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Shout out to Beacon Hill builders!


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I'm going by the hobby shops later to day and look through scrapbooking papers. I mostly use those for wallpaper. I need to find an additional houseworks stairway, so I'm going to see what coupons are around for A C Moore and Hobby Lobby.

I'm off from work today, so I'm planning to play in the BH.

off the subject, but Miniature Collector magazine might feature a photo of the big library house I restored in their next issue. I'm really excited and our PR dept at work is trying to find a high resolution shot to send in. The editor wants it for the Aug 09 printing. Keep your fingers crossed!

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Right on Gayle! I hope that works out! I love the library house you did,its so cool,dont know how you keep the children from wrecking it though.

I went to Joanns yesterday and found some really neat maroon velvet scrapbook paper,not for the BH,but possibly for my Haunted House.

Im working on the second floor bedroom today,which may become a library,only because I have a really neat large HOM bookcase and this is the only room it looks good in.

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thankfully the big house is in a large plexi case. It takes two burly security guys to lift it off for me to get in there and rearrange stuff. There are always lot's of little hand and nose prints on the glass. I love going down there and seeing big and small library patrons staring through the glass at the the house. It was so worth the splinters and cussing to get it to this point!!

Didn't get out to do any errands except groceries. Had the terrible news from our credit card fraud office office that one of our cards has been on a shopping spree in a WalMart in CA. WE weren't with the card for this 'vacation' so the company blocked the transactions and contacted us. Scary times, folks!

Once I calm down I'm planning to work on the stairs in the BH. I have a Houseworks stairway to use downstairs to second floor, but to save money I'm going to use the full GL stair pieces to do the second floor to third. Since I have changed the layout of the stairs completely, this will be a bit of a jigsaw puzzle.

I've started going through my 'extra' furnishings and found a nice full bathroom set to use. I also have a single sleigh bed and a double one for the bedrooms. No kitchen stuff other than a sink and table. Otherwise, I think I have plenty of furniture to fill it. NOW, just got to get to the 'filling' stage!

I'm still kicking around the idea of extending a bay up to the second floor bedroom. I need your thoughts on this. I really only want ONE bay up. How would you vote? Would you extend the front bay up or the side one? The front is larger and would give a bit more room, but maybe the side one would look less clunky. The mansard roof line above will be in the equation.

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Sorry about your credit card troubles Gayle,I dont understand how that happens if someone doesnt physically have the card.

Anyways, about the bays,my 2 cents is that extending the side bay (although it may look better in the long run)wouldnt give you much more room...so,is it worth it? I think esthetically it would look good to extend both of them for consistency in form.

I spent the day taking the wood floor in the big bedroom from black to light grey to dark grey to a brownish greyish,it actually looks pretty good,but I had strong moments of self doubt. Now Im working on the windows in that room. I think Ive decided to do a Womans bedroom (the big one) and a Mans bedroom (which would be the attic bedroom above). Still like the idea of the library but this room is becoming a bit too feminine for that.

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Jackie,are you referring to the actual stairs,or the walls around the stairs? The stairs I just painted with a wine/brown color,then put the stair runner on, its a strip of fabric I tea/coffee stained,then starched the bejeezus out of it,used ironed in hem tape to finish the edges off and glued it down as tight as I could. The walls are paperclay plaster. Thanks for the compliment,I was weeks on those stairs off and on.

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I think I would side with Karin and say that if you're going to change 1 bay, you should change both.... I was trying to figure out what it would look like...would it kind of look like the long bays on the front of the Emerson row ?? I think that would give it a really great look! I couldn't find pics of you BH in your gallery--do you already have the lower bays completed? It seems that to not interfer with the roof, maybe the windows might need to be slightly shorter? (not sure I'm thinking right,though )

Not sure if I said this before, but I've hear some say the kitchen is too small-- it's really easy to extend the kitchen on the side with the windows--I added about 2 inches and everything fits much better... and it's not too difficult to fix the "bay" roof over those windows either...

