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Tough Week


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Oh I have been painting trim on Marquam and thinking. You ever getting to REALLY thinking about stuff when you are tediously working away?

When I said I couldnt pick her up on Friday, my friend called to talk. How ya doing? What`s going on?

blah blah.

Then she said she was antsy since she was in the hospital so long and she was thinking of driving her over that night, herself!

I didnt think anything of that statement until today. She must have been antsy because her friend wanted her to go out on Friday nite. And she had her child there. And I wouldnt come get her.

I am probably a lil nuts thinking of this but this person has a track record.

Dh told me NO MORE! I dont have all day sucker tattooed on my forehead.

After I dropped off said child yesterday (i told her I would only meet halfway), she said she would call me later.

No call. None today either.

I am a sucker. She only wanted me cause she needed me.

I have had enough. I have dropped relatives that have burned me less.

I will not say anything to her or her mom about it but they will get the point when NO will mean NO from now on.

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This is the past 72 hours

Saturday. Taught the online class, Tha was not stressful but was time consuming since I did it twice, No one showed the first 20 minutes of the second class so i logged out and did needed house work. Before the class my daughter called and told me she and her boyfriend she lives with are gettin married in March 2007. I wish them the best.

Sunday , Daughter calls and tells me the wedding date has been postponed until March 2008, as they will need to save up some more money. She also causually mentions that she took 4 at home pregnancy tests and they ALL showed positive results.

Monday. Morning. I had an apponitment with the county welfare work experience program. At that appointment I learned exactly what work experience is. It is the same thing as community service, except that instead of working off time given by the court it is to pay for the welfare check i get. It can last as long as 1 year and during the time you are doing this you can use the work you are doing as experience and they will give you a reference, so that you can find a paying job. I start tomorrow at the county office stapling papers together for the next 3 day. After that time they will tell me what my next assignment is.

This is finals at the high school so my son got out of school early and called to be picked up, When I got there he said he was going to a friends house i could just go home. I told him to find his own way home form his friends house tonight.

I went shopping as I did not have the type of clothing they required and the place they will send you to get clothes was closed. I wear dresses, skirts, and blouses regulary. They reguired jeans and t shirt.

Afternoon. Daughter calls and says the pregnancy test at the clinic was positive> She had been going there since April getting tested as her last regular cycle was in March. She had a negative blood test on May 1st, so they do not know how far along she is. She will know that aftre she ses an Ob/ Gyn. This will be my first grandchild.

Expected upcomming events

Wednesday. Son will have his last day of shool and about an hour after school gets out will leave for work at a christian summer camp for the summer. I will in the mean time make sure he has all his clothes and bedding clean and packed and ready to go.

Not sure when Another daughter will be getting lout of college for the summer and spending that time here. She was not exactly sure which day but sometime between now and next week she thinks, She will just " show up at the door"

well that's just some of what has been going on


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Here is a big hug from me too!

For anyone who has teens you should definitely read the cartoon called Zits. It really gives me a lift and some are very fridge-worthy!

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I want to thank all of those here for the great big hugs, They were needed. I believe things have calmed down a bit, I will just have to get used to the new schedule MY life will have starting Monday.

I was placed through the county in a great volunteer position that will teach me a lot and give me some experience which I can use to prove to a prospective employer that even though I take a break every 2 hours to take meds I can still get a job done. I will be working 4 days a week for 5 hours each day at the public broadcasting television station that covers this part of the state. As many of you know these types of stations are constantly doing fundraisers. I will be involved in the auction depatment. procuring items for the auction, cataloging the donations, writing controbution receipts, and scripts for the auctioneer to read when they have the " live" auctions several times a year, On the 22 of June, I will be the time keeper for the evening live broadcast auction. THis could turn out to be rather fun.

Ny son has left for summer camp, and the daughter is not here yet from college. When she does get here, I will probally just give her a key and she is of course an aduklt so is free to come and go as she pleases. She was told by her boss from the job she held during high school that she can have that job back for the summer. YEAH For me that means free Baskin and Robbins ice cream. Another daughter will be here for a few days the end of this month to pick up a box of mail we have been holding for her. I am waiting on a phone call from the daughter that just found out she is expecting,as today her fiance going to go buy a wedding ring and propose. Well better late then never, lol.

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Melissa: I'm so glad things are starting to calm down a bit for you. Hope everything works out well and look out for any dollhouses that may come thru the auctions :rolleyes:

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congrats on the new granbaby! is this a first?

I love being a grandma! soooo nice to love them and play with them and give them back to mommy and daddy for diaper change! :lol:

Congrats on new job oppertunity!

sounds like a VERY interresting job! would love to do something like that.

I did customer service for the local newspaper for 4 years and it was very kewl to be behind the scenes...so to speak!"(insert green smily)"

very challenging week but now good things are happening and things seem to be taking some positive direction! love it when the kids come for a visit...coz I know they got another home to go to. lol

very hard for me to accept 3am homecommings and passing out in the floor...in front of bathroom :rolleyes:

I am so Happy things turned out so good for you!

nutti :lol:

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This will be my first grandchild. I am already looking forward to spoiling it then giving it back to its parents. My son is excited too and has already volunteeerd to babysit ( in their home) I plan on taking my daughter shopping for maternity clothes as soon as she needs them.


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I am so happy for you!

Your daughter should kiss the ground you walk on (now that she will still be able to) for being such a understanding mom.

I had Chelsea when i was 20yr. (i was pg at 19). Fred and I were not married. I was FOR SURE my mother would have a stroke when I told her. I even brought my friend with me as a cushion. I didnt need it.

She was very understanding and loving and spoiled chelsea till the day she died!

She then proceeded for the next 4 yrs to ask Fred when he was gonna make an honest woman out of me! :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Chelsea was our flower girl! :lol:

I am so jealous of all the fun you are going to have shopping for the new baby!

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Melissa -

So glad to hear things are settling down to some 'semblance of normal. The job with the public services television station sounds like it will be fun. In my job, we're frequently solicited for auction donation items. I like choosing items and sending them off to the various charities. Auctions (silent auctions) are great tools for fundraising.

Can't imagine how wonderful it must be to be looking forward to being a grandma. You'll be great. Likely grandchild-to-be.


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