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We're in Nebraska and our state got hit pretty hard with the tornadoes a couple days ago. The heaviest damage was to towns south of us, although one came pretty close to the outskirts of our town. We had sirens blaring, high wind, rain, and some hail -- but no tornadoes. 
Our little Shih Tzu was not liking it one bit! Sticking real close to her humans! 
I'm from Washington, and I think I'd rather take my chances with earthquakes! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll take earthquakes over tornadoes any day. I was raised in Minnesota and we went to the basement many a time.

I am so ruing the day I decided to have a lawn.

The dirt is spread, the soil is seeded, and I'm stuck trying to water almost an acre of land every day. I'm supposed to water three times a day for an hour each time. The reality is I'm only watering once a day for two hours at a time. I simply can't walk that far to move hoses and sprinklers otherwise. I tried using my little roller walker and, well, those things can get stuck in the mud just like big cars can. The soil is 4" deep and it smells like manure. You should see my shoes.

Tomorrow I'm giving myself a day off. Instead of watering, I'm getting two more hoses and two more sprinklers - that's a total of five each. Once they're set up, all I'll have to do is flip switches on the faucets. I'm hoping in a month or so I can reduce the watering by half. We'll see.

Someone and their brother was going to help me move out of my storage unit and the brother flaked, so all we were able to move was my sofa and my hutch. The guy that spread the grass seed carried the sofa into my shed and I am so happy about that, since it was sitting outside and the cat had decided it was her scratching post. This guy also managed to open all the windows in my trailer except one, which I was also happy about. It got into the mid-80s on Friday and Saturday, so very warm. Naturally, that was the day I had to start watering.

it looks like my gall bladder needs to come out. Now I just need to call Medicare and find out how much money I'm responsible for. If it's too much, I may just have to live with occasional pain.

Tomorrow it's supposed to be much cooler and I can start on weeding and getting my flower beds in order. After that, I may actually start working on a dollhouse. Keep your fingers crossed!


Have any of you guys seen the Northern Lights?

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6 hours ago, rodentraiser said:


I am so ruing the day I decided to have a lawn.

Have any of you guys seen the Northern Lights?

I saw them on the local morning news. I was too pooped from battling the backyard this weekend to go outside. My yard is interfering with my dollhouse time! I also distinctly remember saying I wasn't going to grow a garden this year. Good luck Kelly, your watering set up sounds like a winner. Hope all works out for your surgery. 

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We have also been watching the aurora on the news, since we have woods on our north side, plus overcast that finally turned stormy last night & today.

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We've only seen the Northern lights on the news, and on Facebook pictures shared by friends. They've been seen here in Nebraska, but I only saw pictures. We have a lot of trees around our neighborhood so don't see a big expanse of sky.

Kelly, you're brave with that big lawn! We're finally getting some yard work done, if our loan goes through, and I want all the grass in our big back yard GONE! Hubby's health is going downhill fast and dementia is increasing -- I don't need to be caring for a lawn anymore! We'll do potted plants, little "islands" and pathways, and ground cover. No grass! Front yard still has grass and is small enough to keep mowed. The only grass I really like is on my dollhouse yards! 

I'm now learning how to maintain the car -- pretty tough after the easy life of 50+ years with a mechanic. Hubby can't take care of the car anymore. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I'm so sorry to hear that, CJ.

The contractor dumped two more loads of dirt on the lawn and it will have to be reseeded some. I don't know when he plans to spread those dirt hills around. Plus, until he moves them, I won't be able to put out a permanent sprinkler system. Obviously where he's going to run his tractor will be ruined and that will have to be reseeded and the way I have the sprinklers now, I'm watering the rocks where the dirt is supposed to go and also watering the dirt pile!

CJ, I'm putting the back half of my lot into orchard grass and wildflowers. I'm not sure how many wildflowers I'll get as the deer think I'm serving up a buffet with the wildflowers I have in my flowerbeds, but I figure if I do that, I won't have to mow until fall every year and I may only have to do minimal watering. If it looks good, the whole yard is going to go to orchard grass and wildflowers. It'll look like a meadow against the pine trees.

The only reason I'm a little hesitant about doing that is ticks and ground wasps. I don't want either in my yard.

And I'm gonna have to hire someone to mow the yard too. I'm too old to be chasing a lawnmower around anymore.


Edit to add: I'm up to 8 hoses, 8 sprinklers, and two timers now.

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Good luck on finding someone to mow, Kelly.  The hubs got himself a battery-powered weed wacker to mow the hay grass but at his age he can't do too much at a time, and he has developed a nasty reaction to mosquito bites.  We are slowly discovering reasons to move into one of those retirement communities...

