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I bought this house from micheals


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Hi all,

I'm working on these houses, and covering all the surfaces with scrapbook paper or some type of "carpet" variant

Also, I work at Michael's and the thing about the 40% off coupons varies per checker. I will generally take up to 3 of the same 40% off coupons in 3 different transactions at the same time. However, some checkers are stricter and limit you to 1 per person per visit - many checkers will take up to 2 of the same coupons in 2 different transactions. However, you can always go out to the car and come back in if you get a strict checker. I doubt they're going to tell you you can't do that. Also, Michael's has a lot of coupons out right now. You can use up to 3 DIFFERENT coupons (including competitor's coupons) in the same transaction. By different, each coupon must be a different type of coupon, i.e.: 40% off one item, 25% off your entire purchase, and 40% off Hobby Lobby coupon.

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Welcome to the forum, Joan! Pop over to the newcomers posts and introduce yourself to the rest of the gang! Always happy to have a new mini friend, can't wait to see pics of your house(s)!! :groucho:

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my local michaels didn't have them...i feel so left out! ;) my husband laughed when i whined "but all the other kids have one!" he wasn't laughing when i told him i bought a much more expensive house on ebay to make myself feel better! lol!

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What do you all do for a base for your puzzle houses? I am not happy with the way my front porch just hangs out with no support. The house wobbles a bit because it warped and I am afraid its a little fragile just sitting on its own. I know its not a "real" house but after putting this much time and effort into it I would like it to last a while. I don't own any tools to speak of except my exacto knife so can't cut out a wood base or anything like that.

Ideas please? Thanks:)

Suz... is that a fireplace in your piggies kitchen? As usual I wasn't paying attention...it has so much character!

I think Goldilocks might live with my bears...she was living in my Christmas CD house but its so lonesome in there until Christmas.

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There's a discussion about the floor somewhere in this thread. I put mine in builder's foam, with glue on the tabs, and it stuck in there good. Then son built me a tray the depth of the foam and it fits in there like a dream, all ready to landscape!

Holly also suggested getting stripwood and building a foundation under it, tall enough to account for the tabs. I am going to try that on the next one.

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holly will also suggest craft sticks on their sides, you can either trim the ends square to fit them flush, or leave them rounded and glue them with a small gap (1/4" or less) for a decorative feature.

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Thanks.....I just found a reference by someone on here how to use builders pink foam. I was thinking of using some kind of tray or picture frame to glue the house to but have to find something that is inexpensive and I can modify. Always a new thing to learn. ;)

PS I found more puzzle houses at this site! Some of them are larger...has anyone tried these?


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I haven't used this sight, but have built some of the 1:12 furniture kits featured here. Auctiontyme4u on Ebay sells it.

Yes, the fireplace is made of scraps fron the kit, and painter's caulk. I think there is also prolly enough same size strips around the punch out peices for you to make a base for the house. You could also cut the bottom tabs off, and let it sit flat. Some $ stores also sell wood cutting boards/trays, for a buck, that it could sit in.

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Not from that site, but I got the 1:24 scale furniture kit from HBS and the Fantasy Villa from Tracy/ Minis on the Edge and three 1:48 Chinese houses directly from the Woodcraft site.

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I bought the set of 1:24 scale furniture from HBS also. I think its a little better than the one from Michaels although very similiar I see my rocker is a lot smaller from HBS.

I just spent the past 2 hours piddling around making a small apartment sized fridge from cabinet. I had to have a fridge!

I was also looking at the scraps and trying to make a support for the front porch....now I see I need steps too! Silly lil house keeps telling me more and more stuff it needs! ;)

Did you make the Fantasy Villa???? Now I am so tempted to get one of these!

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I haven't built any of my 1:24 kits except La Casita. Unless I get the 1:24 lighthouse, Mildred (the Pierce rehab) is on my workbench until the rehab's done (puff, pant!)

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I finally have mine all punched out. I decided I am not fond of the windows and doors and I ordered real ones. I will wait till they arrive to see if I actually use them. I haven't decided what I want the houses to be. I have to go past Michaels tomorrow and so I am going to stop in and see if they have any of the furniture kits left.

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Good Girl! DH's must learn not to laugh at our mini disappointments, 'cause there's always a way for us to make up for them! WHO'S LAUGHING NOW? Congrats! Whatcha buy?

well to ease the pain i turned to my good friend ebay and found a duracraft brookfield/columbian and also a winston cottage with plans to bash them together. right now i'm building a brookfield raggedy ann & andy dollhouse to sell but i love it so much that now i have to have one too! of course mine must be bigger and better, lol!


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I'm proud as a peacock today! I think this is my best carving job yet. Doesn't this tabless/footless bathtub, look like it's in perfect scale now? It just needs a coat of shiny white paint. I think I'll go with the testors to get the enamel look.

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Oh my Suz it looks great! I didn't even want to use the silly bathtub it looked so stupid to me! I was contemplating turning my bathroom into a bedroom or some other room since I really didn't like that bathroom stuff. You did a good job! :wub:

I think I need more rooms in my house!

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I am busy with the rehab in the evenings, getting it ready for the auction. But I am carrying my toys to school and making plants for the gnome yard during my off period(and sometimes when I shouldn't-lol!) I will get the landscaping finished and the interior done! The rehab is taking more time than I expected. We decided to add a tiny yard to the front so I could put shrubs and vines around the porch, then another coat of paint on the siding..etc, etc. I will be glad to get this done and get back to playing with the gnomes and finishing my farmhouse!

Then I want to do the Storybook. and the other 3 puzzle houses...and the Orchid!

Everyone's houses are looking adorable! It's amazing how many different ideas come out of one small puzzle-this is a creative bunch of folks!

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...It's amazing how many different ideas come out of one small puzzle-this is a creative bunch of folks!
If you had any doubts, this year's Spring Fling should have resolved them!lol
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