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I bought this house from micheals


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Thanks Rhonda...I have pretty low self esteem but working on those issues. So far the support here had been terrific and everyone has helped me in more ways than just dollhouse building.

I am a perfectionist and artist in other areas so its just my personality to want to do things perfectly. I am trying to grow a tougher skin so maybe a couple of kicks in the panties by Holly is just what I need...ha ha

Whenever I try something new I get a little stressed out and overwhelmed. I should keep some of my thoughts more to myself and Goofy ( my cat) I guess.

Hugs for caring.

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Hi, Roxxie . . . Of course I care! I have been really enjoying watching your progress, and I almost envy you the fun of being new to all of this. I've been a miniature enthusiast since I got my first dollhouse at 9 (later lost in a house fire, and to this day it breaks my heart). Anyway, I am definitely still learning and I think that self-confidence comes from interacting with others who also enjoy sharing their trials and tribulations in this exacting hobby. We ALL experience times when we do the "aargh, I just want to pull my hair out" thing (LOL). I've been working on a beautiful Mexican hacienda (personally designed by me and the shell built by my Dad) since 2007!!! Last week, I had everything almost done and all of a sudden, ALL the lights went bad. Keep in mind, now, that the entire thing had been wired and stuccoed for about 2 years . . . I was not only shocked, I was devastated. Needless to say, I had to go in and remove stucco from junction areas until I could trace the problem (I never could SEE what was wrong with the joint that was the problem . . . my Dad & I think it must have had a teensy bit of "cold solder" in that soldered joint. Thank goodness I had the foresight to photograph the entire wired shell. It made it MUCH easier to know where to look for a problem. Anyway, I lost two lights and had to re-buy them, had to reinstall them, and even (just to be safe) had to replace a portion of my wiring. Now, I will have to re-stucco and paint those areas. It's all o.k., though - as frustrating as that was, it was a learning experience AND it taught me some valuable technical lessons (not to mention a new lesson in patience). There will be times when you have something come up that is completely unexpected. When that happens to me, I walk away from the initial dismay and let it rest a day or so. Then, I have a new outlook and a lot of ideas of what needs to be done. By the way, I loved the little quarter scale hous. I also did one of those. I'll try to get a pic of mine and post it before too long! Keep up the great work . . . your own creativity is what makes each house special. I have two Orchids (and almost bought another one recently). That is a really great house and it can be done up in a multitude of ways. I think you'll have a lot of fun with it. Have a Happy Mini Day! Rhonda

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There are times when the D in DH has alternative meanings. Like when he won't do what he's told to do!

Roxxie, if you can do that tiny house, a normal size one should be no problem at all! In fact, you are braver than I am. I have yet to try lighting a house. They look cute, but I'm just not into that kind of thing and with my luck, I'd end up like Rhonda and her hacienda!

Rhonda, I'd love to see your hacienda. We have been discussing how to make one. I want the enclosed patio on mine, so will have to think about how to do that on a dollhouse. The idea of a top opening house does not appeal to me at all, but neither does one that opens on the patio side. maybe an L shape with the two outside walls of the L hinged to open?

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Sherry - snicker. Thanks for the giggle.

Well I played house last night. I moved the upstairs wall over a bit and then added pieces so the bathroom door will fit (it's thicker than the walls). I dug out window casing for the interior.

It's just not talking to me though. I just keep plugging along hoping it turns out ok. I will make the chimney today I hope.

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I have yet to try lighting a house. They look cute, but I'm just not into that kind of thing and with my luck, I'd end up like Rhonda and her hacienda!

** Wow, I've got to say that once I got into wiring the houses, I can't see me ever going back. It is amazing how much the lighting adds to the over-all look.**

Rhonda, I'd love to see your hacienda. We have been discussing how to make one. I want the enclosed patio on mine, so will have to think about how to do that on a dollhouse. The idea of a top opening house does not appeal to me at all, but neither does one that opens on the patio side. maybe an L shape with the two outside walls of the L hinged to open?

** Hopefully, you'll get to see it soon. I fixed the problem very quickly, and now it's getting close to the finish line. I LOVE my hacienda . . . problems experienced and all! Really and truly, the wiring problem was probably not such a bad thing - every time I experience a problem and fix it, it helps build my experience base and I have more confidence in my ability to rectify whatever I have to. I love your ideas for a hacienda - I will be watching if you make one! Like you, I don't like the idea of a top-opening one. But, I do think your idea of the L-shape sounds exciting. **

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Once again I appreciate everyone's input and willingness to put up with a novice. When I look through all your wonderful gallery pictures I am at the same time inspired and thinking No way can I ever do anything that good!

I don't know if I will do electric but sometime I would like to try it.

I have spent sooooooooo much time looking for wallpaper online today...the more I look the harder it is. I have scrapbook paper but not sure if the scale would be right for 1:12. Some of it is kind of shabby chic and I kind of like that look...I think it would go nicely in the Orchid.

HBS has a 20% coupon for 4th of July sale!

LOL on the different meanings for the D in DH...I think I got it :)

I hope you got your wiring fixed!

