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Gallery missing?


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Didn't there used to be a box labeled "gallery", over there on the left, below our names? And someone could click on that and be taken to the gallery shots of the dollhouses, here?

I posted some new pics in my gallery here, this morning...then when I went to check, couldn't find the gallery box.

I know I can find my gallery through "my controls"...but how would someone else find it..

and how would I find someone elses??

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When I look at both of you on the left, uppitycats and ms. Mini, I see at the bottom a box saying 'visit my gallery' and on ms mini's she also has 'visit my blog'. So they are showing up.

You may be right Robin, I'm using the regular Greenleaf skin.

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Since this is just a temporary holiday look, I haven't gone through and added some of the bells and whistles that are present in the regular Greenleaf look. I'll see about adding them, but for now you can switch between the different looks to accomplish this. There is a post pinned to the top of this forum explaining how to do this.



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AhhHAAA!! For awhile, there, I thought I had been SEEING things!! :)

"Ghostly gallery, disappearing for the holiday, only to sneak back come November..."

...or maybe gone then, as we celebrate Thanksgiving...then Hanukkah..then Christmas...then.. :cloud9:

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I'm in regular mode too, so hadn't noticed the 'missing' galleries. The other screen wrecks havoc on my vertigo!! :cloud9:

While we're on the topic of missing . . . I bought two little scarecrows from Walgreen's the other day, put them somewhere for safekeeping whilst moving the Beacon Hill about . . . and now I can find them to save my life! Then, I was looking for my window 'candle lights' and couldn't find them either for two days! Just found them yesterday. Still can't find the scarecrows though! I'm getting kinda freaked out here!! :)

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I'm convinced that there is, in any dwelling, a "black hole". Things fall in there, swirl around for awhile..

and sometimes..but not always...fall out, to be found again, usually in a place where they are completely out-of-place. The hole is lined with socks...just one of a pair, the other having been retrieved from either the washer or dryer (but never both!!).

And there are times when we who are wives have psychic access to the black hole. This makes itself known when our husbands start wandering around the house, muttering softly,

"Honey, do you know where I left my (name item here)???" ...and somehow...even though it's not OUR item, and we had nothing to do with it's disappearance,

can mutter back, "look here (naming a location)". And sure enough, he wanders to that place, and there it is!! :teehee:

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Actually it could be the same old lady that lives in my house. She keeps moving things on me and I find it getting harder and harder to find things. You see, I never see her, but I know she is doing it. It surely must be her....and not me moving the things. :cloud9:

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My biggest problem is that I think to myself, "where can I put this for safekeeping?" Then I think up all the different places and choose the last one. When I look for the item, I can only remember the places I didn't pick :thumb:

Maybe I'm getting senile at 50....but that can't be it, I've been having the remembering problem for years! LOL Maybe I just out-think myself.

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My biggest problem is that I think to myself, "where can I put this for safekeeping?" Then I think up all the different places and choose the last one. When I look for the item, I can only remember the places I didn't pick :yes:

Maybe I'm getting senile at 50....but that can't be it, I've been having the remembering problem for years! LOL Maybe I just out-think myself.

OMG...this could have been my post! I do the EXACT same thing all the time. It drives me crazy. Betty

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All of this just explains my theory of the borrowers. I think Mary Norton was on to something there. I mean where did she get the idea from in the first place?

I think it's because all her minis kept disapearing from her dollhouse, then she moved the floorboards and viola there they were!

Now its coming up to Halloween, they say the veil between the world is getting thinner, I say borrowers are getting cheekier! :dry:

Silly little people, I would be quite willing to let them live in my house. Except for the plumbing issue which would be a bit tricky and the fimo food they could have a lovely little life, a whole village, and no more dusting for me :yes:

But noo-oo they have to pilfer my minis :p

I think I will put talcalm powder on my floors, then I will get to see those itty bitty footprints...or maybe I am just loosing it here :teehee:

Happy Thanksgiving All (even borrowers)

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Whenever something is missing I just say out loud that could you please bring it back to me so I dont go crazy looking for it.. It usually shows up in a day or two.

I dont really know who i am talking to...a ghost? a sprite? the family? the cats?

Whoever took it usually brings it back! But never in a place where I would have placed it..hmmmm

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Whenever something is missing I just say out loud that could you please bring it back to me so I dont go crazy looking for it.. It usually shows up in a day or two.

I dont really know who i am talking to...a ghost? a sprite? the family? the cats?

Whoever took it usually brings it back! But never in a place where I would have placed it..hmmmm

Been there as well!!! Now I try and let it pass and try not to be in a hurry when I need a thing or so, just sort of let the surrouinding sknow I need it fairly soon, and most often I will find it, not always where I thought I had placed because I had allready looked there once or twice :banana:


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Okay, I'll put forth the suggestion into the universe that whoever took my scarecrows, please bring them back! It's been about a week and I still can't find them. Wherever I put them or whoever took them did a good job of it! :banana:

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I'll do the same with my husband's glasses. He put them down one day and we haven't seen them since. That was about 6 weeks ago. ;)

I have no idea where they could be. He thought he put them by his chair. I've torn the entire living room apart...they just aren't there.

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I am gonna move this section to chit chat now, since it seems like that's what this topic has turned too ;) . I LOVE the borrowers and got all four books!! I also love Indian in the cupboard (Got all four of those books too)


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