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I bought this house from micheals


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I took my 40% coupon and bought another one with the bay windows. I'm thinking I can bash it a bit, into the 7 Dwarves home for my grand daughter, and go buy that set of dwarves, prince, witch, and Snow White for it! Anyone have a good picture of their house? Seems like it could be done with stucco and a thatched roof, as I recall.

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I'm working on the furniture. I figured out how to solve the scale problem of the kitchen chairs!!! Once they are glued solidly together, I'm cutting the ears (tabs) off. I did 1, and shrunk it considerably. It all looks to be the same size now. P.S, my son says pigs love to sleep in groups, and that's gonna solve the need for 3 beds! LOL Sorry nothing dry or painted yet, little time through the week, you'll have to wait for pics.

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Have any of you cut the tabs off the bottom of the house? I was afraid the whole thing would fall apart if I did, so I buried them in the builder's foam base. But I don't want to have to do all that for every house (still have 3!). I'm just curious if you did, and did it cause you any problems?

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sherry, if you glue the house together you could go back and cut/ sand the tabs flush and use filler in any gaps and you should be OK. Or you could pick up some 1/4" stripwood to use under the bottom edge of the house to finish it off like a little foundation.

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A foundation is what I think would be best, Holly. They really need one anyway! But my Storybook is my next project, as soon as I finish this last little bit on the farmhouse...hopefully that will go quickly once school is out!

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Hey, Roxxie. Thanks for the tip to go back in. I'll put on my big girl panties and try it today maybe. I'm such a chicken, though. :hmm:

I showed the house I bought to my 7 year-old nephew and I think he's going to be hooked! I gave him suggestions on what he might do with it instead of having to do a girly dollhouse (haunted house, gnome home, etc.) and his eyes really lit up at the gnome home idea and he started rattling off ideas about what he was going to do with it. He was so cute - he said, with a very straight, concerned face, "I think it might be hard, but I'm going to try to weave a rug completely out of blades of grass." Oh dear - he's gonna show me up before I know it! :popcorn:

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I did it again this morning! Tee hee I found a book of scrapbook paper I had to have so bought that with the 40% coupon, went out and shopped in Hallmark and came back ( after stashing the Michaels bag in my car)...The place is so busy no one notices or cares so don't worry! Our AC Moore and Michaels are now accepting each others coupons so I download coupons from the ACM site and use them in Michaels and visa versa...kool huh? Just what I need......more STUFF!

I crocheted a rug last night for my livingroom.

Reading about cutting off tabs and filling in spaces....what do you fill the tab slots with? Can you use regular wall spackle on wood? I have tons of that stuff! I have some wood putty also.

I started putting furniture together even though I am in no way ready for it I love to play a little...picture in a minute. :hmm:

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I love your house ROXXXIE! We used the same kitchen flooring! The furniture does require some tweaking for size. It's not overwhelmingly off when it's in diferent rooms. Thanks for sharing the pic.

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Thanks! I used scrapbook paper for everything. I think I should have sprayed it before I glued the house together but I got so excited about getting it together I forgot!

I am spending the afternoon making little flower boxes for the windows and thinking about how to make flowers.

Maybe beads....I have tons.

I am already thinking about what to make with the other two houses I bought. Does this mean I am an addict?

I want to make a school room out of one since I taught preschool and kindergarten...I keep on thinking. Maybe I will just build these little houses and put them all around my house. Too bad my own house needs work!

Have a great weekend!


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I've never had to spray scapbook paper. It's already got stuff on it, I'm sure. Even the dollar store stuff has been fine, for 5 years in some of my houses. Direct sunlight in a window is what can fade and dry out the wallpaper.(even the teated stuff)

Yes, you can use spackle, wood filler, window putty, even painter's caulk to fill and block cracks and holes in wood. There are even some types of glue that will fill gaps too. I like 'No More Nails" for building the big houses, because it has this ability. Make sure you have a new sharp blade to cut the tabs off, if you choose to do that.

Here's a pic of our slow progress. We won't be using all the furniture of the kit for this house. The rocker is big, but I really like it...so not sure what to do about it.

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Suz your piggy house is so cute! I like all the piggies in the bed...ha ha! I took the stairs out of my house to make more room but now I wish I didn't. Oh well. I might not have a bathroom either since I need another room and that bathtub with the tabs is bugging me. Still thinking about it...

I am going to the dollar tree later and see if I can find somethings to add to the decorations. Maybe I will find a cheap frame for a base to put it on. I need landscaping I think.


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...that bathtub with the tabs is bugging me
I know what you mean! I used the Corona Concepts bathroom kit in the Laurel rehab and even with sanding and spackle and gesso there was just no way to make squared corners round enough!


It wouldn't hurt, either, if the kitchen kit matched the bathroom kit historically; a late 19th Cdentury bathroom with an early 1950s kitchen jars just a bit!

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I was thinking of looking for another object I could make into a bathtub but once again the scale is the tricky part.

I was thinking of using one of those little butter or syrup containers you get in the restaurant or some such thing.

Maybe I will let my doll people use an old fashioned outhouse and make the bathroom upstairs into an office and craft room....tee hee! :flowers:

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The dipping sauce packages from McDonald's would make a perfect bathtub, and right size too. If you were to paint the outside, it would sorta be like the make your own from HBS. You could also make it a square frame with scrapwood from the kit. My fireplace is made from kit wood scraps, so there's alot of parts to work with. There's also the option of cutting those tabs off, and removing the feet, that I'm going to attempt. If it fails then I'll be headed out for McNuggets! LOL Best of luck with the tub.

I'm working on that kitchenette thing today, it's drying, pics with paint to come.

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Ah, Anna, but this is the house of stone! He'll huff & he'll puff 'til he turns blue, then down the chimney he'll come and wind up in the stew-pot!

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Ah, Anna, but this is the house of stone! He'll huff & he'll puff 'til he turns blue, then down the chimney he'll come and wind up in the stew-pot!

Ahhhh :groucho: ..... shall we tell him about the hazards connected with his line of work then or just let him discover it himself???


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Please don't tell him! The pot is set up and waiting for him!! LOL Check the first pick-there's a large metal bucket steaming away! I had many extras of the 1:12 silver spilled milk bucket, so I painted greyish blue lines in what is supposed to be milk, to make it look like steam, and glued it in there upright. Wish these cameras could see around corners, but I'm sure you can envision it. Us mini folks have vibrant imaginations!!

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