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I bought this house from micheals


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The Tinkerbell I found is actually a pot hanger like the troll on my other house, smaller than the ones you're talking about, and works very well. But they also have some smaller ones at target, only they are stuck inside flowers, I think.

I just checked on my order from HBS and they won't even mail it until the 14th! I am so anxious to get it and see how it works in my house!!

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I glued the windowpanes in with good Ol Tacky glue...worked like a charm. Moving onto floors.

Geeze my HSB order came in 4 days. Now I found printie floors and wallpaper I didn't need to order some of it.

Oh well I am sure I will use it in Orchid.

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Still making plans in my head...looking at the hbs catalog and jotting down ideas when they come to me. I am thinking a seaside, shabby chic kind of decor from my own house and my time living on the shore in Jersey.

Well my own house VERY loosely shabby chic...I got the shabby part not sure about the chic :jawdrop:

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Hi to all my puzzle house friends! As much as I am enjoying this thread, I think it is time for me to take a break from the forum. Everyone take care and post pictures I'll still check those!!

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Well, I'm currently stuck waiting to prime. I've no place to paint the primer on except outside on the uncovered deck- and it's been wet and rainy the last couple days.

Should I prime both sides at the same time? How do I manage that - leave one corner unprimed to hold it (and maybe set it down on), then prime it once the rest is dry?

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I prime one side and lay it FLAT to dry, then turn it over and do the second side.

Oh terrific! That's so much easier then what I was thinking! And I have space to lay some of the stuff out, too, provided it's dried out outside and not gusting up between the apartments. Just means no late evening work LOL Our porch hits the 100's on even mid-80 degree days, so the drying isn't an issue then.

I'll just have to wait for it dry out outside, and then get my enthusiasm for pretty much anything at all back. Soon, I hope.

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Hi All!

I have been busy decorating the inside of my Puzzle house before I glue it together. I was trying to get that front

peak part on the second floor ( two room model) to work. It fit together perfectly when I dry fitted and now it doesn't...dollhouse elves messing with me again? lol

I lopped off the tabs to they don't stick through the inside of the roof so I hope I can get it to hold tight with just glue!

Yesterday I cut up pieces of some of the puzzle furniture to use to make new things...interesting we will see if it all works. Pictures soon I promise! :)

PS the old problem of half scale...where to find people for my house! I need teenagers! When's the last time you heard anyone say that they needed teenagers? :)

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This is not about my puzzle house, but I need some opinions, and this is the only thread where I feel like I can post without starting a fight! Please take a look at the farmhouse album, and you'll see what I need help with-stair runner, coffee table, other really 'important' stuff! Thanks so much to all of you!

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Just did a dry fit on my puzzle house - went together pretty well except for the chimney. I needed at least one extra hand for that! Now to take it apart, sand gently, and thinkng hard about just what I want to do with this little house.... :unsure: But whatever, I'll have to finish/decorate the inside before putting it all together, since it is completely enclosed. Oh, the planning involved....

Is this sad, or what?? :oops: (anyone else save all the little bits and pieces left after you've punched the thing out?)


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There are some cool pieces left over, though! Nice rectangles from the stairs I didn't use, long thin pieces for the corners I didn't use, some good pieces from the windows! It would be a crime to throw them away!

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Sherry, I looked at your album. Have you thought about maybe changing the stairrunner for something less shiny and maybe a color that goes better with the green checks of the livingroom upholstery and the colors in the nursery (you could even use different colors for the different stairs). You can probably make a nice coffee table, look at pictures of RL ones to figure out the "look" you want and how you might make the parts,like mini cabriole legs and how you want the table top to look.

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The color of the runner is exactly a match to the blue in the wallpaper, and I looked at every piece of fabric and ribbon in town before I chose it. It stays! I will just introduce more blue with the curtains and new cover for the rocker. It looks good in person, but sure doesn't in a photo.

As for a coffee table, I have already started one, but don't have the right size dowels for the legs, so will have to run to Hobby Lobby.

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It sure does contrast in the picture on my monitor. To calm the shiny, take just a drop or two of white & blue acrylic paint in water to make a very dilute wash and try brushing it on a scrap of the runner ribbon to see if it's the look you want.

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anyone else save all the little bits and pieces left after you've punched the thing out?

When I first started here, I saw someone say to keep scraps. Then I saw people making some pretty awesome stuff from those scraps, or fixing flaws with them. So I keep mine :unsure: Some of them are pretty interesting, like the tiny heart-shaped pieces from the cutouts on the Veranda house.

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The color of the runner is exactly a match to the blue in the wallpaper, and I looked at every piece of fabric and ribbon in town before I chose it. It stays!

Hi, Sherry . . . I've had a similar situation happen before, and I know what you mean when something is just the perfect match, you don't want to give it up. What I did (and you should test first on a scrap piece of the runner fabric, if you have one) is to use a little spray-on matte sealer. I sometimes use that on fabric that I use as wallpaper. It's worth a try. Of course, you'll have to cover up the stuff around the runner you don't want sprayed. I used this method on a house I did and it helped to take the "shiny" away. I've often noticed in my own photos how something looks so different in a picture than it does in real life. Of course, every dollhouse is best viewed in person . . . that leads to playing with it, which is the best!

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Rhonda, I just put a second coat on them and I think the shine problem is gone. As for the color, you all will just have to take my word for it that it matches! I'm going to recover the cushions in the rocker with the right shade of blue and add a gray-blue distressed trunk for a coffee table, and that ought to take care of it!

NOW!! The important news is that my living room furniture came today! I recovered the white cushions with the pink fabric and am finishing up two rugs that I copied from Pin and printed off...so pictures later! The furniture is just perfect for the look I was after!

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Hi, Sherry . . . that's great news! Hey, I never doubted that your lovely runner matches . . . from what I've seen of your work, it is always dead-on! You know I'm a fan! Also, I can hardly wait to see your new furniture. This house really is beautiful - it's going to be a masterpiece!

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Sherry your Vic. Farmhouse makes me want to break mine out of the box. I love the window seat in the kitchen. I told my husband that it is what I want to do with mine. It doesn't really give you any usable extra space doing it like it is suppose to be any way. But I have to finish the Bellingham first. I love your house.

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Thank you all for the kind words, you know how much I love this house! Every saleslady in every fabric store in town knows me and my scraps of wallpaper, now! But it's sure being fun.

And now the big reveal! The fairy house is done, other than a rubber mat for Beulah to stand on in her lab. And of course, a 1/2 scale kitty! But here is the living room, with thanks to pin for the carpet printies!


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Sherry, the white furniture is perfect - you've made a very pretty fairy house indeed! Love the gazing ball! :unsure:

Your farmhouse is lovely - and where did you get that rag rug??!!! It's strange how colours are misread by cameras - it happens so often, you'd think they'd have come up with a way to prevent that by now. I'm sure the whole thing coordinates beautifully. :oops:

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