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Confessions....wallpaper sample junkie!


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I was reading the post about getting paint chip samples for a floor from Lowe's and I had to smile. I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes advantage of free "samples". My husband always kids me that Lowe's is going to come after me for taking samples. :loveletter: My addiction is the wallpaper samples. Everytime I'm in there I get a few more. When it comes time to paper the house, I'll be all set. I feel guilty about it though and would gladly pay for the samples if they charged for them. I don't really want to pay $20 for a roll when I only need a couple of feet. Oh well....when I think of all the paint and supplies and tools I do buy from them, I figure it all evens out. I did buy a few rolls when they had a sale as well.

I'm still afraid I'm going to see a picture with my face on it by the cash registers to warn the cashiers about the "greedy wallpaper thief." :o

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Don't feel bad, on the 25th of every month I go to Home Depot and get their outdated wallpaper books. They always have one or two for me and they are free. The only problem is storing them. When I find a pattern I like, I photocopy it, size it for minis and then print out as many sheets as I need. I have to admit sometimes I feel like a thief walking through the cashiers area and not paying for them.

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The first time I went to a Sherwin Williams store to ask for an old sample books, they asked how many I wanted. I asked how many they had and they quickly produced about twenty - waaaay more than I could carry! I snagged a few that looked promising and left the rest there. If I need more, I know where to go! :loveletter:

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Never thought about going to Lowe's or Home Depot for expired wall paper books. Thanks for the tip.

Wonder if the wall paper places or decorator shops would do the same? Might be worth the trip to find out. :o :loveletter:

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Hey, those are great ideas! Next time I go to the wallpaper store I'll have to ask them about that.

Bitsy, I too, am a wallpaper sample thief! Whew, glad to get that off my chest! :o I actually took enough one day to wallpaper the two upper floors of my 'Forestgate Cottage', of course it didn't take much, but still! :loveletter:

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I'm glad I'm not alone. :loveletter: I find that if you roll them up real tight, you can fit a few inside of eachother...then it doesn't seem like you are taking as much. Oh man...I'm bad!!!!!!

But, the samples are SO wonderful, aren't they?? I have some that I will use for the ceilings as well as the walls.

I would love to know what a Lowe's manager thinks about all the sample taking. It would be pretty funny. :o

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A few years ago I stopped in a wallpaper/paint store to see if they had any old books, and I really lucked out. They had one that showed mosaic papers - my wizard's roombox has a floor that looks like a cobbled mosaic - but it's really wallpaper! :loveletter:

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A few years ago I stopped in a wallpaper/paint store to see if they had any old books, and I really lucked out. They had one that showed mosaic papers - my wizard's roombox has a floor that looks like a cobbled mosaic - but it's really wallpaper! :o

:loveletter: muttermumblemurmur..... OK ok ok I better get my butt out of here tomorrow to see if I can make some great finds at the wallpaper/paint store as well as those mosaic papers soundmore than fabulous!!!!


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Those sound like great ideas, as for old sample books, they may have to pay for every pound of refuse that they get rid of (a hospital does) so for every book you remove for them you're actually saving them some money. I collect the trays that central line and LP kits come in, since they're sheet styrene , and I use them for scratchbuilding. So theoretically I'm stealing from the hospital, but it's garbage to them, and they have to pay to disgard it.

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After you have taken what you want from the books, consider cutting the hard covers off. They are super little boards for quickie lap trays when working on a small project - or to protect your table from glue drips, etc. (Also, any papers that you don't need could be given to a school; kindergarten teachers usually love these donations!) :D

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I went into Wilkinson's, which sells all manner of bits and pieces, including wallpaper the other day ... got so carrued away colour co-ordinating my wallpaper "samples" that the bag I had to ask them for to put it all in was about three times the size of the one the shopping was in .................... lol the girl on the checkout looked so bored that "the weird woman who collects wallpaper" probably made her day a little more interesting.

Ellen :D

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I get funny looks from waitresses carrying out all our "used" table trash... There's an Oriental restaurant in Bainbridge I like to go to because their fortune cookies come in little vellum bags with geishas on them; perfect for a shoji screen!

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