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Shout out to Beacon Hill builders!


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Welcome Brandy!

The BH is an awsome house, you're going to love it. The only advice I can give is for you to be very patient. It's not a house that goes together overnight because there are so many pieces to the kit. Also, you really need to take your time so as not to make any major mistakes. There are many steps to putting it together and you don't want to mess up by trying to go too fast. Keep that in mind and you should really enjoy the process.

I can't wait to see your progress!

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you really need to take your time so as not to make any major mistakes. There are many steps to putting it together and you don't want to mess up by trying to go too fast.
Mistakes are not the end of the world or of a kit, and can be corrected or bashed into something wonderful (and better) or covered with spackle, trim or wallpaper. The main benefit of taking your time is that building dhs is a hobby and NOT a race, you and the kit are a team working to discover the full potential of the kit and your vision for it and its own ideas of what it wants to become.
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Mistakes are not the end of the world or of a kit, and can be corrected or bashed into something wonderful (and better) or covered with spackle, trim or wallpaper. The main benefit of taking your time is that building dhs is a hobby and NOT a race, you and the kit are a team working to discover the full potential of the kit and your vision for it and its own ideas of what it wants to become.

Of course smaller mistakes are not the end of the world or of a kit Holly, that's NOT what I meant. Notice I said to avoid MAJOR mistakes, which depending on how major they are can affect how well the house structure goes together.

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That didn't come across as I meant it to. A lot of people become paralyzed with fear that their very first attempt at building a kit might not turn out "perfect" (we've read the posts!) and I was trying to reassure Brandy that even if she takes her time & still makes a mistake, it's not the end of her career as a miniaturist; and to reinforce Tiffanie's comment about taking time.

I agree with whoever said the Chinese word that comes closest to "crisis" translates as "opportunity".

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Speaking of mistakes,major and minor....I havent been able to work on my BH for a few weeks,but its still on my kitchen counter,the other day I glanced up at it from a new angle,and realized my whole kitchen bay window section is crooked,like slanted...and ya,already solidly glued down and papered over and wainscoted...Im NOT taking it apart,so I plan to do some creative lanscaping on the exterior to give the optical illusion that it isnt totally crooked. And ya,I did it too fast:) But Im the kind of person for whom instant gratification takes too long !! Lesson learned....the hard way as usual.

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Only about 1 more week til I have to return to work--I was hoping on finishing the tower windows and all the littler trims before then...not sure that's going to happen...the kids have summer band, and I started physical therapy...and all the other little appointments are really going to chop up my days! I've been having a little more knee pain now that I'm up and around---maybe I should be taking it easier, let up....hey, that leaves more time for sanding and painting,lol.

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my BH has been at a standstill for a week. Day off today, so I may fiddle with the kitchen bays. Finally got a replacement Easy Cutter that will speed my 'renovations' up considerably. I found some extra sheets of the bathroom wallpaper at AC Moore and also found paper for the upstairs family/guest room that I like better than my previous choice.

I SHOULD be outside cutting the grass, but the thermometer on the back deck says 95....

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I think any temps over 80 are definately an excuse to hold off on the grass til early evening...leaving lots of time for minis,lol (unfortunately, today I had physical therapy, then hair appt (which took an hour longer than I planned), then 3.5 hrs of summer band--actually drop one daughter off, pick her up an hour later, another 1.5 hr break, then another hr of band...no sense spending 30 min driving there and back), so I might get to start painting my dormer windows if I ever get them sanded,lol

Did you have trouble with your bays?? I had to sand down 2 of the windows on the sides because they were a little too big...but other than that, all went pretty well---I was happy, cause I heard they could be difficult!

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Whew! All the painting and touch up on the dormer and tower windows is done!! I even re-did the stained glass on the conservatory. I hated the original work I did, but finally got around to changing it! Now I'm working on a new stained glass piece for the base of the tower....

