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amyole last won the day on September 11

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About amyole

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Hampshire

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  • Dollhouse Building Experience
    Five or more
  • Real Name
  • Country
    United States

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  1. Welcome to the Forum! Looking forward to sharing your build (virtually).
  2. Also, whatever gap is left can be hidden with spackle and trim. I am currently working on a Buttercup as well.
  3. amyole


    Nice job and great tribute to your grandfather's work.
  4. Tina: I use the hot glue to hold them while a dab of fast grab dries. I used to just use hot glue only, but they can loosen and become annoying.
  5. I don't know what it is, but it is darling!
  6. It's been a rough school year, but I have 11.5 days to go. I have been trying hard to have more of a work-life balance (more recently, before I lost all the gray cells!), and I finished the exterior of the RGT Lighthouse (not giving this away) last weekend. Phew! Also finished my second Arthur and trying to find a home for it. I really haven't had time to catch up on all the posts here, either, until today. So many beautiful creations to see!
  7. amyole


    Your brick work is outstanding.
  8. This is great! Kids need to create something - it will build confidence and pique their curiosity. I teach at a middle school and, sadly, we no longer offer consumer science. I have thought about offering an enrichment course for miniatures, but did not want to add pressure to my hobby/ stress outlet - but maybe when I'm retired, it would be something different to do. Please keep us posted on this!🏚️ 📏🔨
  9. Welcome to the forum, Dan. This is the BEST place for all kinds of questions. You can get a lot of ideas from the gallery on this site as well as look for youtube videos and things on pinterest. Maybe once your gift has been unveiled you can have brainstorming parties with the twins' parents (they may be more tech saavy). Anyway, you are about to embark on a fabulous journey!
  10. As I recall, it wasn't easy! I had the tower off and used that area to get some access. It's trying to do things like this when I feel like my hands are gargantuan.
  11. Are these 3 working overtime? This is so cute!
  12. Outstanding work!!! And, I love all the notes in the cubbies of the desk.
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