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Ain't we havin' some fun now!


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Wooooooooohoooooooo!! <blazing in like a rocket and spinning around in circles> I've had a lot of fun doing different mini things, but this has got to rank up there in the top two! I've been sitting back in the studio giggling like a fool.

Wait. I should back up and start again. <deep breath> I'm putting a thatched roof on the samurai's summer house and have considered all kinds of ideas; raffia or coconut fiber being the top two.

But Carol is my guru and she told me about using fake fur. Gotta admit I was a little skeptical about that and wondered if it would make my japanese house look like it was wearing a russian hat. :lol: However, Carol has never steered me wrong and this was no exception! She sent me the instructions for the whole process and off I went to get some fake fur.

I have to confess that I didn't follow the instructions to the letter. Instead of using spray varnish, I used a liquid poly varnish and a comb. <giggling> Now you see why I've been having such fun with this. After I got the fake fur glued on, I was just happily dipping the comb into the varnish and combing it thru, singing and talking to it. All I could think of was a bad toupe and a comb-over. <cackle> It might not work for a mid-life crisis, but for a house, it rocks!!

Holly, all the time I was giggling, I kept thinking that you've gotta try this. It's messy and sticky and my hands look like they belong to sasquatch and I can't remember when I've had this much fun. It's definitely a technique you'd especially like. :lol:

Okay, having come up here and gotten fur all over the keyboard, I'm blazing back to the studio to do some touch ups.

Carol, I owe you one!!! Not only are the results exactly what I wanted, but it was simple, easy and soooooooo much fun!

Wooooooohooooooooooooooo! <blazing back off to the studio>


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So this ranks in the top 2? Do I want to know what the other one is? Prolly not I'm guessing. :lol:

BTW, can't wait to see pics of your house with the wig, I know Marg wants to thatch at least one of her houses, and your approach is something you could use indoor without without something psychedelic happening.

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Holly, all the time I was giggling, I kept thinking that you've gotta try this. It's messy and sticky and my hands look like they belong to sasquatch and I can't remember when I've had this much fun. It's definitely a technique you'd especially like.

I had read about using the fake fur. Definitely for the Japanese thatching I can "see" it. What are you going to use for the roof peak?

The only thatching technique I've seen that didn't look like fun was one that used a highly grained wood with lots of contrast.

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That's right Deb - tease us with your excitement but don't show us any photos :lol: I can almost see you in your work shop cackling over our anticipation - withholding those precious photos until the time is right, letting out the ever sinister mwahahahah! you meanie :(

You know i"m going to be chomping at the bit to see what this looks like - I've never heard of this method but I've been thinking about thatching for a long time and been putting it off for a long time - and before you ask - No - there isn't anything I don't put off for a long time heheheh :lol: I have to think about things before I attack them. :lol:

Ok everyone I think we need the chant here:

"Photos - Photos - Photos" <clicking heels 3 times> "Photos-Photos-Photos"



P.S. - sorry about the silliness it's early and I'm still on my first cup of coffee.

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I had read this thread a few minutes ago and sat here giggling at a bad hair day for a house idea and shared it with my dh who also was laughing and I just had to add that I am looking forward to pictures too! :lol:

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I concur ! pictures please.

I tried this method, with my first cobweb cottage, sounds like yours is going well and you have a good method ! i have to say i gave up on mine, I put the fur fabric on first (stuck it on the roof in one piece (think that was my mistake) didn't take my time with it, rushed it cos I wanted it done, saying that the house sat there with a furry top for a long time, once i started to try and stiffen it, thats the bit i rushed. it still seemed to look like fluff to me when it was done, it sounds good you using the varnish, I used watered down pva, didn't like the look of it, was going to paint it in varying shades of brown with green for moss and mildew bits, but i threw the house out in the end. i am sure it would have looked ok once i'd finished it, also got fed up and anly did one side tee heee !! what a disater I am

I am sure yours will go way better than mine, did so don't let me put a downer on it !!