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The hacienda is bound to happen. Of all the types of homes I know, the houses in Santa Fe and Taos appeal to me the most. I love the adobe, the enclosed patios, the tile, the Mexican and Navaho pottery and weavings. I'll never have a real one, but I can sure have a mini one!

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My poor little Michaels puzzle house has been pretty neglected due to all my work on the hacienda. But, while watching t.v. last night, I did get a little more work done on it. I have fine-tuned the stonework and worked on some of the trim detail. Also, I have started putting the roof on. It will eventually get done (after the hacienda is totally finished). I am also thinking about starting on a Buttercup. It just sort of got my attention in the kit closet the other day. Yes, I have an official "kit closet" (LOL!). Anyway, I never have been able to figure out how to put pictures on my posts (it always says my image is too big), so if you want to see my progress you can look in my gallery.

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Well, here is what I got done today. There are still loose 'crumbs' all over the place. My method of applying moss is to spread the mod podge on, sprinkle moss all over it, and what sticks, stays! You can even see some wet glue on the vine I think. Anyway! I started painting the furniture, but can't find any decent pink fabric in my stash...I just never make anything pink

This is a crummy picture...will take better ones later!


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See those spaces at the points of the gables? I'm painting bamboo skewers with wooden beads on the end, to slide up inside there and finish it off...I forgot to put them on before I took the pictures!

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That house is soo cute! Is that stucco or something on the exterior?

I dry fitted my two room one last night and was surprised how much easier it was than that one! Now I just have to decide what its going to be. I love the bay windows they h ave to have somethings in them!

I love your colors Sherry!

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Roxxie, that's a perfect example of being afraid to try something! It's spackle, and I wanted to try it so bad, but kept putting it off. I knew I'd mess it up, but it turned out to be easy, and great fun!

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Wow thats spackle? How did you apply it? The DAP fast and final spackle I have is terrible to work with! ( or maybe its just me! I thought I would try the egg carton bricks but I was saving the cartons forever ( I don't eat that many eggs lol).

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I just took a bit at a time on an old plastic credit card and spread it on with that, then 'dabbed' it with a stencil brush to get the texture right. When it dried to white instead of the pink, I sanded very very lightly.

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It looks great!

I am being optomistic ( can you believe it?) I just ordered some wallpaper and flooring from HBS for the Orchid.

Playing with different paper and color ideas for the 2 room puzzle house. I buy scrapbook paper on sale and use that for my walls.

What did you do with that bump out shape on the top floor? It has huge gaps in it. It looks like I might have to cut the tabs that stick through the roof off and wallpaper right over the holes! Can you tell I don't like spackle?

I might get rid of the stairs again just because I don't like how they look. Maybe I can fill them in or modify them somehow so they look better. Otherwise they are outta here!

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I just got my new Dover catalogue and it has a great new cd full of what they call backgrounds. They are bricks, tiles, woodgrain,slate flooring, etc. 50 patterns, each in 4 colors. Sounds like a great place to get some printies to use! It even has one of old, weathered roofing. I don't know if it's ok to post their website here, so I won't. But if you like to use prints like this, it is listed on their website. Just put 'backgrounds' in their search box and it will come up.

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You're doing great Roxxie, and do feel free to ask questions, any question. That is how we have all learned. Holly means well, she just has the "sublety of a Mac truck" sometimes(her words), no one should feel intimidated, she is a sweety. She's given me a few kicks in the butt too, and thaught me that the words, "I can't do that", should not be in my vocabulary.

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Thanks Sue and everyone else who has been so supportive. I feel like I made a lot of new friends in here and we all have our quirks and insecurities...Remember what you learned in kindgarten..Play nice, share your toys and don't eat the paste! :happydance:

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I keep loosing track of this thread because it's not in the main forum now O.o Where'd I put my glasses so I can catch up on all of this stuff?!

Thanks for telling me I can skip the wood prep! I wanted to do it RIGHT, but.. >.> I am so tired of waiting, darn it! Can I just paint/stain the furniture, too? *jumping for joy* I've been saving egg cartons and drink carriers too :happydance: I'll work on the Arthur and treat it right once these two are done. Maybe I can get another furniture set too, sometime before they're gone ;)

I got my HBS catalog Friday. Now I see why people love that thing!

ROXXIE !! You redeemed that puzzle furniture for me. I put it together ages ago, but I was worried that it really would look like... well, nothing good :monkeydance: But I didn't even realize you'd used it till I looked closer and then OH MY GOSH! It looks GREAT!

Edited by ImaginaryRain
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LOL Deana! I use to make edible playdough because I knew they were going to eat it!

TOTALLY off the topic of houses but here is what I have been doing today.

This little guy took everyone of my lovely tomatoes off my plants, took a bite and left it. He had to try one more and just one more until I had none left! Now he is is Squirrel Lock up and headed to the park later :happydance:


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We have a mother squirrel nesting in the tree by the patio. She ate all of my moss rose, part of my nasturtiums, and used the stuffing out of two picnic table dining chairs for her nest. If she wasn't so entertaining, and with a family up there in the tree, she'd be in deep trouble!

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