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Delay in June Adult and Kids Swap


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As of today, I've not received swaps from a one adult swap and 4 from the kids swap. It is my understanding that the items have been mailed and should arrive next week. But I have a problem, my twin sister is undergoing not one but two major surgeries on Wednesday, and she lives in another state. I will be leaving early Tuesday morning to be with her and probably not returning home until Saturday or Sunday. So even if all packages are received Monday, I will not have time to box up and mail before I leave on Tuesday. If everything goes ok with my sister and the packages arrive while I'm gone, I will try my best to mailed them out the week of the 17th.

Thank you


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Don't worry about the packages - Family comes first! I'm sorry to hear about your sister but will be keeping you both in our thoughts and wishing for safe and sucessfull proceedures and a speedy recovery. Hang in there sweetie,



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we are but a hobby group and all of us have families that come first.

sooo please no worries on our part and take care of sis and yourself. staying at hospital day after day can be tiring! make yourself a to do bag. I took mini mags and wordsearch and a stiching kit.

we will be waiting when you get home!

nutti :)


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You are such a great bunch of people/friends. Thank you for the well wishes and the understanding--I am real worried about sis but knowing she is getting such good thoughts sent her way will most certainly help.

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Here, Here... to everything that the others have commented. Family does come first! Being a twin has got to make it even more intense! As excited as we are to get our packages, we all know what it more important! Good luck with everything!

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Thank you all again and you won't believe this, but I got word this afternoon that my older brother has had and accident and broken both legs--one in 4 place and the other in 3. He's to have surgery in the morning, luckily he is only about an hour away. Now, if things happens in threes--I do have one sister and one brother left that seem to be doing fine--but I'm holding my breath.

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He broke Both legs??!! Oh sweetie - we're all pulling for you and your family. Do be careful, don't worry about swaps or anything to do with us until things get settled for you, and please do take care of yourself. I know they say things happen in threes but with your twin having to have 2 surgeries and your brother breaking both legs and headed for surgery tomorrow - I think you've already passed your quota <knock on wood>

Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers,



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To give you an update. Brother has had his surgery, he has plates, pins and screws in both legs, but they have had him up trying to walk just a few hours after surgery. He tells me that he may can make it about 10 or 15 feet before he has to stop. The most painful is where one of the plates had to go under the knee. He says they will send him home tomorrow.

This brother is very stubborn and independent and has given us orders not to visit until we get back from NC with my sister. Says there is not a darn thing we can do and not to waste our time just go take care of Polly. So we've respected his wishes and haven't seen him but we have bombarded him with phone calls. He says his is not a life and death situation--just a walking and talking one. LOL We all have a very strange sense of humor.

My entire family appreciates all the thoughts and prayers being sent our way. Thank you.

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Peggi -

Sorry to hear about your family. Sending my best wishes for speedy recovery for your brother and the skill of an excellent surgeon for your sister. Hope you're doing okay.

I'm just heading back up to the hospital to see my dad. MissyMew suffered a bad cat bite a couple of weeks back (I think it was the beautiful Snowflake ... neighbour's cat) ... MissyMew doesn't go outside except very rarely and then she only sits with Ray and I on the back deck. A few weeks back I was downstairs doing laundry and heard her shriek and scream. Now, MissyMew is a drama queen, so it could have been that I'd just left her upstairs and not carried her downstairs to be with me, but I ran up and saw that Snowflake had come in through the cat door and was in the back porch with MissyMew. I still didn't think it was anymore than an over-reaction on MissyMew's part. But now that she developed painful swellings near the base of her tail ... I'm thinking that Snowflake has another side to him.

I'd cleaned and watched the wounds (in between long stays at the hospital with my dad), but they just kept developing abcesses. Sunday night I took her to the Emergency Vet and followed up with my own vet yesterday morning. I've stayed home all of yesterday and today to look after her. She's doing much better, so I'll probably go up to the hospital for a while. My brother has been up there for the past couple of days (he's my mum and dad's favourite so they're happy having him there).

Peggi - I'll be thinking about you.


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And I'll be thinking of both of you, Peggi and Susanne.

Peggi, I hope you'll post when you can and let us know how your sister is doing, and your brother.

Susanne, keep us posted on Missymew. And also on your dad. Is he healing any better? Any more news on his condition?

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Dear Peggi

I can't tell you how awful I feel about your family. I'll be thinking of you all and sending all the prayers I can muster. I feel particularly horrible since I sent my swap a little late. I hope it's not me you're waiting for? It shouldn't have been this long, not by a long chalk.

