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Ocassionally, but it is usually enviromental. Meaning depending on what kind of day I have had. If I have worked 14+ hours I can't get to sleep. Sometimes it is because of stress. I don't like it much. When I can't sleep I have a hard time concentrating and comprehension.

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Ah, the joys of insomnia. Waxing the kitchen floors at 4am.......organizing the sock drawer.....alphabetizing the cd's and books......washing my rock collection....polishing all the brass in the house. I think insomnia has contributed a lot to spur of the moment hair styles and dye jobs too. :angry: It could certainly explain why my fingernails were 10 different colors. It's amazing what can seem like a good idea in the wee hours of the morning.

In the summer, I love sitting out on the patio in the middle of the night. It's quiet and peaceful and almost as good as sleeping. Almost.


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I don't have insomnia, but I've been a night-owl most of my life. Mostly what wakes me now in the wee AM hours is osteoarthritis, and what sometimes kept my brain buzzing when I was working was some of the seamier situations I ran into as a school nurse & how I was going to handle the problems. Since I've retired I find the computer a great way to work the "itis" out of the joints.

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Yep, I have that insomnia thing too. I was hoping that it was just temporary whilst I was going through THAT phase, menopause. I hate laying awake and listening to my husband snore blissfully, so I end up reading most of the night.

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Insomnia for me can be triggered by the weather, stress, not getting to sleep during a tiny window of opportunity early in the day, etcetera. Basically, anything can trigger it. Sometimes I resort to sleeping pills when it goes on for days at a time, but there are times that my body resists those. I don't like taking them because they give me a headache, almost like a hangover.

Last night I worked on minis, so it was a productive, sleepless night at least. And my cat enjoys the company, she thinks I should run through the house, yelling, like she does in the dead of night.

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I myself dont suffer from insomnia seeing I have 3 kids 2 dogs and tons of things going on everyday that Iam a early bird and is in bed by 10pm every night. But I do know how those of you feel that do have insomnia my husband is up and down all night long and sometimes goes days without sleep he also on occasion will use a over the counter sleeping pill sometimes they help and there are times that they dont.


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I have had insomnia for about 12 yrs.

I have always been a night owl. of which I still am and after so many years of not sleeping I dont seem to require much. alot of mine seems to have been from sleep apnea. now that I have my Bi-pap machine...I get about 5 hours.

I used to get up and read because the kids and hubby were all on the day scedual

but now the only kid we have left sleep upstairs and Hubby works nights.

so I get alot of loud work done at that time....it just seems more peaceful.

no household noise and no noise from the streets.

nutti :angry:

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I suffer from insomnia also, but am not as productive as you guys seem to be, I usually just toss and turn all night. But I have found that if I go to long without enough rest I have to take something or I end up with vertigo. At my age, if I do happen to fall asleep, then a "power surge" otherwise known as hot flash wakes me up so if I can get 3 full hours of sleep I feel like I've done good. LOL


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I can sleep anywhere anytime. I'm asleep when my head hits the pillow and can easily sleep 10-12 hours. I can sleep on planes, buses, hotel rooms ... and I'm very hard to wake up.

There's a downside to being such a good sleeper though ... if I don't keep moving around, I'm out like a light and can sleep through a good part of the day. That's why I always do crossword puzzles or work on a craft when I'm sitting. Even when I'm watching tv, I always work on crossword puzzles. Otherwise I doze off (read fall into a deep sleep).

Sorry a lot of you guys aren't getting enough sleep though ... do you feel tired during the day? Or just not need that much sleep?


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Susanne, you must be part cat! Lucky you!

I can function reasonable well on 2-3 hours of sleep for a few days, but any longer than that and I get clumsy and cranky. I'm on day(night) four so I took a pill. Now I'm waiting for it to kick in. I have to go to an art opening tomorrow night, so I would prefer not to bring a full set of carry-on luggage slung under my eyes.

OMG! There was just now, a woman screaming for help outside. When I went to check, several cars had already stopped. I think she hit someone from the sound of the scream. I can hear the sirens now, two ambulances and a firetruck. How awful! I'm all shaken up now.

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OMG!  There was just now, a woman screaming for help outside.  When I went to check, several cars had already stopped.  I think she hit someone from the sound of the scream.  I can hear the sirens now, two ambulances and a firetruck.  How awful!  I'm all shaken up now.

That's enough to shake up anyone! It sure doesn't help with sleeping after hearing that. Hopefully it wasn't too serious and things quieted down enough that you could get some sleep.

Be sure to give us a report on the art show!


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I'll take pictures of the show. I usually hate these things but I am expected to make an appearance. Used to love going to openings when I was younger, but then it was always with a group of friends. I don't have any close friends here in town, so that makes openings rather lonely.

The accident was in the paper this morning, just a couple of paragraphs. A woman in a Jeep hit a teenage boy who was crossing the highway. The boy was wearing dark clothing and his condition is unknown.

It seems sad that something so awful can be reduced to a few lines in a newspaper. Hope the kid's okay. ;)

I also feel bad for the woman...what a nightmare.

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I'll take pictures of the show.  I usually hate these things but I am expected to make an appearance.  Used to love going to openings when I was younger, but then it was always with a group of friends.  I don't have any close friends here in town, so that makes openings rather lonely.

I used to love going to openings too .... plays, shows, galleries ... but it seems the older I get the more I just like to stay home.  When I get home from work, a simple supper, comfortable clothes .... and my husband, cats, books, miniatures .... I'm happy as a pig in mud.

The accident was in the paper this morning, just a couple of paragraphs.  A woman in a Jeep hit a teenage boy who was crossing the highway.  The boy was wearing dark clothing and his condition is unknown.

It seems sad that something so awful can be reduced to a few lines in a newspaper.  Hope the kid's okay. ;)

I also feel bad for the woman...what a nightmare.


It always strikes me how a person's whole life can be changed in a split second through an accident.


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Perfect topic since it is 4:48 pacific time and I have been up reading the forum since 3:30. I plan to go make an apple pie now for my dinner guests tonight. Grrrrr....and my husband sleeps soundly on. Hate this, but productive.

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It's 0322 here in sunny Utah. Actually I worked 1300 to 0100 in fast track today. Got out at 0140. My other days are 1800 to 0600. So I'm pretty well nocturnal. Any pretty well non-productive. Why? I figured it out, Marg works days, early. It's hard for me to do stuff at night that won't keep her awake. Prolly why I've been planning the Garf so much. I can surf the net without making a lot of noise.

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I can surf the net without making a lot of noise.


My husband is a shift worker, and often has to sleep during the day. The computer is a great way for me to keep in touch with people, but still be around in case he wakes up early.


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Ray cleans our house. It was his day off today, and I came home from work to a nice clean house. He even re-organized my bathroom for me.

One of my cats, Dudley, is old and rather set in his ways ... he can also get a little whiney. For the past few months, he's insisted on drinking water out of a cup at my bathroom sink. So I just leave him a cup of water there. Lately, he's also decided that he likes to stick his paw in the cup and spill the water. Then he whines for some more!!

Anyway he did that trick to me this morning. I quickly wiped up around the sink and went off to work. Ray is a fussier housekeeper than I am, and noticed water splashed around. So he cleaned the bathroom (I usually do my own bathroom ... that's my one housekeeping job). Then he got basket organizers and my makeup, creams, lotions ... and all that necessary stuff is all straightened up. He's a keeper. But then again, so's Dudley.


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