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Happy Fourth of July to our American Friends Here!


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Yeah, I'm going out to see the fireworks tonight, as if you couldn't tell here. LOL  They're legal where I live and everyone - and I do mean EVERYONE - has fireworks. So I'll go up on the hill to the cemetery parking lot about 8:30pm where I"m able to see up and down all along the hills at fireworks blossoming like the ones in the gifs, plus the official city fireworks at 10:30. By about 11pm, we'll have had about three hours of constant boom-boom-boom and the entire valley will be filled with haze and the air will ring with the sounds of fire engine sirens. Maybe they should be banned, (the fireworks, not the fire engines) but I love 'em anyway (both of them). I'm taking a jacket, a blanket, a bag of chips (crisps) and some Gatorade and I'll have my own picnic out there.

For the first couple of years, I would be the only one up there, but tonight I expect there to be a lot of people and it'll probably turn into a block party.

What are the rest of you doing today?

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My backyard is about 1/4 mile from the city park where the city puts off a 20 minute display. We always invite whomever wants to come by and watch them. No traffic or parking problems at my house.  So yesterday we washed off the screened-in porch and flipped the cushions on the comfy wicker chairs. I also purchased a new jute rug so the outdoor space is set up to be the best and safest viewing spot in town. Happy 4th! 

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Happy 4th !!

Beach, parade, fireworks & we've been eating all weekend -

Tonight we're having shish kabobs (lots of veggies, with steak & chicken)

We're trying to go low-carb

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Our next door neighbor has his extended family over every 4th and New year's Eve to shoot off fireworks until they run out, usually by sometime in the wee small morning hours.  We do Not go out to watch them, since tomorrow we ill probably be picking up bits off crackers, rocket, Roman candles, etc, out of our yard and off of the sides of our porch.  Since he bought a RV campground along the Styx River this past year I'm hoping against hope they go shoot of the fireworks there, instead...

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Enjoy your Divorce-From-The-Big-Bad-Parliment-Overseas day!!! (sorry, couldn't resist). 

I remember being in grad school and friends taking me to Atlantic City for the 4th. Watching the fireworks over the boardwalk, such fun!!!

Did you know that your Constitution was heavily influenced by the Great Laws of Peace that bound the Six Nations together? (I am Mohawk, we are the Keepers of the East Door in the longhouse tradition)

History lesson over for the day! 

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Great history lesson, Barb. :)

We're enjoying the Capital Fourth on PBS from the comfort of our own living room. New Orleans does a grand fireworks show from two barges anchored in the middle of the Mississippi River. We went a couple of times, but after 75 years, watching fireworks has lost some of its excitement.

Update: from DC we went to Boston -- two sets of phenomenal fireworks and great music, too. 

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We always have some fireworks going off a day or two before the 4th and maybe the day after, but rarely longer than that. Yesterday (like any Fourth), the noise started in the afternoon and between 9 and 11pm, it's non-stop booming. In fact, we had overcast skies last night and with the fireworks lighting up the clouds and the constant rumbling, you'd swear there was a 3 hour thunderstorm going on.

There were only a few fireworks set off after midnight, though, and today has been absolutely quiet.

I'm wondering if making fireworks illegal is the reason in a lot of towns that you hear them for days and weeks before and after the Fourth? Fireworks are legal here and it seems like because they are, it's just not that big a deal to people that they have to be shooting them off all the time, since they are so available in the Fourth.

Here, Holly, someone felt like you do:


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