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Miniature Madness Contest Chatter

Mini Man

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It is a cold,wet night here in Ontario,Canada so I am really happy that I rediscovered this site and have something exciting to do each day as I look through the site.Thanks Greenleaf staff for all the incentives you share with us.

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I can't believe that i won! I don't win contests...but i sure like to enter! :queen:

Wow...i'm still on cloud 9. :whistle:

Thanks for the congrats everyone! I was wishing really hard to win this house but was trying not to think about it cuz i just knew i was gonna lose!


IMHO...anyone with the name ilovecats is already a winner. Congratulations!

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Congratulations dollshousegirl! You are the winner of a Greenleaf Haunted Dollhouse from the October 13th contest thread! Please send your shipping information by CLICKING HERE and put the phrase "I'm a winner" in the subject line.

I hope you enjoy your Haunted Dollhouse!

Good luck tomorrow to everyone else!



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eeekk ohhh yeeahhh yahhooo

just been out for a meal with the family, came back to check my messgaes, they all come to my inbox and it says in the meassge 'congratulation etc etc with a user number, so i usually only see a number not a persons name. so i didn't think 315 was my member number, !!! hahaah which it obviously is!!!

so the next few meassages i read congratulating me were so cool to see !! thanks everyone !!

LOL at least i can relax now and stop posting in the daily topics hahaha

yeahhhhh !!! can y'all hera me cheer over the pond

Congratulations, dollshousegirl! :whistle: You're going to have some fun with this - what will you make it into?

I am going to turn it into a log cabin for my aunty's little boy, if it comes in time for making it for xmas I will do it for him for then (it will be nice to make one for someone else) twig furniture, all sorts of boy stuff

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That sounds like a great idea, Sally. I'm sure he's going to love it - and you! If he's your aunty's little boy, doesn't that make him your little cousin? You are such a nice, thoughtful big cousin! :whistle:

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my aunty is only 4 years older than me, she was more like a big sis when we were kids, her oldest daughter Maddison is 12 and my youngest daughter is 12, the olnly thing is they live so far away, we are trying to get them to move up nearear to.

if you are interested I started early, i have a 17 (boy) 15 year old (girl) and the 12 year old. she has her 12 year old and Callum (the haunted house recipient) is 10

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Congratulations Marsha! You are a FAST LANE winner of your choice of three Corona Concepts Furniture kits! Please send me your shipping information and your choice of three furniture kits by CLICKING HERE and put the phrase "I'm a winner" in the subject line.

I hope you enjoy them!

Everyone else, stay on your toes! You never know what the next FAST LANE will have to offer!



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