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Got a phone call the other day with a heavily accented voice telling me I had just won the 2-million-dollar sweepstakes. Maybe I shouldn't have hung up on him! All landscaping and remodeling takes so much money! But we're slowly getting our fence put up. Not sure if I shared here or not about our daughter. She's been going through a tough divorce so to help her we had her and her 2 grown kids move in with us so they could empty and sell their house. You know, stay for a few weeks and then find an apartment? That was 14 months ago! And now it looks like they are settling in indefinitely. But she is paying rent to us now, which is a big help, but Hubby and I get very little time alone. Granddaughter is 19 and doesn't know the meaning of "solitude" nor "silence". Has to be surrounded by friends at all times, has to have her music going at all times. 

Part of our backyard work was to add a storage shed, which daughter paid for. I think it's 10'x20' with a double door and 2 windows. Pretty cute. I thought the purpose was so she could empty their storage unit and quit paying a monthly fee for that -- but the young people decided it was a perfect clubhouse! I'm very glad they have it, because it is at the far end of our yard and gives the youngsters a place to gather, instead of in our home. Now finish the fence and fix up the rest of the yard.

In the meantime, my latest dollhouse, about 70% finished, is still sitting on my workbench. 

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We had to get our disabled DS#3 out of a very abusive situation where he was living in Tallahassee a couple of years ago and we ended up having him with us nearly two years before his old house sold and we found him a new place in Daphne, AL (more than 3 hrs drive time closer to us!) that he loves, along with the new neighborhood & neighbors.  Your daughter is probably overwhelmed by the divorce mess.  It'd be nice if y'all could get together and send the 19 year old off to college somewhere...  (The heavily-accented voice promising tons of $$$ is more likely a scam...)

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11 hours ago, havanaholly said:

  Your daughter is probably overwhelmed by the divorce mess.  It'd be nice if y'all could get together and send the 19 year old off to college somewhere...  (The heavily-accented voice promising tons of $$$ is more likely a scam...)

Yes, the divorce is causing most of the problems. And it's just dragging on and on! I would love to have our house back, but Daughter needs support and encouragement, so I am trying to be there for her. At least Granddaughter has a job, so that helps a lot. Not that she contributes to the household, she lets her mother carry that ball, but holding down a job is a step in the right direction. She's tall and beautiful and thinks she wants a modeling career. Grandma sees danger, Granddaughter sees fame and fortune. Grandma's opinion is not welcome. Oh, well.
And yes, that was a scam phone caller, but one can dream. :) 

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It's raining today and that means I don't have to water, but it also means that it's cold. It's too much trouble to run around and close all the windows, so I have the space heater on blasting on my feet and the windows and door open.

I'm browsing eBay and alternating between "WHAT ARE THOSE PEOPLE SMOKING?!?" and "I sure wish I was rich".

Did you all know you should never brush your teeth with your left hand? A toothbrush works much better.

In a normal world I'd be causing trouble on the other forum I'm on, but I can't go on there because I was given a 2 week vacation by a mod for causing trouble.

When I get bored, I either eat or spend money. Right now I have no money, so I'm eating again.

I keep getting told by Social Services that because of the huuuuuge amount of Social Security I get, I don't qualify for Medicaid. Yet every time I go into the ER or call Medicare, I'm told I have Medicaid. A couple weeks ago, I was sent a notice that I needed to go into Social Services and recertify to receive Medicaid. When I saw someone there, I was told I make too much to qualify for Medicaid. Unless I have over $4350 in medical bills. Then I can apply.

So here's the thing. I need to get my gall bladder removed. Does anyone know the general cost of such a procedure? Because Medicare only covers 80% but I'm hoping the other 20% is over $4350. If not, then it looks like I'm getting my cataracts removed, all my witch moles removed, my eyelids lifted, and anything else I can think of. I'm also considering a nose job, liposuction, a chin reconstruction, and laser eye surgery.

OK, I'm through eating and posting. Time to take my second nap. Cheers, y'all!


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If you're having cataracts removed, why would you need laser eye surgery?  Just nosy; I go in later this month to get the wrinkles off of my right cornea (who knew they wrinkle?) before I can get my cataracts removed.

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1 hour ago, havanaholly said:

. . .  I go in later this month to get the wrinkles off of my right cornea (who knew they wrinkle?) before I can get my cataracts removed.

My optometrist gave me a rundown on the results of some test and commented that there were wrinkles behind the eyeball, and he just kept talking. I stopped him! "You mean as we get older even the eyes wrinkle?" I asked him. 
He just laughed and said it's normal, not to worry about it. But no senior citizen wants to be told about more wrinkles! 

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Ye gods, you guys! Quit adding to my list of problems to worry about!

Holly, I'd like to get the cataracts removed but I'd also like to get laser eye surgery to get rid of these blankedy blank glasses.