I am following Gina's lead, and shingling the roofs before I add the dormer and tower windows....I am doing one of the "washes" with the Decoart that turns paint to stain...not sure how it will look...but it can always be changed.

My goal was to finish the entire outside by the time I go back to work Saturday....not much more to go (shingles, 5 windows to install, all the little fancy trims, oh yeah, and paperclay chimney and foundation....but thats only a few days)--not sure I'll make it----but that's ok, I'm soooo much farther than I was 3 weeks ago!! :hmm:

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I decided to break out the lawbre greenhouse kit and start building on it, since I plan to attach it to the kitchen and needed to check the size. Looks like it might fit very well! I'm still staring at the other bays. The greenhouse has an extra wall of glass and wood panels that can be used to close it completely in, but since I'm making it into a 'Florida" type room, there won't be a wall between the kitchen and the room, so I may be able to use that wall in the upstairs bathroom (which I'm making bigger). Still thinking....

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I'm working on some more windows, I did the front door, and the 2nd floor french door and am now working on designs for the dormer windows. I also decided to wire my BH too now so I went to Hobby Lobby last weekend to pick up the basic kit and they had 50% off all miniatures!! I could hardly contain my excitment! I bought the wiring kit, flooring, a celiing panel, trim, some lights and some other odds and ends. It was the most exciting thing that's happened in weeks! I'm just a little scared to wire the house, its my first time. I have a question out in the forum and have recieived some good tips, along with other things I found on wiring.

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Cindy, don't worry to much about wiring your BH--if you can read Darrell's wiring tutorial and maybe read the little wiring books they have in the mini section at HL--they have one for tape wiring and round wire, that should do it :wub: If you still have questions, the forum is a great place to ask!

If you still have questions and need to see as it 's being done, Cir-kit has a dvd on wiring, or maybe check You Tube.

Those dormer windows are a trip aren't they? I put my tower window in last nite---I misread something in the directions and after I glued it in, I realized the sill wasn't really out far enough, so mine looks a little different--not bad, just a little variation,lol. I just didn't feel like ripping out the window and starting over....

Right now, I'm working on a stain glass panel to put on the underside opening to the tower...I'm not too much in the mood today since I have a rotten headacha :flowers:

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Yes, the dormers were definitely quite a process. I had put them all in place, then my husband happened to look at them the next day and said, 'hey they're all crooked'. They were all slanted down, not sure why, so I ended up ripping them all out and put a piece of wood under each to raise them up so they were level. And I feel your pain with the headache, I got bit by a dog on Tuesday! Luckily he only got one hole in my leg becuase I screamed and ran like the wind to get up to the persons house I was at. :wub:

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Well, I started on the first dormer window...here's what I'm confused about...the printed directions say to put the sides in right after the base goes in....but in the picture it looks like the sides are attached to the front(window)....I am not sure which is the best way, and it seemed to me that it would be easier to glue the sides to the front, then put the whole thing in and on the base. I'm not sure, but I've got one front and sides drying and then I will try to install it, if it doesn't work well that way, I'll put the sides in first.

My base was crooked at first because of the mansard roof--I had to use my dremel and sand down the one side...seems level now :)

Hope you leg is ok after the dog bite!!

Bet that was very scary!!

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its looking fabulous Cathy :doh:

and i remember the dormers and instructions...pieces in hand...read destructions...whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt!!!! its physically impossible!!!!!! :)

but read and re read and whammoooo the penny drops and in they go :) ....fiddley yes!!!! ....need 10 pairs of hands to hold all the bits!!!! but they do work...eventually....and they look fabulous :)

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pics Lynette!!! pics woman and hurry :)

I have instructions....i can try and convert them to PDF file...hmmm maybe wait till daughter comes :doh: if someone else offers them...take it :) but i will try....or email greenleaf direct to get some :)

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Cathy I had to trim a LOT on the dormer windows,as I remember I assembled them almost completely before sliding them in place. By the time you get to the last one it will take half as much time,youll have the kinks worked out and know how much to trim.

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