All my best


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Since I haven't been on in a while I've been catching up on all the news...I hope your sister and brother are doing better now. I'm sending prayers and good thoughts to you and your family. Brother sounds like a thoughtful person....I bet he feels bad about not being able to go and be with y'all's sister.

But it sure isn't something he could help. You take care of your sis and be sure to let us know how things are going when you can.

I'll explain what all is going on to my grandkids and they will most likely send good thoughts your way, too.

Don't forget to take good care of Peggi, too!

Love and best wishes to all,


P.S. I hope Missymew is doing better now. Let us know....we all seem to be animal lovers here. ;)

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Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers--they worked!. First, DB is home and doing well, they have a PT coming in to help him and he can take babysteps and assures us that he is doing fine. Just has trouble trying to pivot on his feet. But with the plates and pins and screws he is able to walk a little at a time.

DS survivied the surgery and is doing remarkably well. Both tumors seemed to have been self contained and with the removal of them the doctors seem to think she won't need any further treatments. Even though the one from the pancreas was cancerous--it was the non-aggressive type and the ovarian one was benign. So we are all hopeful that after recovery from the incision, she will be better than before.

I hope to have a chance tomorrow to group the swaps and get any boxes that may be needed Monday, so I'm shooting for Tuesday or Wednesday mail out.

I really appreciate your kindness and understanding. It's been a rough week, but your support really helped knowing I didn't have to worry about a deadline before I left.

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First, DB is home and doing well, they have a PT coming in to help him and he can take babysteps and assures us that he is doing fine. Just has trouble trying to pivot on his feet. But with the plates and pins and screws he is able to walk a little at a time.

DS survivied the surgery and is doing remarkably well. Both tumors seemed to have been self contained and with the removal of them the doctors seem to think she won't need any further treatments. Even though the one from the pancreas was cancerous--it was the non-aggressive type and the ovarian one was benign. So we are all hopeful that after recovery from the incision, she will be better than before.

HALLELUJAH!!!!! I am very very very happy to hear this! Continuing to send good thoughts and prayers for good and speedy recoveries!

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Peggi -

I'm so glad to hear that your brother and sister are doing okay. They're both blessed with a very thoughtful sister in your.

My dad's surgery for his tumor and bleeding in the brain is scheduled for July 26th. It's an operation that requires a surgical team, so there is a little longer wait in coordinating the surgeons' schedules. Also, he'll be back at the hospital on July 19th for the day while they do any MRI, Cat Scan, bloodwork and all of that kind of stuff so that the surgeons will have up-to-date information.

Right now dad's at home with mum. Today my brother is over helping out. I'd offered to come over and pull weeds, but they declined my offer. We're a funny family. Unfortunately, not funny ha ha. Anyway, I feel at peace as I've offered my help.

MissyMew is doing very well. I'll probably stop the antibiotics tomorrow. I don't like to give them for longer than a week and she's healing very nicely. If she was spoiled before this abcess, she's taken the "I'm a princess" role to a whole new level. Ray is at work today and has phoned twice to see how she is.

Thank you everyone for your thoughtfulness while my dad's been recovering. Hopefully the surgery will go well.


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I am so happy things are sounding positive for your family Peggi. Susanne I Keep us informed about your Father. Prayers and positive thoughts are still being sent your direction for both families from me!

Love Ya Both!

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I'm so glad to hear your sister went through surgery with no complications! And it sounds like the docs had a lot of good news to give you about what they removed. I'm sure your sis will be feeling a LOT better now that this is over. I know several women who have had tumors in the female regions and they've all said (to me at least) that having surgery made their lives much easier and they felt much better physically after than they had for a long time before the surgeries. Your brother sounds like a remarkable person. And even though the surgeries are over - when it comes to me there is no rush on the swap items - you'll still be checking on sis and brother and have lots on your mind so take your time and take care you and the family



Susanne - All that stuff about taking care of yourself goes for you too ok? I can't imagine the stress of having to wait for the kind of surgery your dad is headed for - I'm not good at waiting on those kinds of things.. I'd rather go into a dentist office and have them tell me they need to yank a tooth and pull it right then and there - than to make an appointment to come back to fill it.. the waiting for that next appointment .. makes me nuts and this is a lot bigger deal than a simple toothache. So I can just imagine what you must be going through. Sending lots of love and good thoughts your way sweetie. And glad to hear that missymew is feeling better too.


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