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Shout out to Beacon Hill builders!


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Thanks everyone! I am excited about most of the papers, but yes, those two in the hallways are my favorites. I am a bit worried that a lot of it won't be seen between the stairs and all the doors/windows in those areas. Karin, that blue sonata paper is lovey, but I'm not sure it will go with the rest of the papers. The problem I'm running into is that I'm trying to stick with turquoise/orange (rust) combos (actually all the paper except the middle room has some turquoise in it), then I go and get blue flowered stuff for the kitchen... Shoulda thought through that better. Maybe an orangy tile with a little tiny bit of blue accents above white-washed wainscotting?

I am so ready to get around to papering this house.

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Thanks for the wallpapering advice!! Also, so sorry I have been MIA for about a week now. My computer was at the dell doctor, and getting my husband OFF his computer is like trying to take the white off of rice. :D

I'm off to take some pictures of my progress of the BH to show you ladies!!! I just love this house! :)

Also - I LOVE THOSE PAPERS!! I'm going to share my papers for my house too, you inspired me! :p

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I love your papers Tracy, can't wait to see pics of your progress once you get going on it!!

So I did manage to get most of the trim pieces on but still have a few to finish up. I painted the the porch and bay windows, however 3 coats of paint later, I'm not sure if I like it. I'm not giving up on it just yet I'm hoping that once I get some more of the painting done that the combinations will come together nicely!! Needless to say I havn't got to the dormers yet, I'm a little nervous about them so in a sense I think I'm procrastinatig just a bit!! :D I do plan to get to it eventually, my parents are coming for a visit the first week in August and they haven't seen my house yet so I would like to have as much done as possible by then so they have something to look at!! See when I first started this house everyone was like, " oh you will never finish it, it's just a passing fase." so I am beyond determined to prove them wrong!!! I think I'm doing pretty good so far!! This is the best hobby in the world and also the most addicting!! :p Well I have lots to do so I had better get at it!! I will try and get some pics posted in the next couple of days, hopefully I will have my dormers in by then!! :)

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Alright, so here are some update pictures on my beacon hill. I've only posted a couple wallpapers, and if you are so inclined you can go to my gallery to see them all. :) I have more pictures, but they are on the camera which is at my brothers house. My daughters birthday party was this past weekend, and I, of course, left it there. Luckily I have a second (and third!) camera. I'm a bit of a photographer. :p





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I'm right there with you Megs, over the moon in love with this doll house!! I knew I loved it the first time I saw it and I did look at others but I just kept coming back to this one so I knew I was meant to build it!! This is the best hobby in the world and this house is the perfect first build for me!! Well back to work, there is still much to be done if I want to get to those dormer windows this afternoon!!

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I know right! When I started looking for my next project (when I was working on my first one!) I looked at it and was IN LOVE. Then I ventured around and looked at others, thought about it for a while, and came back, and it was my final decision, and I haven't looked back!! There have been several curse words said at the house, but other than that, nothing bad. LOL I do love this house. I actually like greenleaf much better than RGT, I feel like they offer a lot more intricacy, especially when I was comparing the beacon hill and the painted lady!

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Sorry to bring the wallpaper thing up again. So, that really pretty paper that I have in the downstairs entryway, do you think that would be best there, or in the 2nd floor hallway, right smack in the middle of the house? Where would it stand out more? I got some cut-out swirly card stock in turquoise today to go with that paper, and I was thinking that you might be able to see the ceiling better in that middle room. And since this paper is the inspiration for the rest of the house, maybe it should be in the middle. But the bottom room seems a little larger, and is so elegant with the staircase. Still wish it was long enough for the living room...

I was also thinking about buying some more of that paper and painting it to match other rooms.

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I took a week off from working on the Beacon to visit with my parents while they were here, but now I'm back at it full force!! Yesterday was slow going as I had another wicked headache therefor didn't get as much done as I would have liked but I did manage to get all of the pieces to the kitchen bay removed sanded and painted so today I will be glueing them on. My goal is to have all of the windows panted and installed by the weekend and then it's on to the siding and shingles yeah!!!! :rant:

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Helllllllllllloooooooooo ladies!! LOL! I'm back, but not for long. Dell has not yet fixed my problem after two visits to the dell doctor; so after much fussing at the Dell reps, we are sending it in a third time and hopefully they will fix it this time.

School started this week, so alas my BH is not nearing completion. I have, however, made progress on her (and I know it is a she at this point. I was waiting for her to take a gender, and she has) porch. Here is a pic! :D


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