights they have around at Halloween but I think they are too big??

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At our Michaels they are near the floral dept/wedding dept.they were on an end cap and if I hadnt first seen them at HBS I probably would have missed them. You might try asking a store clerk...if your Michaels is anything like ours,youd have better luck finding them yourself;)

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You got that one right! I went into our Michaels and asked about the little puzzle houses I am working on and they had no idea what I was talking about. I walked around the store for a while and found them myself.....duh!

Our store is kind of small and they don't carry everything other stores seem to have.

I use to work for AC Moore and they had tons of miniatures and DH stuff.....our store here...not so much.

I will look around again in Michaels when I have a chance. :dunno:

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Awesome, thanks for the reference, Karin! (I'm afraid to get the catalog. Too much temptation!)

Now, a question for the electrically-inclined: could I lop off the little lights, and wire a proper dollhouse fixture onto the battery pack? I have no idea what kind of currents are involved/ needed. I've rewired lamps with broken plugs and that sort of thing, so I can do the physical part. I just don't know if it would work, or if the power is all incompatible.

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Emily, the bulbs are roughly GOW (grain of wheat) size, which is found in many "regular" dollhouse lamps. I made some lamps out of jewelry findings and beads using these lights. I don't see why it wouldn't work. Let us know when you try it.

Click on my Projects Blog link below and then on Electrical in the Table of Contents on the left side. It will show you how I used these lights. Check the table lamps upstairs on the end tables and on the buffet.

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