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A Milestone of Sorts: A year's experience in minis ...


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It occurred to me this morning that it has been a year, almost to the day, that I cracked the first kit box -- the Orchid -- and got swept away in this wonderful world of miniatures. The kit was a Christmas present to me, and I started on it just before my birthday, which is coming up fast. Then, when I got to the part where the electricity had to be installed, I stalled. The Orchid sat to one side of the workshop from March to June as Norma Jeane and I worked on the dollhouse for the charity auction. With her as master builder and me as apprentice, I learned a LOT!

I found this forum in August, just before the auction, and have never looked back. The NAME conference in September got me excited about making accessories. Since then, the original Orchid, another Mollie's Orchid, a Pet Shop Vignette, the Mardi Gras Float, and now the Primrose rabbit habitat have been or are nearly finished, and there is a long line of kits waiting in the wings.

I've always said I wasn't sure what I wanted to be when I grew up ... but at age 66, I think I've just figured it out! :)

Hugs to all my new best friends here. I hope to meet a lot of you in person one day!

Edited by KathieB
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I know just how you feel. I started my first kit (the Sugarplum Cottage) back in August of 2005. I've built 9 kits since. I've got three more waiting in the wings.

I joined this group in September. I love it! People I've actually got things in common with that I've never even met! What a concept.

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On January 31 it will be one year that I started this odyssey. I started with one $20 Skilcraft kit (that was going to be it, the only one, no more). And now I am working on house number.....um 5. Wow 5!

I have met alot of great people here (we really need to have a IRL) and learned alot about the possibilities and probabilities of my travels into mini land.

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congrats Kathie! this place truly is wonderful. Its so nice to have a place to chat and relate with people who have the same passion as me.. mini's! none of my friends and family really understand how passionate i feel about this hobby and its so good to come on here and have dozens and dozens of friends that do! thank u everyone!!

Kathie im so in love with your primarose it is just darling! I started this hobby a little over a year ago as well. and so far i have built: the garfield, the coventry cottage, the willowcrest, the white orhcid, and now i am building a Emerson row! not to mention the 7 other kits waiting for me! I love this hobby!

congrats again Kathie :)

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Oh Kathy doesn't time fly when your having fun? :) I started getting hooked after I received my Garfield for Christmas 2005. It was a very large kit and I was intimidated at first so it sat in the box until April. Then like you when I ran into a snag I found this site. The rest is history.

I just finished house #4 and have 3 more waiting in the wings. I really enjoy everybody here and all the great info I get from all. I hope to meet some of you someday. I've already made friends with Jaimie Marvon but then she up and moved away on me :yikes:

I feel like I've finally found a hobby I can really stick with. Except that I might run out of room to put all the houses I might make. :D

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I feel like I've finally found a hobby I can really stick with. Except that I might run out of room to put all the houses I might make. :D

haha funny you should say that. as im bidding on a kit on ebay im thinking to myself...

"self, where are you going to put all these houses when they are built?"

2 nights ago when i started to put together my Emerson row Caleb walked into the room and said "your building ANOTHER?"

I said "yes of course, this is a hobby, thats what you do."

he said "yes i knew that, but i thought since you JUST finished the willowcrest you would want to take a break!!"

lol silly boyfriend :) he just doesnt get it :yikes:

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What a sweet letter! :D

It'll be two years for me, next month -- and around this time when I first started shopping for a dollhouse. I knew nothing about them, stumbled across the Garfield on Overstock.com, and bought it. It was several months later that I found this forum. I'm still working on bits and pieces of the Garfield,

and deep into rehabbing Brimble, have a third house in the wings, built the greenhouse "in between" things, and the little Greenleaf village for Christmas, looking for an Emerson Row...

addictive, this hobby! :)

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and we are glad you found us and have shared with all of us your wonderful projects

I have been in awe of each of your projects how polished they look!

you have indeed found your lil niche!

nutti :wave:

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I just started my first kit 1/12 at the ripe old age of 52, (Coventry) and have done 2 others both 144 scale.

Although I dont respond/reply too much, I want to say THANK YOU to ALL of you with the great inspirations and tips, how toos etc and especially the encouragement you have given me since Ive been with your forum.

I kept saying the Coventry would be the only kit I would do, but awaiting in the wings are an Orchid, White Orchid, Ernies Houseboat, Travel Trailer . I continue to "want" another kit but keep putting it off (laughing)..

I just only wish I had the talent you all seem to have, I have tempted to "make" a few minis, some come out okay some well you know...........need to go into the trash can., but I continue on and maybe one day I can inspire others as you all have inspired me

ThankYou!!! :wave:

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Nahhh! Greg.

I have been dreaming of my own dollhouse since I was 4 yrs old. That makes it ummmm. Oh Gosh 34 yrs of dreaming.

Talk about a dream deffered!

When you put it that way I have really been into this since I was about 8 years old. I used to make dollhouses for my Barbies from boxes. So I guess I've really been into minis for (clearing thoat) you do the math.........

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