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Greenleaf's Sixth Annual Spring Fling Contest

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You could always put doors on the hutch. Two doors vs. multiple accessories ... :hmm:

That's a good idea...there are already doors on it, but they have "glass" fronts...but I could put a piece of gathered material behind them.

However, I'm reading this great idea this morning, after I already spent yesterday making books to go behind the doors. Between the books I made and the couple of gewgaws I stole from other houses, I'm all set.

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This is crazy. I did so much work the first few weeks I thought maybe I could finish. I'm not so sure now. Yep. More left to do than I thought. As for the hutch with nothing to put on the shelves........boy does that sound familiar :) Mine is getting patterned wallpaper against the back.

Ok, so big question here. I thought the instructions for submission were in my kit and they aren't. Don't we submit three photos to a specific email address? If so, anyone wanna share the info?

Oh......and me too on the 'I love my entry'. I thought I loved last years entry best. All 4' long of it. This year...at 21" x 15" for the base, I can lift it all by my own self :) Now there's a reason to love this one best. I wonder how many people did the 'thing' I did to make mine different. I can't wait to see.

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Morgan, check the very first page of this thread for the full info, but here's the short version of what you were looking for :)

"Submit your 3 BEST pictures to thewinner@greenleafdollhouses.com by Labor Day, September 3, 2012, with the words in the subject line "I'm a winner". You can include a short description of your project. If you are a member of the Greenleaf Miniature Community, please include your forum name."

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Know what you mean Keli - me too. We get to do it twice too - first time on Monday when the competition closes and everyone opens their spring fling albums and second time when the results are out and we see all the entries from non forum members too.

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Gosh girls... You are all so fast. I'm hoping for miracles to be able to finish mine...

Marie-Louise, I am right there with you. We started school yesterday here, (we homeschool/ cyber school) and it was quite the day. So, no mini-ing yesterday. :badmood: Still hoping to go to the end!! We can do this, we can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana:

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Marie-Louise, I am right there with you. We started school yesterday here, (we homeschool/ cyber school) and it was quite the day. So, no mini-ing yesterday. :badmood: Still hoping to go to the end!! We can do this, we can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana:

Oh Yes, We Can!

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Finished Sunday night then on to photos yesterday. For those still struggeling picture this... pole lamp is on a chair for lighting The Scene........ now that should put a smile on your face and get you going just a tad faster. :happydance: .. I really can't believe I have a pole lamp on a chair. Will get a photo of that for album.

((hugs)) and blessings to all

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Just re-read Debs photography tips (a mistake after you have actually submitted your pictures methinks) and realised that I have done after all what she said NOT to do with one of the pics - taken it from above looking down. Aww well, what's done is done.

Roll on Monday - nothing planned for Monday so I can create my own album and drool over everyone else's. You just know you are going to be saying - wow - why didn't I think of that - oh wow - all morning. :Jumpy: :Jumpy: :Jumpy:

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I put the final touches and touch-ups on last night. The forecast is sunny skies all day and I'm just waiting for the rays to pop into my garden. I figure another cup of coffee and it'll be photo time :)

Looks like lots of very pretty sneak peeks are trickling in! I'm thinking there will be more entries this year than last, so maybe the more affordable kit worked out as they planned? Of course, more entries will make for harder judging, but I wouldn't exactly call that a curse.

I'm off to move a toddler playhouse about 15 feet, thinking that wouldn't be the best backdrop for my photos :lol:

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