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December 2006 Swap Sign Up


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SusannaT - DeKuyper makes schnapps in "pucker" flavors ... apple, watermelon, etc.

Review of the Apple Pucker

I hadn't heard about it either. Had to google it! The review says it tastes like Jolly Rancher candy. That's a bit off-putting for me, but it seems to be awfully popular around here! :D

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Okay Everyone needs some more Pucker..

Sorry Linda...I was frustrated at the sewing machine (darts,ruffles, lace) plus needed to get my swap supplies and saw green apple pucker...

I think I better break out the strawberry schnapps!

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Linda I need to mail the midevil swap to Nutti. I have it done it just does not seem finished. I need to add something I think. Why is it I can never focus on what needs to be done only what doesn't?

I think that ship out date is October 25, isn't it?

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i was so excited to get in on this swap that i spent most of last evening crafting away. thinking i was making fantastic progress i sat back, glass of Midori in hand (it's green like Pucker, it counts) and realized that i had only made 19 little _____s. doh! so close, yet so far!

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umm yes I wouldnt mind being on a waiting list??

for a different group or what am I waiting on?

but I can tell you if its 20 peeps I gotta go do more shopping

awe poor me :)

umm you will let me know in plenty of time that I get to play also...yes?

you know I need plenty of time to procrastinate before doing and sending

nutti :) :woot:

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you know I need plenty of time to procrastinate before doing and sending

nutti :lol: :woot:

:roflmao lol!!!! :roflmao

I'm glad to see that I'm not the ONLY procrastinator on here. teehee! I am definitely the queen of procrastinators, I think. I always have good intentions, but like ShakyShaky said, I focus on things that DOESN'T need to be done right away, rather than ones that are pressing down on me. ack! :D

I think I'm probably the last one to finish the October swap. I'm still frantically in progress to finish that one! What I wanted to do for it originally, I can't do now since I've run out of time! So had to switch ideas a couple days ago.

I SWEAR I won't do that though for THIS swap!!! :innocent:

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:roflmao lol!!!! :roflmao

like ShakyShaky said, I focus on things that DOESN'T need to be done right away, rather than ones that are pressing down on me. ack! :)

I think I'm probably the last one to finish the October swap.

Nope. I've still got two to do... I've started on them, and will hopefully finish them tomorrow. Maybe. Depends on this ugly headache that I picked up from the repeated drastic weather changes.

Danged snowball forecasters.

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I've been making some...ummm...goodies today.

They look good enough to eat, even if I do say so myself..heheee..

Linda, is it ok to make umm..things... with different...toppings? So not all are alike? I'm thinking of four varieties. Same thing, just different..taste...

Man it is hard to speak 007 lingo...

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Linda, is it ok to make umm..things... with different...toppings? So not all are alike? I'm thinking of four varieties. Same thing, just different..taste...

Man it is hard to speak 007 lingo...

YUP! It's OK to make different toppings. BTW, you speak 007 lingo quite well!

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I got mine finished tonight! Woohooo! Since I've never done a swap before, I'm a little nervous that it's going to be suitable. But it sure was fun to do them and they sure are cute lined up like 20 little twins. And now, for some reason, I'm hungry. :tongue4:


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heheheheeheheehee I can't even pronounce that, let alone spell it. How about "clones"? Or just "holy cow, that's a lot of 'em!!"


HOly cow works for me! ... can't wait to get started on mine. I think I have everything ready to go this weekend. :banana:

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am I the only one on the waiting list?

coz if I am I sure would like to be in this swap

I already have most of my supplies...didnt count on 20 for some weird reason...so I may have to get more.

I wanna plaaaaaayyyyy :D ;) ;)

nutti :banana:

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Started on mine yesterday....I can't believe some of you are almost done! My mouth was watering reading some of these posts :whistle: Looking forward to this one :teehee: :)

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