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December 2006 Swap Sign Up


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I got my bakery counter this morning! Woo Hoo! I filled it to the brim and can't wait until we can post pictures!! You all are invited to 'Hyacinth's' for tea and cake!! :banana:

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I got my bakery counter this morning! Woo Hoo! I filled it to the brim and can't wait until we can post pictures!! You all are invited to 'Hyacinth's' for tea and cake!! :banana:

Teresa....I can't wait to visit! :birthday:

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Teresa i cant wait to vist your tea house!!! i need to find a place to display all my goodies until the emerson row is built! hmm.. maybe the "Darlings" that live in the willowcrest wouldnt mind a few yummy treats laying around for now :banana: ooo im gonna hve fun setting up my display tabl this weekend!!!

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haha good point!! looks like i might need to build them a mini scale first to tempt them not to eat those treats!! ROFL!

speaking of willowcrests.. how is urs coming along?

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It's coming along slowly but surely! I received the rest of my supplies yesterday so I plan to pick up the pace in the next few days. Should have some new pictures to post by the end of the weekend! Thanks for asking! :lol:

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ur welcome teresa! you know how much i LOVE the willowcrest... i wish i could live in mine!! lol. yours is coming along beautifully :lol:

im eagerly looking forward to more pics!! happy building :D

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As long as I'm not the only one to not have thier package I can keep signing in! LOL :lol: I'll have mine soon. either Mon. or Tuesday. It's all dependant on how well Jayce does at his new Preschool today (1st day!) I think he'll do well. He jumped right in today when I dropped him off. He's very personalbe and highly adaptable. The teachers were so happy to see how well he just went in and played and talked to the other children. I'll make the hour and a half drive to my parents place to pick it us and have lunch with them. then come home in time to pick Jayce up from school.


Still waiting on notification from:




and for Jaimie to pick her box up.

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Mine was sent to my old address, so it's going through the mail forwarding system. But I'll log off now and come back after it arrives, so if Linda wants to give the go for photo sharing, I'll be offline until it arrives.

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I'm still laughing at myself because after all these wonderful goodies arrived, it occured to me that I only have three houses with kitchens in them. Apparently, I don't think that little people need to eat!

Bruce came up with a good suggestion tho. He suggested I use one of those book boxes I convert to minis and make a bakery shop book. <gazing at my hubby with pride> He's good with these ideas. I think I shall have to make a trip to Michael's soon.


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Oh, I guess if we have to Linda! :lol: I'm so excited to post pictures . . . my whole bakery counter is stuffed to the gills! :D

Oh I can't wait to see it Teresa!! :yikes: Everything from the swap is so nice, I think I am going to make a bakery room box for everything!

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Thanks everyone! I thought I had changed Intrinsicat's address in my computer, but apparently I had not and shipped to her old address. I just want to give it a bit more time to arrived ....

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