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Sad day in our little town today


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Last week when my husband and the kids were driving back to town from vacation they saw a wreck out on 395 there is a curve in the road just before the dump. There were two cars, a truck and a little econmy car. My husband said it looked bad. When he got back to work he learned that the little car had two of his co-workers teenage daughters. Apparantly they had cut off the truck. The driver tried hard to avoid the collision but the girls 16 and 18 died.

I just looked out the window and I saw a lot of cars filling the streets, we live near the mortuary. I relaized they must be burying the girls today. I opened the front door and stood on the porch thinking how sad it was watching kidsfrom the girls high school walk down the streetto the mortuary. Just then the wind blew and the small white flowers in the trees that line the streets began to rain down. Almost like confetti. I mean the whole street. Ruby got out on the sidewalk and was spinning around in the "flower" rain.

I couldn't help to think how pretty she is but, then I thought of how sad the family of the girls must be.

I dunno it just kind of hit me and I feel very sad now. Sorry for the bummer story. But I just had to let it out. Hope you all are okay today and that the ones you love are close to you. Hold them tight because you never know. :)

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How sad, Arda. My MIL bought my nephew a '99 BMW and all I can think about is 1. How he hasn't earned it (can't hold a job) and 2. How dangerous it is to have such a powerful car at 19 with no common sense and no fear of death.

That is so sad for those girls and even more so for the family.

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Arda, you must be so sad...besides, it's the first time I've heard you call her "Ruby" and not "Princess Rhubarb". Give each of your children a special hug tonight and thank God you've got this time with them. {{{hugs}}}

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Oh Arda, that's horrible! How sad for the family!

And, considering my earlier posts about my "strike"...I bet that family would give anything for their girls to be there to be able to make a mess ! Makes me feel guilty for "sweatin' the small stuff", like a messy house, when my 3 children are here, safe and healthy with me ....I guess we never realize how good we have it until you get an eye opener like this.

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What a truly sad situation. It seems to be the week for them. I read about two teenagers who were murdered the night of their prom and when the girl's brother was coming home because of it, he got into an accident and died a couple days later. I cannot imagine how these families feel. Today marks the 21st anniversary of my mom's passing and as I sit here missing her, I think about how much time I was able to share with her that these families wont have. Life can be so overwhelming. I am thankful to have a God to turn to, along with my family and friends.

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What a tragic thing to have happen.

I was once one of the first to arrive at an accident scene. A 17 year old girl was thrown from the car and died instantly. I think it will haunt me for a long time. My brain actually would not register what it was seeing. It was so heartbreaking. I can't imagine how it would have felt if I had known her parents.

Everyday we are alive and well is a blessing.

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How horrible for the family. How awful for the town. Recently a friend of mine told me her granddaughter (age 16) was in the hospital and parazlied from the neck down due to an auto accident. She had taken her seat belt off to go to sleep and her older sister was driving (18). She hit ice and the car spun out of control (obvously going to fast for the road conditions. The younger gal was thrown from the vehicle and lived - but is paralized. The older girl feels so guilty and wants to commit suicide. Such a sad sad sad case.

Yes, hold your children near and dear to you, and warn them of the pitfalls of cars and such!

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How very sad :) ..my heart goes out to those parents. I can't imagine anything worse than losing a child, but 2 must be sheer agony. Everytime my son drives away in his car, I semi-hold my breath until he returns...you just never know. They are so easily distracted and it only takes half a second for something to go horribly wrong.

I pray that the girls family can somehow find the strength to get through this terrible time, and in time, perhaps some comfort and peace.

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How sad. Losing a child has to be the worst thing a parent can experience. I know even now, with my 29 year old son living with us, I always get up at night and tiptoe to his room to make sure he got home safely if he was out when I went to bed. My husband reminds me he did 8 years in the military, and several tours of duty overseas, including two in Iraq, and he's 29 years old........but, hey...I'm still a mother and want to see if my son is home safely and sleeping in his bed. I can't help it!

What a tragedy...

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