There's definately some interesting ways to bash the BH :)

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I'm thinking the common consensus is right...both bays or no bays. Still at that crossroads for choosing. I sometimes jump on changes for change sake rather than what makes sense and looks good. I'll gnaw on it for awhile. Thank you so much for your ideas!

I have decided the flooring will be red oak.

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wish I had the option with my hair, but its unruly and flies in all directions with our humidity. Wish I could do a romantic little twist and secure it on top the noggin. Not gonna happen!

BH is still under scrutiny and indecision. I think the stairs are settled now.

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Well, I didn't work on the BH today...I had wanted to, but the time just flew by today! My girls had friends over...so I was a little distracted...Oh well, tomorrow's another day :)

I like the idea of red oak for the stairs!!

Oh yeah, almost forgot...in the last 2 days, I did finish my micro BH...didn't turn out as nice as I had hoped...but good enough for pictures I think,lol.

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I'm going by the hobby shops later to day and look through scrapbooking papers. I mostly use those for wallpaper.

How do you install the scrapbook papers, do you have to spray a fixative on it so the ink doesn't run? What glue do you use, does it seep through the paper at all?


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I've never actually used scrap book paper--never found a pattern small enough to "work" how I wanted it too--or in the color I needed...I've got to check Michaels though....

I have printed out some of the free printies too--a couple of light coats of clear spray over them, and I used glue stick to attach them to cardstock, then glued that to the walls of my S. Fling...as long as your printer ink is at a good level, I got great colors....I like that option!

I have used fabric though...when Walmart had their fabric dept., I found some great paisleys that I used in the stairways of my BH--I glued them to cardstock--really thin layer of tacky glue, and then double face taped them to the walls--it's been 2 yrs and they seem to be wearing well...I really like the look!

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Great idea about the fabric! I would've never thought of that. I have a ton of fabric that I've saved over the years to use for my mini houses, so alot of small scale patterns and florals that I could use for curtains or quilts. Now I could also consider using them for walls! One house I did, I painted a mural on a wall and also did a mural across the homemade cabinets, which could be another option!

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I really like your bricking techique! Bet it took awhile though. It's a really interesting ( I mean that in a good way :) look for the BH, I was wondering what it would look like in brick --very cool!

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Ok, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my color scheme for my windows...but when I dry fitted them, I thought that the window sash and the trim being white was too much white and didn't look right with the shutters..which I'm 99% sure I want to keep that way....

Anyhow, I was wondering if you could click this link to my gallery (I can't get vista to resize these--I downloaded a program on my other computers, better get it for this one too)


the 2nd picture in the gallery is an example with a light gray outer trim....I think I like this one best...the next picture, is with a darker charcoal gray--it really needs another coat because it looks a little brown---but I don't think I like this as much, even though it looks pretty neat on the roof of my micro BH. The next picture is just white sash--although it's missing the outer trim, I think you can get the idea...

Do you think the light gray or dark gray is better? Like I said, the roof on this BH will be colorwashed shades of darker gray, and the bay roofs will probably be black sandpaper...if it looks right, otherwise, they'll be a gray color--either dark or light--pretty much whatever I pick for the outer trim... (confusing, huh?)lol

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I'm 3 years and counting on my BH. Life keeps happening, and causing me to take long breaks.

Last weekend I stained my kitchen window pieces, and now just have to seal them. I already fitted and sanded, so it hopefully shouldn't take too long to put in. My shell is put together, and most windows are in. Haven't started the dormers though. I also have to re-do some wallpaper in the main hall, and then put my ceiling paper on. After that, it is floors, molding and door frames. Then I'm on to shingles and siding. Once this is done, the house will be in a "usable" condition, and I can fine tune from there.

I know I'll have major touch ups when I'm done. The double window has a gap underneath, and some of my roof trim doesn't go all the way down to where it should. My bathroom wallpaper is bubbly up in the corner, and I'm not sure whether I should rip it down, or just buy a hanging plant for the corner in order to disguise it. I also noticed the other day that my dining room ceiling paper is all scuffed up. Argh! The Primrose kit is next, and that should hopefully be a piece of cake after this project.


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