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Nutti's Marquam Hill Mansion


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oohhh IC

well one way I hope to bring the extension into the house design is to have the porch stairs go down that side instead of down the front.

and we also were thinking instead of the siding look we would paperclay it for rock look. still in the thinkig part of it...and I also like the idea of a bay window

also we are bringing the kitchen out to meet the house. so it will be as long as the rest of the house.

the kid would like the balcony to meet the kitchen roof to form a walk area to get to the rooftop hot tub she wants there...

not sure how we will do it but we aim to please.

nutti :lol:

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Nutti ... Sorry I'm so late replying. For some reason I find this forum is harder for me to keep track of than my yahoo groups. Then I get lost so easily too. :D

I used the original kitchen endwall, but found another piece of MDF that had been leftover from another project. It didn't have milled clapboard, so I had to add the clapboard myself. It was slightly different that the rest of the house, but once the vertical trim was on, you have to look really close to notice it.

My problem was how to do the roof over the enlarged kitchen. Emma had already said she wanted a hot tub, so it made perfect sense to me to make a FLAT patio roof and put the hot tub up there. :lol:

I may have some extra MDF around if you need it.

Marcia in Fremont, OH


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Hey marcia thats sweet to offer but I guess we will buy some...lol

I think after he "found" his saw he gave up on the wood :D

we want to put in the nice flooring any tips and where do I get it...and do we do it before putting up the interior walls?

also...it looks like on the 3rd floor the floor doesnt meet the tower.

can a floor be added?



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Nutti ... I use 1/16" x 3/8" x 24" strips of basswood for my floors. Some people have luck scoring their wood ... not me. I lay each piece .... random lengths .... then sand, stain, polyurethane, steel wool, polyurethane, steel wool, and repeat until I get the finish I like. I like MinWax WipeOn Poly - Satin. Until recently I purchased the strips at a hobby shop, miniature shop, or http://www.northeasternscalelumber.com I finally broke down and purchased a Preac Saw from www.smallerthanlife.com It was a sizeable investment, but I've found so many uses for it. One thing, I can save money by purchasing 1/16" x 3" x 24" pieces of basswood and ripping the 3/8" strips myself .... on my Preac saw. I'd tried doing that several years ago with an X-acto knife, but I just wasn't accurate enough.

Another thing I've changed since taking a workshop with Pete & Pam Boorum (Smaller Than Life), is that I used to lay my floor one strip at a time .... gluing a few down .... wiping excess glue off .... waiting for that to dry .... gluing a few more stips down ... wiping excess glue off .... waiting for it to dry ... etc. I did all this before my walls went up so it was easier for me to get to. In a workshop I took with Boorum's we made a parquetry blanket chest. The tiny pieces of wood for the top of the chest were placed (good side down) on a piece of masking tape. When we were happy with our design and everything was straight, we spread glue on the design as a whole, flipped it over, and placed it on top of the chest. I tried this same method with my Queen Anne floors. I made a template of the parlor floor, made a mess of trying to use wide masking tape to cover the template (sticky side up), stuck random lengths of basswood to the masking tape, trimmed anything that stuck over the template, spread my yellow carpenters glue over the whole thing as well as a very thin coat on the parlor plywood floor, flipped it over and glued it down. I had to weight it .... the thin wood wanted to buckle .... but it worked great and was sooooooo much quicker and easier. I could even do it after the house was built using this method, but since I prefer to finish my first story rooms before starting the second story, I'll keep doing it my usual way.

Marcia in Fremont, OH


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Nutti, you're right about the 3rd floor not extending into the tower room. That's why I built that little railing there .... to keep Emma's family from falling off :lol: I did the same in the very top room too. I can't remember for sure ... would the windows interfere if you extended the floor into the tower? If not, I don't know why you couldn't do it.

Marcia in Fremont, OH


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well of course I see by reading the directions for the 5th or 6th time it says how the peices are flush on the inside. :mellow:

and when I looked at photo I see there is a peice of trim below the window so it doesnt seem to stick out in front....tell me why does it stick out at all?

this is my 2nd duracraft house and I cant say Im enjoying the build....HEY!!

