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not so GL Haunted house


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Now that baby's taken her house out of the play scene she's agreed I can convert this "Haunted house" into a play house.

Thing is the rooms are alltiny.

Looks like I need to make a whole lot of perhaps 1/15 furniture to make it fit better whilst still being in the 1/12 scale park

Also going to have trouble with a power supply as the house is mounted on a lazy Suzan so the cord could get twisted if they turn it around to many times without thinking about the power cord. Could put a rechargeable 12v battery in the attic. Even a small gell cell would run the lights for hours.

Any suggestions of pictures of well done smaller houses like this that can be played with. i.e. not too crowded?






Excuse the stickers on the end. She was much younger then. lol

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If it's haunted, it may well be abandoned with much of the original furniture missing. Maybe bath fixtures, small table with one chair, one lounge chair, twin bed & nightstand, trunk instead of bedroom dresser?

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My spacial abilities aren't the most accurate, but to me this house looks in line with all of the other GL 1:12 scale cottages. I don't think the furniture pieces in standard size will be a problem, especially in a haunted house where things are supposed to look a bit off.

I think the house is nicely decorated with the stickers, so right now, it looks like a spring cottage. Out of curiosity, what is your fall season like. I was always fascinated by the fact that seaons in the Northern and Southern hemispheres are reverse.

Do they celebrate Halloween in New Zealand? For once I would like to experience Halloween in the Spring, Christmas in Summer, and Easter in the fall. I am trying to picture Easter eggs on top of falling leaves.

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At some of the English miniature sites, they sell 1:16 scale ready made furniture and dolls if you wanted to go that route. You could convert it to 1:24 and make it a castle with vaulted or super high ceilings or add another level. Just thought I'd muddy up the waters at bit 'ya know.

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Yes the cottage was built as a summer cottage. Baby was to young for a haunted house when we got it. Trying to surround her with happiness etc etc.

The rooms are tiny compared to the other house which has scale floor space and 2.8 m studs instead of 2.4.

Lets just drop the word haunted from now on.

Yes I'll just populate it sparsely. Still determined to power it though. I just feel it brings a house to life.

There's a three candle crystal chandelier in the big house which is to be swapped for another 5 candle so that could go in but might be a bit ott . And the misses could have a heart attack.

Theoretically the human eyes can't pick a difference until the difference is about 20 % so if i made 10% -15%under size furniture no one should ever notice. I'll try it next week and see if anyone can tell in the photo.

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" I am trying to picture Easter eggs on top of falling leaves"Maureen, given that eggs are delivered by rabbits, something of an inigma in itself,how might they get them onto leaves ?LOL ' however having said that I hide our eggs in the bush at night including in the trees and Kavita and her friends hunt them down with little torches at night to make it a bit more exciting .

its nice.

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Silly Glen... Wait for it.... The Easter Bunny LAYS the eggs on the leaves of course! Running for cover now!

Seriously though. I like the idea of the Easter egg hunt at night with tiny torches. I'll bet that it looks like fireflys dancing through the bush!

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Once again, perfectly good conversation ruined. Neither of you passed bio right?

Rabbits and eggs??

They're not dinosaurs or monotremes.

And if the rabbit passes jelly beans still no answer to the EGG on a leaf problem is there.

What will happen to a leaf with something the size of a rabbit on it. not exactly the weight of a butterfly are they.

Please girls, take your meds. :D

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LOL. Glen, you have to be logical. The leaves have already fallen to the ground. Rabbits like to nestlé down in the leaves to make a nest... The leaves are non supporting, just comfortable. Thus the bunnies can lay on the leaves.

OK. That's my explanation. You will have to get the jelly bean explanation from Debra... I don't believe that one either!

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Now, really, have you folks not read the book that our dear havanaholly instructed us all to read about the Easter bunny? (The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes)

My heavens, people, did you not know that the Easter bunny has golden shoes, beat out all the snobby aristocratic bunnies and all the "manly" Jack rabbits for the honored position, and has 21 children who take care of themselves perfectly. The golden shoes make Mrs. Easter bunny able to do anything. Everything is possible - she even climbs snow capped mountains and safely delivers the eggs !!!! (there's a pun there somewhere - I'll leave you to figure out that one!)

Seriously Glen, we are truly sane some of the time. But mostly we love having fun with other folks who love having fun. It's way too tempting to tease with you. We just can't stop ourselves.

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What is it with us silly folks? :rudolph:

I just love it when we get all clever and punny and all such manner of foolishness. :rofl:

It's such a relief from real life.

:wub: I love it that we can come here and get both serious answers and opinions :book: and just have a blast at the same time. :juggle:

:cheer: Hurray for GL !!!! :woohoo:

:groupwave: We rock !!!! :carrot::cucumber:

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we watched "Hop" about the Easter bunny.

Sorry girls,

I haven't seen it but "Hop", no doubt, it is a National Geographic documentary on Rabbits probably narrated by David Attenborough and therefore I'll concede and capitulate to your superior knowledge.

I eat humble pie.

My apologies.

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I'd find out what dollhouse rooms she plays in the most. My daughter loves putting people to bed :), she's also obsessed with chairs. If you know what captures her attention, you can leave out some of the other stuff. For me it's fireplaces, I love them! :D

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No, not at all but OMG see the way they have put some onto a stone base. How cool is that????? I want to try it but the house is already mounted.


Vines growing up the rock face. I wish I could do that sort of thing.

Sometimes you look at what other people have done and feel quite inadequate.


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