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Missymew last won the day on May 10 2014

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About Missymew

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    Dollhouse miniatures - I've done work in 1:12 scale, 1:48 and 1:144, my cats, reading (especially miniatures), embroidery, healthy eating, walking, and my granddaughters (age 16 and 13) and good friends.

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  • Dollhouse Building Experience
    Five or more
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  1. We collect clocks: grandfather, mantle, wall clocks. I think we have about 31. We're not big fans of daylight savings time.
  2. Deb, I remember when you'd send me a parcel (I still have the adorable heart-shaped catnip bags). I'd ask you to let Napoleon climb into the box so that my girls could have a good sniff when the package arrived. They so enjoyed Napoleon's gift of scent ;)
  3. I lost over fifty pounds by the time my Graves Disease had reached its peak and I got treatment (radio-active iodine). Its been a year and a half and I've maintained the weight loss. My endocrinologist is very proud of me. I changed my eating habits. I only graze four or five times a day. I'm so used to it that I never feel hungry. Today I had a spinach and hard-boiled egg salad (no dressing). I only eat a small portion and am stuffed for hours. I do drink a lot of water and coffee. While I'm not a tea drinker, I've changed that and Ray makes us a pot of tea that we enjoy when we watch the 6 O'Clock News. I also eat two metamucil cookies with the tea. I need the metamucil as, because my thyroid can speed up at times, everything speeds up and food goes right through me. The metamucil bars help and are very filling. Ray has also taken to eating how I do (mostly raw foods and whole grains). While he eats a good deal more than I do, he's lost weight and feels much better for it. We also get out for walks as often as we can. Recently we had blood tests and physicals (I'll have to have frequent blood tests for the rest of my life), and we both had low-normal blood pressure, low-normal blood sugar readings, and my thyroid readings were in the normal range.
  4. The Robins returned about two weeks ago. Love hearing their song. They're attracted to our garden as Ray keeps our birdbath nice and fresh. We also keep it safe by having trellises surrounding the birdbath so that cats can't leap up and catch the birds while they're vulnerable in the bath. We have a junco (they usually fly in and stop and feed up over about a two week period in Spring and Summer while heading further north and then back south again) that mated a couple of years ago with a sparrow (they're of the same family but seldom mate). Its so exciting having them stay all year round and the baby junco-sparrows are juncos with one or two sparrow feathers. The chickadees are busy making lots of "mating" calls; however, they'll head down to the ravines soon to nest. Of course, there's our resident squirrel and her latest "beau" or "paramour". He's much bigger than her and has different markings. Trinity (my little black cat) and I love to watch them through the window. Ray's job is to be sure there are lots of peanuts in the feeder to encourage them to come up close to the window for us to have a better look.
  5. School dances. I love to dance. Also, I have a male friend that I went to high school with that I'm meeting for coffee next week. He and I went to H.S. together, worked at our first job together, and then both ended up working for the City until our retirement (he two years ago...me a year and a half ago). Its so nice to keep in touch with someone who's known you through high school and working years. When you retire there are a lot of changes in your social life. Friends you keep and still see, and many that you never see again.
  6. Orange. He's a neighbour cat that comes into the yard to visit. I'll have to share a story about Orange and his brothers, Chewy, Smokey and Oreo. They live down the street and come into our garden everyday. Anyone that knows me from way back is aware I have a fondness for big male tomcats. These four boys come into our yard and are so delightful. My two old girls are aging and not very sociable.
  7. If anyone is interested, I've listed four of my dolls on Ebay under seller name Missymew101. I'm downsizing as I've just too many to put into my scenes.
  8. Missymew

    Two room room box

    My back is getting sore, so I'll have to take some more photos (I'll delete some of these later) and take more photos with the plexiglass taken off. Darn, I wish I had more energy.
  9. Missymew

    Two Room Roombox

    Darn, once again reflection from our windows through plexi-glass.
  10. Missymew

    Two Room Roombox

    Just noticed, should have taken the plexi-glass front cover off. There's a reflection.
  11. Missymew

    Two Room Roombox

    There was a member on this site several years ago who built these room boxes. They are completely enclosed with a plexi-glass front that slides into place. Underneath is a drawer where Ray has hidden the electrical panel and where I've stored items for changing in my scenes.
  12. BTW, I'll have to look up the artisan that made the tinker toy models. The windmill really turns when you blow on it.
  13. Missymew

    Five sided diorama

    This diorama/roombox fits nicely on our China Cabinet.
  14. Today, I cleared out a few more boxes of miniatures (food items). Ray has cleared drawers for me to put my mini food items in that are near to my dollhouses and room boxes so that I can change out. I've also been listing some dolls on Ebay. I have so many. Now I'm taking a few photos and posting them here on Greenleaf to show some of the projects I've been working on. I've also finally (yesterday) cut the final string to the ties to my birth family (excluding my one brother Kevin). Its always been he and I. We were raised in an abusive household and I still have nightmares of being back in that house. Kevin ( 3 years younger than I) found comfort in each other. Anyway, sorting through minis today. Tomorrow's Ray's (hubby) 70th birthday. Hmmmm what to do, what to do.
  15. Missymew

    Beacon Hill 2014

    Ray upgraded the old lighting system that my dad installed in 1994 when he built the dollhouse.
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