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December 2006 Swap Sign Up


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Vote for Nutti to be IN. ;) One more can't hurt!!! PLEASE LINDA??? :D:)

Can't vote until the close of the registration happens. What happens if 20 more people sign up to be on the waiting list, and then we've already voted to let one person in? Obviously we would have to let the other 20 in too.

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I second that motion!!! :)

Everyone, I know that we ALL want EVERYONE who wants to be able to play to be allowed to play. However, for the many of you have been in swaps before (and for those who haven't), when something has come up, like someone wants to be in the swap after the deadline, or there's some sort of question that needs an answer, the process is that a private poll is taken of ALL members who are participating in the swaps. In order to make a change in any swap, a UNANIMOUS vote has to occur. Because our limit is set at 15 for a regular swap, and 20 for a holiday swap (it used to be 10 for a regular and 15 for a holiday but a majority vote changed that), we are limited to 20 members for this swap.

Because these swap items are going to be small, we all discussed placing persons who wanted to participate but didn't make the signup on a "waiting list" (could somebody look that up in a dictionary and define it for me--I'm curious) so that we could decide at a later date if we could let more persons into the swap. Signup for this swap has not yet ended. When it has ended, either Cat or I will poll all members who are participating on whether or not we can handle more persons in the swap, and a unanimous vote will make the decision.

OK? Sound fair?

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yup sounds fair to me

I was only whinning :lol: dont pay no attention to me really

just call me the WHAAAAAAM-bulance and Ill be fine! :lol: :zip:

nutti :D

LOL! I know Nutti, and patience is DEFINITELY not my strong point! I want things NOW!

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Karma stinks!

I was way finished early with the Medieval swap cause I had a great idea. Now I am in on this swap and I have come up short..LOL

I have plenty of time to work out the kinks in my brain to finally come up with an idea. I have my supplies already so I guess that counts..

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Can I just say DUH... :thumb:

Just how bad is my math... I'm thinking in my head (while making the ---beep---) that if I make four of each, it'll be 20.

Yeah...counting when baked..I get 16.

What the heeeyyyyyy...


I forgot to make ---beep--- for my ---beep--- ---beep--- :D :thumb: :welcome:

Now I have to get out the ---beep--- again.

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Can I just say DUH... :wub:

Just how bad is my math... I'm thinking in my head (while making the ---beep---) that if I make four of each, it'll be 20.

Yeah...counting when baked..I get 16.

What the heeeyyyyyy...


I forgot to make ---beep--- for my ---beep--- ---beep--- :) :wub: :)

Now I have to get out the ---beep--- again.


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Susanna, too funny! Your post is like watching an X-rated movie! :)

I've finally started on my items, but am still waiting for the --beeps-- to arrive via mail. Hopefully today! :)

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I'm glad to hear people starting so early - it's keeping me on the ball... I'll be on vacation at the end of November so I have to have these guys shipped mid-November - which is going against every procrastinator grain in my body!!! ACK! :)

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Well, I kind of started. I know what I am making, I have my supplies, but there has been so much going on at home that I haven't started making the actual swap items. Can't do it this weekend, I'll be wayyyyy to busy at the Philadelphia Miniatura show. I'll ge them out on time though. I promise! :thumb:

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Mine are all done too :thumb:

I just have one question to Linda:

Will $5 be enough to cover international postage or do you need an additional $5?

Dunno. Can you PM me your address so that I can find out what the shipping rates are to you?

Don't send them out too early guys. We still have to vote on Nutti and someone may still drop out.

Swaps should not be sent to the HUB prior to the deadline to withdraw date. Unless there are extinuating circumstances.

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We still have to vote on Nutti

I have decided I must stick to the no swaps until further notice rule imposed on myself before I jumped into the last few swaps!

I gotta quit over extending myself and I have 3 houses I want and need to do before Christmas.

so please I bow out!

I dont wanna play wif yall no hows :D

Thanksgiving in 3 weeks...do you know how much cooking I got.


nutti :w00t: :doh:

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