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I bought this house from micheals


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AHHHH Fooey! I was in Big Lots but didn't go near crafts, can you believe that one? Its hard to find half scale stuff and I ran right past crafts to get my freon for my car ac.

Holly, I tried adding water to my spackle but that stuff was just not right for some reason. I couldn't spread it right. It won't stick. I am going to get new today I am done being frustrated. lol

I have to be content with the puzzle house for now even though I want to start a real house....saving my pennies will make it worth while.

More later......have a great day!

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To think that all this time I did not pay attention to the talk about the puzzle houses! I finally bought two, plus two sets of furniture, and will be helping my 13 yr old DD start on them in two weeks once she comes back from camp.

Right now, she has no idea what she wants to do with them. However, she has a large collection of small Smurfs that might just do - I'll see if I can suggest that as inspiration for her!

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These would make great smurf houses! Roxxie, did you prime your house before the stucco? Since masking tape won't stick to this wood, I figured I'd better prime, with gesso, in case the spackle acted like the tape. It seems to be sticking fine.

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I was just filling in those slots where the tabs were and the siding was already painted. The spackle won't stick!

And Darn it....I went to Wally mart and FORGOT the spackle.......CRS!

I saw a jar of stucco for $1 in Michaels on the sale shelf and didn't buy it....duh!

I need to go back to bed and start over today!

I did hunt for fairies or Tink but couldn't find....they were everywhere when I was looking of course. Ok I am done whining for today :hug:

I am making a support for under the front porch so the house won't tip towards the verandah when Violet walks around inside!

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I totally forgot that I had to have a fireplace with my chimney! It's proving to be a royal pain. So, I got out the balsawood and made a fireplace...an hour so far, now I'm waiting on spackle to dry-the story of my life, lately. I also had to do surgery on the chimney. When I tried the roof on I discovered that the overhang is not wide enough for the chimney to stop there and then add the very top part of the chimney on the roof. So I have to cut out a piece of the roof to fit around the chimney, and make the chimney taller! Makes me want to try straw stovepipes, but I've already spent so much time on that chimney! So now I will rock the rest of the chimney and then measure how much roof I need to cut out. This thing better work or the whole house may go to the dumpster!

But wait til you see what I decided on for the roof! :violin:

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I put a pot belly with a bendy straw in my Violet house but realized last night I have no chimney pipe on the outside! I am not sure I want to stick one there now...

I forgot to get new spackle yesterday. I have serious CRS!

I want to decorate outside the house a little more but thinking if I want to do 3-d or just paint bushes on. Its just sitting there on the table next to me waiting for me to make up my mind!

Nooooooo! You can't put that in the dumpster!!!!!!!:violin:

I seemed to have gained the ability to edit my posts now...yeehaw!

I tried to reconstitute my spackle with some water, resanded and tried to get it to stick to the side of my house.....waiting for it to dry to see if it worked.

Stan used my nice CLEAN spackle knife to clean the lawnmower so I got red clay dirt mixed with it.*#%!!!

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You're kidding! Men don't have a lick of sense. I got the fireplace done and installed, and the extension glued to the chimney. I need to cut the notches out of the roof now, so I can glue the chimney on the side and finish it. But I really need to put the whole house on a board before I add that much weight to it. Probably won't get anything else done until this garage sale is over!

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ok don't fall over laughing...here is my toady house for my resident toad. I have to bury it about 2/3's down in the ground and I sunk the saucer in the ground so he can have his own private pond. I plan to sink it down to the painted door although he has to enter in the front...ribbit ( do toads say ribbit?)


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Thanks...it took me about 10 minutes to paint and I don't paint freehand very well..I sealed with acrylic spray and I am going to leave it outside on the table for a while to get the smell out. You have to put dirt on the floor of the house because toads like to make a little nest for themselves in the dirt. Its hard to find a cool place for it here but I am giving him a pond in a saucer and will place this under the plants the best I can. He is a big fellow about 3 inches wide and is blind in one eye. He comes up on my deck at night maybe to get away from preditors. More than you wanted to know I am sure :violin:

I can't picture what you did with the chimney but it sounds complicated...lol

I have a stove pipe going to nowhere!

Well its better he used my spackle knife than my silverware which he has also been known to do. He can't understand why that upsets me either...duh!

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Hi Y'all! I spent the day trying to fix my printer, buying new ink, returning the ink that was dried up because it was on the store shelf too long.......I want to make printies! They are so Kool!

I bought an Easy Cutter at ACM with my 50% off coupon! I hope it works!

I think I will finish the front step of my house now. :)

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I used my coupon this week on a new cutting mat. My old one was totally worn out and good for nothing but painting anymore. I am trying to finish the extension I added to the chimney today. I'm ready to put this little house all together!

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Wow you move FAST! I fiddled around yesterday making a kitty bed and now I am making a toy mouse for the cat! I LOVE tiny details! I keep thinking its almost done but I don't want it to be done! LOL

I want to take pictures when I get the new batteries for my camera. I didn't know rechargable batteries wear out eventually.

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Oh, it's a long way from done. But we have to add the chimney before I can paint and paper the roof and measure it for the cutouts. I just can't seem to get motivated today. I glue a few pieces of gravel on, then wait for it to dry so I can do more....slow going! I'm anxious to try the shingles and see how they're going to look, and I ought to be cutting them out!

so, lets see the mouse and cat!

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I lost patience with the dang mouse! I think too much caffine is making me shakey...lol

I had to do laundry and was trying to make microscopic ears for the silly thing! Pics soon <_<

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