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Shout out to Beacon Hill builders!


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so............i decided to stain the floors ....i was going to floorboard with skinny sticks but as i like to 'fill my houses to capacity'' you never see much floor anyway ;)

I use the same colour stain i did on the first beacon..... i go to make a coffee before the next coat...i come back into the craft room....i think...gee that looks dark, hmmmmmm well it must dry lighter......i wait.......its dry.....omg!!!! its a total different colour!!!! :doh:

I check the tin...yep its 'new maple'.....what happened??

Does stain go 'off' ? did someone switcheroo it?

Well what to do... what to do? too late to change it now and i'm still baffled as to how its so dark...theres got to be a reason/explaination

or........my kids are right and i am losing the plot :blush:

Any ideas? :welcome:

on an upnote...i like the dark one better :p

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Linda,thats crazy,Ive never seen stain go "off'' before, maybe there was a mix up at the factory...youre not crazy....well maybe a little but in a good way :welcome: Whichever you choose is nice,I like them both. Maybe a combo of the two?? Not all floors in a house have to be the same color,right?

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hmm yes Karin not all floors have to be the same :blush:....i'm calm now :welcome:

but...the thing is...most of the the trims etc need to be the same if its going to look like one big house....and i stained and varnished the first one

i'm thinking i really like the dark one better ;)

so..plan A is...forge ahead and do the 'new beacon' with the dark one and do the inside windows etc dark

then rehab the first beacon to match :doh: (alot of sanding the varnish off involved)

No plan B yet :p

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Good luck, maybe just a little sanding will get the varnish off the old Beacon,enough that you can add stain. Ive never had good luck with staining the houses,I use paint with a stain medium mixed. The real stain looks much nicer though....Im sure plan "A" will work out fine! That old Beacon wasnt coming out of this project unscathed no matter what....lol...

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Linda, maybe there's a chance the stain wasn't mixed thoroughly when it turned out lighter like it did, and all the dark colorant was at the bottom of the can, its happened to me when I've done RL staining and colors didn't match.

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yeah Cindy!!! i think i'll go with that :p its the only explanation....i'm working around it now...the bases will be bricked and i'm going to floorboard the floors all 20 rooms!!! ....huge job :)

i've had 2 days off from the build as i thought i was rushing it...making mistakes :p

Today i hope to get back into it...going to concentrate on the outside with a bit of flooring inbetween :p

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sounds like theres' lots of progress going on out there :) I'm at a standstill...doing little bits here and there....nothing much with the BH lately :)

I sure hope she doens't have to wait another year before I finish her,lol

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I just found your May Beacon Hill posts and I'm wondering how far you've gotten, Karin?

I just got my Beacon Hill after a nightmare of trying to find reasonable shipping to Hawaii (Wal-Mart.com of all places ended up being most reasonable). Does anyone have specific BH tips for starting? Would you mind if I bug you as I bumble my way through it? This is my third kit but first in the last decade-ish!

I bought the beacon for a haunted house. Has the authentic feel to me. Looking at pictures on-line I noticed it looks a great deal like the phantom mansion in Disneyland Paris. So that's my inspiration.

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I bought the beacon for a haunted house. Has the authentic feel to me. Looking at pictures on-line I noticed it looks a great deal like the phantom mansion in Disneyland Paris. So that's my inspiration.

ooooooo sounds intreiguing!!! if thats how ya spell it :p

i'm going to google images :p

Good luck with the build and 'come on in' anytime and ask whatever...someone will be able to help :flowers:

oooo and drop over to the newcomers and introduce yourself :flowers:

:D to the family Jen :flowers:

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Jen that sounds like an awesome Idea,Im not familiar with the phantom mansion so Im going to see if I can find it on google images. My Beacon Hill is about 70% done, lots of trim and detail work to do,etc. Its in dry dock right now though,Im working on a Buttercup Cottage....I needed some distance:) Something about the BH makes me feel obsessive when im working on it,so the little Buttercup is a refreshing break.

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My Haunted BH is coming along ever so slowly. I have one room almost done. I need to cut new trim for the round top windows. I'm also putting in a new front door so my flooring in the foyer has come to a halt till I get that in. Did I mention I hate hot melt. The good thing on the rehab is I just heat it and most of the old trim comes off pretty easily. My problem is sticking with one room at a time. I get an idea and start working on another room. I'm also putting in secret doorways and closets so that slows things down too.

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I need to ask this and I want some honest opinions. I've always loved the Beacon Hill since I first got into minis years ago. I have a Willowcrest from a good few years ago, so it isn't the laser cut one. Problem is, it is quite difficult to get the parts out of the sheets and I am impatient and find this really frustrating. For those with the newer die-cut Greenleaf kits in general, are they much better than older ones? I don't think I could put up with a kit the size of the Beacon Hill being as difficult to prepare.

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Shannon ;).....mine is just basically falling out of the sheets...only had a problem with one piece so far....its great makes it much easier to build when you can easily get the bits out.....

the first beacon i got from ebay...an old kit was a bear though...drove me crazy all those cracking sounds :p broken bits etc...but i still managed to build it......... on enthusiasm alone i suspect :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I may just bust! There's another Beacon Hill kit going for $40. I still need instructions and if I order them it's $10, which would mean it would be shelling out $30. Stop me if I sound like I'm trying to justify a purchase - I already have. :p I'm just not sure what I'd do with a second BH with limited space.

Actually I've thought that it would be fun to have a BH haunted house a la Disneyland.

And just when would I have time to build this second BH? The qeue of waiting house kits is getting closer to double digit range.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am in the middle of building my 4th Beacon Hill kit. Well, 3rd build, the last one was a refurbish. I love this kit. I have done several others but this is my favorite. I am trying to decide on exterior colors so I can move along and put on the mansard roof, it is easier if painted before installation..

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I can't imagine building 4. I'm having trouble doing a rehab. Maybe when the snow flies I'll be able to sit down and

get some work done on it. Of course Halloween will be over by then and I'll have to start working on my Christmas

Buttercup again.

I agree with painting it before you build it too. Since mine is a rehab its really tough getting in the nooks and crannies and

the edges of windows etc.

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i'm still plodding away at the 2 beacon extravaganza :p

i think it was a mistake to put them both in my tiny craft room :p ....as well as being no room to move...the 2 in there makes it a bit overwhelming as to how much i still have to do!!!!

anyways i'm still going with the wallpapering...and wallpapering....and wallpapering..... ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lol Linda...I hear ya, mine is in dry dock,taking up my entire laundry room,cant convince my husband to move the washer and dryer out of there.... I can imagine how hard it is with two of them together! At the rate Im going,it will be Spring before that house is done.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all :( Finally getting time to check back in...my BH is at a stand still ....still...RL still in the way....maybe when the kids are on Xmas break there will be time...yeah right,lol. Oh well...we just have to keep thinking "our BHs aren't going anywhere...they'll wait patiently for us :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem, RL getting in the way of my mini time! Its been 2 1/2 years, and I still have most of the inside to finish. I am being very particular about everything to get it just right! I found a short time over Thanksgiving break to work on it a bit, and ran into a near crisis! My lights stopped working! I was panicked for 2 days, then finally my husband, who's an electrician, spotted the problem, I had the wires too close on one of my lights, and it was shorting out the system. Luckily the flooring wasn't installed, so he could see that! I unhooked that light, and that fixed it! This is my first time wiring a house, so I am a bit extra worried about everything working ok in the end. If not, its time to bring out the spotlights!

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