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cleaning out my work space


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    I am starting this thread to keep my moving forward and so I can get advice from other miniaturists about setting up a more usable work space.

 Some of you old times already know that I have a huge work space in Tel aviv  but I am slowly moving my Keepers our home in Oregon. My new work space is about 250 sq feet ( I do I have additional space for table saws and other large tools in the garage) I know it's an amazing amount of space but still, even though I clean up after myself  every day about every 3 months the room turns into a hot unusable mess. My basic set up it two large dining tables and I usually have a project going on each one. I have plenty of surface to leave paint and flue drying and lots of storage furniture though most of it really doesn't work. 

I store my furniture in banker file boxes. This time, instead of just rearranging the boxes, I am ruthlessly purging anything I will not use in the next 5 years. So far,  it took me a week, working 6-8 hours a day, to get through the furniture, and another full  day to sort through the kits.  I used to store furniture by era but this time I resorted it by rooms this time hopefully I will spend lest time looking for things. I don't know how many boxes I started with but I have a few empties, two boxes full of stuff I listing on the trading post here sold four boxes full at the NAME mini garage sale this past Saturday. And, best of all, I only bought ONE new thing!


Accessories are my weakness, I have 10 bank boxes full of them!!!!, I am going to work on reorganizing those next, hoping to reduce it by at least 2 boxes but, honestly, I am not sure I can part with much.


After that I will organize the closets and purge some kits. I am going to sell five of them. Really, Yes. Definitely sell five! I already have one  listed on the trading post because it takes up so much space. I want to sell 2 built houses but I've put so much time and money into them that I don't want to sell them of $400.00, so need help  finding s auction house.. 


They the big job sorting and organizing the building stuff. I have like things in big clear plastic tubs, but I think I need to come up with a better plan. If anyone has any thoughts, let me know. 


I already keep lighting supplies organized, but will need to go through the wallpaper. 


After all that is done I want to paint and redesign the room. I'll post pictures and will want advice so come visit my thread!

Also visit the trading post as I will list everything here before I put it on EBay. 

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Oh dear...I have a lot of crap. Today I am just getting the stuff laying around the work tables that have piled up from recently (and not so recently) built houses. Building components, furniture and people I uses to scale rooms. Wallpaper bits, all manner of glue tubes and bottles (why do I keep buying more instead of finding some in the room?).

Lots and lots of wood scraps, one mouse skeleton, one purple gardening glove and a nice pair of rose pruners that have been MIA since last spring...Paint brushes and punches and brads Oh my! If only I could find that missing Lawbre Oeil-de-Boeuf Dormer Window...

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8 hours ago, havanaholly said:

What do you plan to use the mouse skeleton for?

Oooh, although I suspect the mouse skeleton is already history, I got a flash of a natural history museum room box when I read about its existence. It would make a wicked good dinosaur in 1:12 scale. :D

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1 hour ago, KathieB said:

Oooh, although I suspect the mouse skeleton is already history, I got a flash of a natural history museum room box when I read about its existence. It would make a wicked good dinosaur in 1:12 scale. :D

I'm a science geek so would LOVE to do a 1:12 scale science museum or science lab.......that might have to be my next project for when my skill level has improved!

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I clean and clean and clean...

One good thing. I have had boy and girl twin dollhouse babies since I was 5 or 6 years old. The girl baby has been missing since we move my collection from Tel aviv.  They are rubber and tad bit over sized (or they could be fat babies) but they have their original cloths. Just now I found her in a box of clamps and sandpaper!:cucumber:

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2 hours ago, aggiemae said:

I'm building a medical classroom for mice room box. I'll hang the skeleton in the corner.


Laughing about the baby doll's reappearance. Calls to mind a children's picture book a friend of mine wrote about a runaway king cake baby, a loose retelling of the saga of the gingerbread man. The baby in the illustrations is really chubby,

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5 hours ago, aggiemae said:

I know the king cake baby book!

Keila Dawson was in town this week. She'll be selling copies of The King Cake Baby at the King Cake Festival today, which benefits the children's programs at Ochsner Medical Center here in New Orleans. (You name it and we've got a festival for it!) The Amazon website says it's out of stock, but Keila says the publisher assures her that they have beaucoup copies.

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My husband is on the oregon state disaster team and spent 6 week in New Orleans during/after Katrina.  He spent 2weeks stationed at the deaf school lots of  familys of students came to the school for emergency shelter and a few of the families sill keep in touch and one mother sent us the book. A few years back she sent me some furniture and people from a dollhouse that belonged to Anne Rice.  No vampire dolls.

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I have to finish painting the windows on my commission build. Also, our puppy chewed up a foam ball and some colored pencles and a pair of shoes and a milk jug and peed on the livingroom rug so I am working on my real life house today but will work on my work space tonight.

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5 hours ago, aggiemae said:

I have to finish painting the windows on my commission build. Also, our puppy chewed up a foam ball and some colored pencles and a pair of shoes and a milk jug and peed on the livingroom rug so I am working on my real life house today but will work on my work space tonight.

I can't begin to imagine how much fun you'll have cleaning up all the foam bits, colored pencil chips, shoe shreds  and plastic bits he'll eventually pass.  Our eldest son had a taste for the Honolulu telephone book when he was a baby; we quickly learned to put it out of his reach, but not before we learned that the white pages and the yellow pages passed right through, but the green pages (with tsunami info) constipated him.  Ah, the joys of raising little ones!

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Last night, while I was going thru my fabrics, I remembered an old tip someone taught me and used used a 1:12 scale doll arm to determine the scale fabric.  Between scale and texture I reduce four boxes of collected fabric to just one usable box. I did put a few that were to large asside and I am going to try to photograph them qand reduce them on ther computer and then reprint them on fabric. 

I have enough glue of all kinds to last the rest of my life. 

Tonight I found some good wallpaper I got a couple of years ago for a Georgian house... I love the paper so I might build another one...also found huge  missing boxes of stairs and banisters and many packages of trims in the wood shop. 


I might post pictures tomorrow if I can figure out how to do it with my phone.

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  • 1 month later...

You've inspired me, Aggie Mae. bought two more rolling plastic bins yesterday, a move toward consolidating our two sets of craft supplies. When we each had our own work space in the Missouri house, duplicate items were helpful. Now that we share studio space, it's clutter on steroids.

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I took a photo of the nice queen size sofa bed in the studio and put it on Craig's list. We've never used it as a bed. When it's gone, there will be more room to display my houses. :D Lloyd uses it to watch TV. We'll get a one-person recliner for his comfort. :) I rarely watch TV with him. I prefer the non-commercial offerings on Roku in another room. 

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Non craft room furniture moved to other rooms. We gave away all the furniture in my son's room (so he can't come back!) And turned it into a nice guest room. I took over one of the closets for my out of season stuff...and hid a few "extra" doll house kits...it's a big closet. 

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Listed the sofa bed on Craig's list; we have another in the living room for guests, have never used this one as a bed. Once it's out of the studio, there will be more dollhouse display room and a place for L's large papier maché sculpture. :)  Only odds and ends left on my work table. There is even one empty drawer in the plastic rolling bins! Lloyd brought some of his stuff to storage. I am awed and somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of paper related to genealogy that has accumulated now that it is all in one place. I really must go through it page by page and either enter the data into the database or scan photos and documents. I hope I live to at least 120. :D 

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