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I bought this house from micheals


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My own tiny house is the same pretty much inside and out with some red also inside......I love red!

Hey all I did was buy a bottle of paint.. its going to take me while I think!

OH OH I was just reading where you should use satin or semigloss paint...I bought a large bottle of Folk Art acrylic paint for my house because I love the color....do you think I should take the color to the paint store and get some satin mixed? It said it won't look right ( flat?) if you don't use it. I am sooooo clueless! LOL

Happy 4th!

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We're getting anxious to see what you are doing, Deana! Sounds like your house is going to be pretty fancy!

I finally got my shingled! You wouldn't think such a little house would be such a pain to shingle, but between the two gables and the chimney, and the small size of the shingles, it's been a doozie.

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The pictures make it look bad. I am thinking I am going to replace the trim in the dormers. It looks too clunky for the door and windows now. I moved the upstairs wall to the other side of the stair opening. The original cut on the door in the wall was too tall and I have to make it smaller to fit the bathroom door. I moved the opening into the kitchen all the way to the front. I will cut the stairs and add a landing so the stairs don't go to the back wall - they will turn. I also have to add the fireplace and chimney and decide what to do with the little round windows. I am thinking I will just glue the discs back in. I love the little doors and windows.


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I didn't keep the round windows either, they just bugged me. I think your changes are going to look really good! Are you going to have railings on the porch or just the columns?

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If you decide the folkart paint has too flat of a looking finish, and you'd like more shine, you can always brush on some water based clear varnish later on. I got mine at Micheal's and love the stuff. It doesn't stink either, for use inside.

Love what you are all doing with your houses! I've got to get myself in gear, and actually work on something-anything. I had so much fun with Emma, I sorta got sidetracked, and am having trouble getting motiveated. Perhaps now that I know she's safely in the home of her next host, I can concentrate agin.

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I am "assuming" that I can paint inside and outside with my folkart paint and then wallpaper or whatever next.

I think I want to use siding for the exterior so should I prime the walls first or just paint the siding and glue it to the house? Sorry for for stupid questions I did read directions lol. I have been reading a ton about putting electric in but still confused about what to buy. I could have gotten a basic kit at AC Moore yesterday for 50% off but wasn't sure if it was what I should get...it had the tape in it.

I am going to start punching out the orchid I just can't wait. I will have to be very careful as it seems brittle and some pieces are cracked so I can sand and repair them where possible. I will give it some TLC and she will be a nice little house! ;)

I know this thread is about the puzzle houses so I had better stop with the Orchid talk lol!

Deana your puzzle house looks like its going to be incredible! I just stuck to the basics and probably should for the Orchid.

Other than the Tacky glue, what glue dries FAST for construction that doesn't have toxic fumes? I get migraines from fumes!

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Tacky glue or wood glue will work to put it together. I also use fast grab Alenes when it's something I can't clamp together real well. And yes glue for wallpaper and floors. That ought to cover everything!

Thanks Roxxie, it's looking better since I got the roof on. I'm just kinda stressed out right now and things bug me.

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I understand stress...trust me! Sorry for all the silly questions. Thanks for your patience! I don't know why I have so little confidence lately. I can't seem to focus, stay with a task or complete one for that matter...lol Must be age. I am losing it...

I need to figure out what method to use to put the electric in and let it fly! This is not rocket science is it? LOL

I did raise two kids...how hard can building a dollhouse be? ;)

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They are not silly questions, you should see some of the ones I have asked! I started to get on here last night and ask if moss grows on tin roofs, before it dawned on me that 1) it doesn't and 2) my roof is not tin, it's chewing gum wrappers! (don't ask) ;) Anyway, the gaps between the chimney and house wall are filled, the top is done. Now to landscape! Then I can get this off the kitchen bar (DH is beginning to make noises about it), and do stuff for the interior as I do them for the farmhouse.

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My DH seldom makes comments about where my houses are. If he does, I walk to the garage door and point out that he needs to do some cleaning.

Sherry, your house is looking cute. Maybe you are using colors you wouldn't normally use and that is an issue? I think it looks very fairy like. Moss will grow on tin. Well, actually - lichens.

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Well, my story is like this: this is an old fairy godmother who retired to Las Vegas. The silvery shingles are from gum wrappers she picked up in the non-smoking lounge, and cigarette inside wrappers she picked up outside where they do smoke! The rhinestones and beads she found in the dancer's dressing room, and the glitter is all hers!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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I am "assuming" that I can paint inside and outside with my folkart paint and then wallpaper or whatever next.

I think I want to use siding for the exterior so should I prime the walls first or just paint the siding and glue it to the house? Sorry for for stupid questions

Sorry for all the silly questions...This is not rocket science is it?
Roxanne, you and you self-denigration and your refusal to accept that there are NO dumb or silly questions is really trying my patience! If you have a question and don't ask it, IMO THAT is dumb! It's not rocket science, it's miniature making and building, and like so many other things we do in life, there are mini ways to do it! IMO using your expensive craft paint to prime with is extravagant, especially with a Michael's puzzle house; invest in a cheap (or free, next time one of the paint companies does an internet freeb) quart of flat interior latex for the primer, or some clear sanding sealer (like Dap) and paint over that with whatever color paint you wish, or apply wallpaper. ;) Now get out there and keep asking questions!
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Roxxie, one of the best things (I've discovered) about dollhouses is that, unlike kids, you can cover up or decorate around almost any mistake. Believe me, I should know! In fact some of my most creative ideas are covering up some ugly stuff! It can be painted over, spackle filled, papered, covered with carpet, furniture, curtains, tall plants, or moss on the roof! So don't be afraid to try. I think you must be a perfectionist, but this is not the place for that...dollhouses are to have fun with, not stress out over.

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LOL Holly... you crack me up! So does the Las Vegas Fairy God mother! Love that story!

I wish I saw that Gliden freebie before it was over! Rats! I think I have some bullseye or whatever in the closet from painting my kitchen I can use up for primer now I think about it.

I want to finish the roof on my little quarter inch scale house. The shingles will be so small I didn't want to start cutting all those tiny buggers out! lol Any other ideas how to finish the roof that does not involve me going blind?

I am starting my Orchid, Holly, so I want to make my first house really nice!

What or who is DH? ( Dear Husband?) lol

Heres the 1/4 house:


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Roxanne, you and you self-denigration and your refusal to accept that there are NO dumb or silly questions is really trying my patience!

It's not rocket science, it's miniature making and building, and like so many other things we do in life, there are mini ways to do it!

IMO using your expensive craft paint to prime with is extravagant, especially with a Michael's puzzle house

Holly, in so many of your replies to people, I think you sound incredibly condescending. Do you realize that? In SO many replies to posts, I've seen you say things like "oh, for heavens sake", "for pity's sake", and other things like in the above quote. I've held my tongue all this time, but I have been offended many times by many of your replies. Roxxie is just getting started - I think she is doing fine.

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