I'd get brain surgery too, but unfortunately, no surgery is ever going to help in that department. So for now I'm just trying to concentrate on not being as annoying as usual.


Edit to add: Hey, how come I don't have a member title?

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On 5/13/2024 at 1:36 AM, FurMama said:

I saw them on the local morning news. I was too pooped from battling the backyard this weekend to go outside. My yard is interfering with my dollhouse time! I also distinctly remember saying I wasn't going to grow a garden this year. Good luck Kelly, your watering set up sounds like a winner. Hope all works out for your surgery. 

I didn't realize before I had the lawn put in that we're responsible for checking our own ages before we start projects like that. I figured someone would have said something to me like, "You're almost 70, numbnuts - way too old to do a garden or a lawn! What are you thinking?!?"

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Uh, Kelly, when you have your cataracts removed the surgeon removes your eye's natural lens and replaces it with a new one; swpending on what you want to do with your eyes there are lenses that work accordingly.

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13 hours ago, rodentraiser said:

Holly, I'd like to get the cataracts removed but I'd also like to get laser eye surgery to get rid of these blankedy blank glasses.

Not Holly, but from experience: I had cataracts removed and lens implants done years ago. My right eye was calibrated for distance and my left for close work. It's called monovision. The wiring in my brain sorted the images, using one eye or the other without me having to intervene consciously r even be aware of what it was doing. (I've had doubts about how much control I have ever had over my brain, but that's another story.)  Went without glasses for many years. Now (at 83), I need glasses again, but I am grateful for the time I had without them.

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I will be getting the regular implants; as I told the (very young) eye surgeon, I've been wearing glasses for 64 years, so I'm used to them.  It's just been this past year I've noticed my vision is a bit fuzzier with my glasses, and my regular eye doctor confirmed it at my last visit.

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On 6/14/2024 at 8:41 PM, rodentraiser said:

Did you all know you should never brush your teeth with your left hand? A toothbrush works much better.


On 6/14/2024 at 8:41 PM, rodentraiser said:

laser eye surgery.

Definitely read this in terms of getting a laser eye...I had no idea cyborg technology came along so far!! 

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On 6/16/2024 at 12:01 PM, KathieB said:

It's called monovision.

I repeat what I said about cyborg progress!! WOW! 

Good luck to all with all! 

I haven't been around, the same reasons I listed above remain. I went to calling hours today; the elder son of a woman I box with died suddenly. He was 19 or 20, and I don't know how she was holding together; I was choked up the entire time and only left because my own baby needed a nap. It's just her and her youngest son now, it seems, and I can't think about it too hard or I get all mushy and fretful. Definitely makes me grateful for all my loved ones, and all the close calls we've had thus far. 

I also left my diary out in the rain, and lost a few entries to gel-pen smudging :( One was the solar eclipse entry! Augh! 

But again, things could always be worse; my husband came home safe and only slightly crabby, and he and the baby played and it was delightful to watch. I also wrote a story for the first time in months and months the other day, I'm hoping to make that more routine. So, always silver linings, even if we have to cling to them. 

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The contractor is coming to spread the last two piles of top soil and hopefully to reseed on Thursday. Naturally, that's the day it's supposed to hit 86 here and if the contractor is here, I'll have to wear a bra all day. I wouldn't want to not wear one and send him into therapy if he sees me.

I also have to get him some money so was going to go to the bank tomorrow. Har har. It's a holiday tomorrow. Bank is closed. Well, there's always the ATM...

So tomorrow is starting off with a bank...er, bang. I have to get up early and water everything, then go to the bank, then clear some of the remaining Scotch broom so the top soil can be spread on Thursday. And I was hoping to do some weeding. I finally got the area by the driveway done - now it's time to weed the area between the split driveways of my neighbor and I. He planted cedar trees in the middle, and seeded his side with grass seed. It's looking neat and mowed.

My side has a million weeds and clover along with (if you can find them) about 20 irises. And both those sides are the first thing you see when pulling into either driveway. I'm embarrassed.

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Lisa, can you send me a link? I'd like to look at this. At one point, I was thinking of an electric mower. I had one before, but I never needed 300 ft of power cord to run it like I would now. And I hate to think of using a gas mower.

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7 hours ago, rodentraiser said:

Lisa, can you send me a link? I'd like to look at this. At one point, I was thinking of an electric mower. I had one before, but I never needed 300 ft of power cord to run it like I would now. And I hate to think of using a gas mower.

Sent you a pm. I have been using an electric corded Kobalt with 200ft of cord. After 5 years that has gotten old! I put off getting the self propelled because I have so many little areas that I back up to cut around with my previous mower.  I learned to drop the handle for the self-propelled on this one so I can back it up. 

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