How did I get roped into building this house??? :huh:

he is cutting all the peices and I got the kid Painting. so I guess it will be a family project afterall!

tonights very slooow progress

I had to stop and clean off my other work area because it calls to put a section of the roof together before adding it to the house.


some fun now!

nutti :wacko:

and thanks Marcia for helping!

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For colour choices, ie. knowing what might work well together, a colour wheel might be useful. Lets you see the primaries, red, yellow and blue, and how they mix, complemetary colours always go well together, but often look a bit bold. If you like one colour, but would like the same darker and or lighter for various shades of trim, the easy way is to buy a larger amount of the original colour. Split the paint in 3, 1 you leave as is. Add black to one of the others , go slow, this'll give a darker version of the same colour. To the third add white, the lighter version.

The Preac saw looks nice, especially the accessories. Couldn't find the price, but their mini lathe is closing in on the price I paid for my 7x10 precision metal working lathe. Harbor Freight have a 4" mini table saw called the Mighty Mite:


, it does have the mitre gauge and two feed slots, but doesn't have a rip fence (which I'd love). I may try to make something. That being said it's 50 bucks and you can get a few different replacement blades.

For real fun and games this little guy:


is great. They've had 'em on sale a coupla times for $16.99. Incredibly useful. Throw away your mitre box and razor saw guys, this thing'll cut trim to ANY angle in a tenth the time, and just as clean. Piece clamps in, so no hands near the blade. I know it looks really cute, this thing will cut through aluminum and brass.

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Well now Im in trouble! not that I know one single thing about tools or understood anything you said but I did go check out the Harbor Freight site and the minisaw thingie and I think I may need something like that. I asked DH and hes like have them send a catalog! oh no not another tool source for dear ole DH :mellow:

He is at this moment marking all the supports for the tower to cut them.

the wood is terrible. very disapointing. I know this kit had been sitting at Hobby Lobby for awhile but just how old is it?? the roof has given me fits I am having to stop after each step to let the glue set up. makes the going very slow.

but I think Im almost to the point of done for now as Miss Catie has lots of priming and painting and papering to do before I add much more.

and DH has wiring to do also.

post-9-1137564188_thumb.jpgdo you see the dowel? the roof is resting on it so it will stay in place :wacko:post-9-1137564219_thumb.jpg I understand this is going to look great but oh brother this part of the roof is giving me fits. I will have to take another picture of it done but I dont want to look at it or breath near it till the glue is dried.

post-9-1137564248_thumb.jpg shows the colors. the blue looks better in person than in photo

but there is lots of trim to go on it it tone it down also.

Having fun in Missouri

nutti :huh:

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Thanks for the info on the Dura-Craft kit, me better half was thinking of getting one. As for the wood, It's prolly just bad wood the kit's made out of. If it had got wet you'd think it would be warped, or even split. Mold would stain it. Sitting in a store shouldn't do anything to it. No matter how long it sits.

The cutoff saw is like a razor saw and mitre box, like you use to cut trim at either 90 or 45 degrees. Except this cuts at any angle. I'd wait for a sale meself. The blade is very fine, though they evidently dull rather quickly, if you're cutting brass.

A question, I checked your pics of the Willowcrest you've posted, are those the original outside windows or replacements? The Garf's don't look anything like that, they're pretty much just die cut plain surrounds with a curved top edge.

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what you see on the Willowcrest and all of my other houses is what comes with the kits. some were easy to do and look great(Willowcrest) and some are not so easy to do and dont look as nice. but I work with what I have.