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Deb: I can just picture you sitting there with varnish dripping from your fingers with little tuffs of fur sticking from nail to elbow with comb semi glued to your hand giggliing like a maniac. LOL A picture of this would really be worth a thousand. So get DH to get your picture while petting/combing/dripping and share that one with us. :lol:

But Carol is my guru and she told me about using fake fur. Gotta admit I was a little skeptical about that and wondered if it would make my japanese house look like it was wearing a russian hat. :lol: However, Carol has never steered me wrong and this was no exception! She sent me the instructions for the whole process and off I went to get some fake fur.

Carol (Irishmist) is really good with suggestions, She was my secret pal and sent me instruction books and idea pages along with some great minis she made. You're right she won't steer you wrong.

Please post pixs very soon, or we may become a mob.

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<cackle> Ya'll are just bad. :lol: :lol: :( Put down the pitchforks and torches and I'll give up the pictures. Honest, I didn't mean to tease, I just hadn't taken any pictures of it yet, but I was havin' so much fun, I had to tell you about it.

Let's see--the first most fun was when I made the four poster bed. That just had me happy-dancing all thru the house. Holly, you're right, it's the Derek Rowbottom technique. I didn't follow the instructions completely, but it sure got me started in the right direction. Carol, stop blushing dear. The praise is well deserved. You're a wonderful mini-mentor to me. And David, take off the red shoes and give 'em back to my sister. Just coz a house fell on her doesn't mean she has to give up her fashion accessories. <cackle>

Anyway, here's the pics of the house toupe. I need trim up the edges just a bit and "spike" them with some more varnish, but overall, I really like the way it's working out.



I'm debating adding beams across the top and a couple of rocks here and there for an authentic look, but that'll be further along after I get the rest of the exterior completed and can see if it wants it or not.


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now I like that!

does it look as good in person as it does in photos?

what a great idea!

Ill definatly have to keep that in mind!

I definatly want a thatched roof on my astor cottage....when I get to do one.

I am so excited to see this house comming to life!

what a great job!

nutti :lol:

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Okay now I'm only posting what we've all been thinking. You know you have.

What would the house have looked like with dreadlocks?

Think of it:

Welcome to mah Samurah cottage mahn. Put away youh sword mahn, and light one up.

See, it works. Course it'd need a wool hat on the top as well as the dreads.

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Yes - agree - pictures

but you talk to a piece of fur covered in varnish???

Perhaps you should talk to someone. (real I mean)



ROTFL!! I talk to a lot stranger things than varnish covered fur. Bruce says that it's just best to smile, nod and avoid direct eye contact when I do that. :lol:

It seemed natural to talk to it at the time. I was telling it normal things like, "just a little off the top here" and "maybe if we put the part on this side and teased up this end just a bit". <giggling> You try putting fur on a house and start combing it and see if you don't talk to it too. :( :lol: :lol:

Oh my Goodness!!! Deb, it is completely Gorgeous!! I LOVE it! I can't belive this is the Coventry Cottage!! You are doing EXCELLENT dear!

Thank you Tracy. That means a lot to me. :lol:

now I like that!

does it look as good in person as it does in photos?

what a great idea!

Ill definatly have to keep that in mind!

I definatly want a thatched roof on my astor cottage....when I get to do one.

nutti :lol:

I don't mean to sound like I'm boasting, but yes, it does look better in person. I'm not a photographer and the pics don't do justice to the texturing of the thatching. That technique is just really fantastic. I got raffia in case I wanted to use it instead, but the scale just didn't seem right. The thing I like best about the look of the fur is that it really does look true to scale. I was afraid it would be bulky and fuzzy, but once the comb-thru was done, the teeth marks make it look like individual fibers. I sincerely recommend the technique. Besides, it's as much fun as you can have with a comb!

<picking up Peggi's pitchfork and Linda's axe and tossing them in the closet> <muttering about not wanting to leave those sharp, pointy things out around this group> ;) Thanks guys! It really is a whole lot of fun!


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