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Magic Stone/Brick


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I'm about to endeavour on working with the magic stone/brick. My stencils are stuck and I'm just wondering if anyone has worked with this before and what there experience was. My first question is...how long do I let the mix sit on the stencil before I peel off the stencil. Also, what did you find as the best consistency of the mix.



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When I've worked with stencils/brick mixtures, I've only let it sit on there for 2-3 minutes...that stuff starts to dry pretty quickly, so you don't want to leave it on for too long. As for consistency, it should be about the consistency of frosting. You don't want it to be too dry/stiff because then it will flake off....too much water and it won't be firm enough to form the bricks.

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I left the stencils on for only a few minutes and they came off without any problems. I only problem I had was that I put it on too thick at first, but I was able to lightly sand down the few bricks that were too thick. Other than that I really like the way it came out. And I would use it again.

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Did you buy or make your own brick stencils? I am thinking about this because I think the egg carton bricks I made don't look that good.

I bought it for this reason...the egg carton bricks for 1/2 scale at least did not work out AT ALL for me, so opted for an easier plan...

And then I saw Syphon79's Rye foundation and got massively jealous!!! :)

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I never did stucco but I would think it would depend on how much texture is in your stucco?

I would love to know how to make a brick stencil. Would someone please post how to do this or point me where to find a tutorial?

Thanks! :)

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its not extremely textured but i wouldnt say its flat either. theres certainly no mountains and valleys in it. i would say its about the texture of the magic brick dry but having never used or seen the stuff in person i cant say that with full confidence. maybe if i sand the stucoo to a flatter finish. Its actually tile grout not dollhouse stucco.

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Miniatures.com? I will go look for you. I saw it somewhere lately because I was going to brick the outside of my store.

Nope...couldn't find it at miniatures.com. I found for 1/2 scale but they must have for 1/12 scale somewhere.

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I've lost count of the houses that I've made using Magic Systems. I normally keep some on hand since it's a great way of doing foundations and chimneys. I've used it on whole houses too, including my fairy house and my Willowcrest. I just taught Bruce how to use it this weekend to make cobblestones for a military diorama he's working on. The stuff works for everything!

I seldom use the mix that comes with it tho. I prefer using Greenleaf stucco mixed directly with paint if I'm making bricks or rough stones.....if I'm making smooth stones like river rocks for a foundation, I mix the paint with spackle and use it. That makes some really pretty rocks! Whatever you use, make sure the mixture is the texture of cake frosting. Too wet and your stones will run and too dry will make them crumble when you pull off the tape.

The biggest trick to using Magic Ston is taking the tape off as soon as you've finished applying the stone mix. If you're working on a whole house, do it one side at a time. You want to get the tape off before the stones start to harden. When you take the tape off, use a slight lifting motion, pulling it up and back at the same time like you're peeling it.

A good supplier of Magic Systems is http://www.dollhouseminiatures.com/supplies/magicsystem.htm You can get the whole kit which includes the tape and stone mix or you can get the tape by itself if you prefer using Greenleaf stucco or spackle.


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