The Willowcrest was my favorite house to build and my Favorite one to look at.

although I have to go to Florida if I wish to see it.

nutti :mellow:

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  • 2 weeks later...

hmmmmm...well there has been some progress but it is very slow....to me.

he is working the 12 hour days and she has school and homework....so it sits and mouths me....quite the houseattude!

so I have done a few things and I did manage to talk sis into painting while she watched TV. remember her telling me she wanted to do ALL the decorating.

so the first floor is primed....I do not like painted primer the rest of the inside will be sprayed. and she painted the base of the house black....although that is not its final look(nutti has issues with unpainted outside)

made the DH cut the porch peices for me!

welllllll they are crooked....not his cuts...the dern wood

ugggg so her porch is having issues....HE says why are working so fast that its crooked! looks like crap...we arent in a hurry!

guys the porch has about 15 peices...just how long do you need to take? :)

and may I as why is he asking?? he isnt doing it! :D

phew! done. ;)

so I do have some pictures


1st photo is of the porch. not sure how Im going to fix it....but Im almost to the point of getting some wedding cake pillars...I am going to look at them at wallyworld.

2nd photo is the roof and Dean has the lines on it ready for shingles....ohh and I am SOOOO NOT doing it!

last photo is a dry run of the tower...we still havent decided if we like the blue....Im thinking a darker gray.

I would just like to see the carcus together so I can toss the box...it is huge...dont worry I already cut the photo off of it. and Id like to get it off my rolling worktable.

Im ready to toss the Granville on it and do some stuff.

dunno what....but stuff. :D

well thats all for now.

nutti B)

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  • 3 months later...

yes but look how much you dont have to do on yours!

summer is almost here and I have made DH promise me one night of his 3 nights off...every other week

to do house things and little does she know it but we are going to get this house decorated before school starts! I really have a thing about unfinished projects....rofl ok I just want my rolling cart back for other houses. like the Pierce has to go on it fairly soon after the build starts as it is a big house!

are the Pieces that are not attached to the house...with the house

like the roof peices?

I hope so. I am very excited to see what you do with this house as your HUD house is looking so wonderful!

nutti <_<

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah! My HUD house. She is sitting on my dresser in my bedroom ( I think that is going to be her semi-permanent location) She looks good up there.

I need to take pics of her. I have gotten almost all the windows and shutters on (figured out the problem).

I work on lil things while I am reclining in bed at night watching tv (as you know there is nothing on)

She isnt being ignored. Just taken out of ICU and put on a patient floor.

The Marquam is my dream house.

This is the house I always wanted.

She is going to be my masterpiece..

Hubby says he likes watching the transformations.

Then he asked what am i gonna do with it.

My quick answer...Play with it!!

He rolled his eyes. (only he can cause I know it isnt in a mean, hurtful manner..)

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  • 6 months later...

well after no work on this house I guilted the DH into working on it.

I dont think we got very far but I am happy we did something

the additon is done but for cutting out the windows which he promises he will do after we get home from our

Christmas Eve celebration. I on the other hand did Nothing but watch. I wanted to wire but I just drew a blank when it came to actually starting the wiring...I need some courage....I am thinking of putting it coming into the house from the fireplace...OH Heidi...how did you do yours?

so without further ado....photos of our progress


in the bathroom you can see 2 porch post...we are adding them out from the french doors just a tad for roof support but also for some intrest...the room is so big...she has interresting plans for her bathroom.

we also got the new porch post for the front porch cut and now the porch can be installed...after painting and adding the coachlight we have for it. I did manage to put the front door together and will make that my project for tonight. glazing the windows and staining the transom window parts. sure hope I remember what color of stain I used on the door. :thumb:

we almost ran out of wood ...because when we purchased the peice we were only thinking kitchen addition.

but why stop at the kitchen when you can have 2 rooms and a rooftop garden or solarium

so even though he had to peice the pieces together for the bathroom ceiling it is done.

also because we had originaly planned for just a kitchen we only have the window for the kitchen so now I have to order another window for the kitchen...as we are using the one we have for the bathroom.

after he cuts my windows I will start the paperclay....Id like some on the front for tomorrow morning

well thats the update folks....the kid promised me at least one days work on the house during vacation so maybe we can get at least one room decorated.

nutti :shifty:

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