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I bought this house from micheals


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She has a full body and it' s all rubber-the only thing I could do is put her on stilts! A teacher's store really is where they go to buy posters, art supplies, manipulatives all those cool things you see in classrooms. You didn't actually think the school bought them, did you? :banana: Teachers spend a fortune on that stuff, because the schools can't afford it and they want the kids to have it. I quit teaching kindergarten nearly 20 yrs ago and remember totalling up about $1500 a year worth of supplies, for tax purposes.

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Teacher supply stores are great fun! We found one in WI when we were there and I got a family set of 1" scale rubber dolls over wire armatures so make them poseable and gave them to the little girl I was tutoring in the HOSTS program for Christmas. I didn't have time to make her a house, I was building the Glencroft pub for the Building Team blog at the time. At the end of the school year she asked me if I thought she should make them a house and I suggested old boxes, and her smile was blinding!

They're also great for craft supplies.

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Oh, I know teachers have to buy things - but teachers here buy from regular stores. There was even a school librarian buying books at the local library booksale, for the school library! (At least, I haven't heard of a "teacher's" store in Canada.)

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Oh, I bought things the cheapest place, even at garage sales for toys for my class! But teacher's stores are popular down here, for Sunday school teachers, home schoolers, lots of folks go there even to get cute character cutouts to decorate their kids' rooms.

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I discovered a Christian teachers supply store here that has TONS of small stuff....many possibilities for minis!

I got another covered cook pot eraser last night at AC Moore that should work in the kitchen. They are going fast!

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Roxxie, I wish I could find some of those erasers like you are. The only usable one they had here was the pizza, which I love. But I'd sure like to find the others! There is a Christian book store that carries a lot of teacher supplies here, maybe I can get over there one day.

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I PM'd you about the erasers. They are cute and cheap. I am thinking how I will decorate my kitchen. I don't know if I want it old fashioned or modern. I may make all the pieces myself due to my budget. lol

I tried to put a corregated roof on my 1/4 inch house yesterday but I am not happy with the results. Being a perfectionist is not good sometimes. :p

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I found some scrapbook corregated paper which had really tiny ridges...I just can't get it to look smooth around the small gable in the front. I might have to add some moss or something to camoflage it...I am learning from the Masters here! :p !

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I get it! :jawdrop:

Working on finishing up my 50's shop. It needs some details and I still haven't put my people in it so it looks empty to me. I used some cutouts for now but I would like a doll or two I just don't know where to find them.

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Thanks, I'm not real happy with it, but it's a toy, so maybe she will enjoy it. I think I'm just tired of the puzzle houses, since you are so limited with what you can do with them. I'm working on the Storybook floor right now and having a blast. I designed an unusual pattern for the floor and have the border of it done. Now I'm working on the center and still trying to figure out how to do the bay. I want it on the diagonal like a sunburst, but still not real sure about how to do it! I think I will just glue down some squares of skinny sticks and cut the design out like making a quilt. Should be interesting!

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I agree that your thatch job is outstanding. It may be "just a toy" but it turned into a little jewel under your fingers, and look at all the neat techniques you've learned that you can use on your other houses!

...I will just glue down some squares of skinny sticks and cut the design out like making a quilt...
That sounds like an excellent idea! You can design your sunburst like intarsia, and use different colors of stain for contrast.
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I don't think I want the different colors, just the design. Thing is that by the time I get all the junk in the shop, you won't even see the floor! But I can't just keep gluing down skinny sticks..the fun is in trying new ideas out! I'm going to shingle this house on the exterior, I think. Roy has all the paper thin shingles that came with his Pierce and I have the ones for the Storybook, those ought to be enough to cover such a small house...I hope!

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I love the Dwarf house Sherry! I know you see all the little things that you don't like but I think its great!

Its amazing what you did with that little puzzle! Your landscaping is so creative and cute! I am going to your gallery and check out the inside! It may be just a toy but you would never know it! :hmm:

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Sherry, I love your Dwarf house! So creative.

I finally started my puzzle house. I'm doing the one that looks like the Arthur. I was surprised by the quality of the wood... expected it to be junkier, but it's pretty nice!

I spent about an hour today cutting out window/door holes. I am replacing the windows with the Georgian styrene windows Miniatures.com carries (I have some from another project that I never ended up doing). I'm also adding a bay window to one of the first floor side walls but I'm going to wait until the man of the house gets home to help me cut that out with one of his power tools. I couldn't find my sharp utility knife and was using an old dull one and I think I pulled about fifteen different muscles...

For the front door I'm using the Houseworks Palladian door... I went over to the local mini shop planning to buy a simple door for only a few bucks but they didn't have what I wanted, and I really liked the idea of a door with a rounded top since that's what the house had originally and what the 1:12 Arthur has as well. So I splurged and bought it (cost more than the house kit itself!) I'm also planning to add siding. I think it's going to be quick to put together and cute when it's done.

Not too interesting to look at at the moment, but if I can find the camera I'll take a picture of the door and windows for you guys to see.

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