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I bought this house from micheals


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No matter what mood I am in all I have to do is come in here and get a giggle...Would ya believe I was doing seaches for MORE silly puzzle houses? Like I need MORE!

Ok I was messing with the bay windows on the puzzle house and was wondering what to do about windowpanes.

With the Violet house (the one with the porch) I cut out pieces of plastic from strawberry containers and glued them to the inside and then made my own inside trim with white foam material. With the bay windows I can't figure how to glue the panes to the insides...you can see the plastic edges and I can't see how to make individual moldings for all those little windows to cover the pastic...clear as mud on what I mean? LOL They don't call these "puzzle" houses for nuttin :angry:

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Somewhere I explained how I did them, but don't know where. Cut rectangles of the plastic, the same size as the inside of that section of wood-one that covers the entire inside of the side of the window...does that make sense? Don't try to fit the window, fit the piece of wood. Then paint it with clear polyurethane, gel medium, whatever you have that dries clear and lay the plastic on it while it's still wet. Once it dries, the plastic window will stick to it with no spots of glue. That way the edges are against the corners and top and bottom of the window and don't show, I promise! DH even asked me if I was going to put glass in the windows, he couldn't tell that I already had!

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Wow, Sherry! I just saw your new pictures, and I have to tell you . . . that new house is a real killer! I love, love, love it!!!!! You & Roxy are both giving me a run for my money: I need to get off my duff and do some more to mine. Both of yours are so creative and beautiful! Nobody would ever know their humble beginnings!

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I will pm you.

Me too please? I wanna know toooo pleaseeeeee!?

I think it's the smell of the rubber mask they used, not the gas. I also cannot stand the smell of rubber now!

I have been reading along with what you all are doing - and now a friend has given me one of the puzzle houses to build! I think it will have to join the line of patient dh kits, as I have a number of Greenleaf beauties that are first in my priorities!

Could be... bleeech! *shudder* That gas was super thick too, uuugh

I'm new to DH's, so this is my first one- figured better to start with the little not-so-expensive one then the Freedragon-Arthur... at least if I screwed up on the little one, it's only what... $7 lost?!

Tracy's site (Minis on the Edge) has a few other 1/2 scale things... even a castle. A CASTLE! *goes back to putting house back into dry fit again* ... I don't think I finished sanding this thing...

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I bought a kitchen set to see how I liked it and how it was built. It is so tiny! This stuff just fascinates me. I don't care for some of the gaps in the unit doors, so I will have to do something about that. I need to make some upper cabinets. Now that I have it, I can make stuff to match. I may change the window in the front of the kitchen. Let me set it up so I can get opinions.


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I like the window where it is! You just need a shelf or sill to set a pot of flowers and a cat on!

I know what you mean. I love the 1/12 houses, but this teensy stuff is pretty cool. I can't wait to get my wicker living room so I can finish my house. But i'm having no luck finding a grandmother fairy this size! I haven't tried making sculpey dolls before but I may have to.

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No, no, no! It looks awkward from the outside, and useless as far as decorating, on the inside. I could see a shorter window if you wanted to put the sink under it but otherwise, use the taller one.

JMHO, of course! :p Make yourself happy, it's your house!

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OMG, I just realized my little wooden puzzle house (mentioned in another thread and just mentioned here by chesterfieldzoo) IS 1/4 scale! I feel so silly, but I've never had a dollhouse of any sort before, knew this was small, but not THAT small! Measuring the front door told the tale LOL.

Gonna have to read this entire thread to see what you all have done with your little houses....

Edited by woodland_miniatures
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And don't go by the door, these things are not very well proportioned! How tall is your door? How high are the ceilings? The ones I made are actually half scale, but the door isn't!

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Hmmmm, I'm going to have to do a "dry fit" - is that what you call it when you put it together without glue etc. just to see more or less what you've got? The door is 1-3/4" tall, not counting fanlight - dunno about the rest yet.

Anyway, it did turn out to be a Woodcraft puzzle kit - their site had all the other kits shown on the back of mine, but didnt have the actual one I've got. I suppose it's older and maybe discontinued. Cool little furniture, though! And the windmills, etc. are pretty neat looking. :p This is the little house I have:


Sherry, I just looked at your progress pictures in your gallery and really enjoyed watching what you did. I AM going to have to read all 35 pages of this thread!

Edited by woodland_miniatures
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The doors and windows on that are very short aren't they? The doors on these others are very tall in proportion to other parts of the house. But with a fantasy type house, it works just fine. That is a cute one, one floor, right? I'd be tempted to make the doors and windows a bit larger and make a gatekeeper's house or something out of it.

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Deana where did you get the kitchen furniture that is not the puzzle furniture? I never think to change doors or windows. Do you just cut them with a saw?

I stayed up well past the midnight hour painting my two story one...I am not sure what I am doing with it but its colorful! I like color! I am not sticking with the "style" of this house on the inside I feel like messing...lol

If I goof it up I can always get another one for cheap and use this one for a birdfeeder! Thats what Stan says I should use it for...what does he know?

I can see now how I can get a house full of houses!

Mary I love that little house...if I had one I would make it into a Blue Ridge Mt cabin....dreaming of course. :p

Sherry.. yesterday you told me to use poly or gel medium to stick the window panes on. I don't have poly but I have the spray finish...what is gel medium?

I bought some quick grip glue but the fumes will give me an instant migraine thats why I don't use poly and have to spray outside...ANYTHING with fumes is bad news.

Do you ever use cold hotglue gun?

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Don't use cold hotglue! It's just to hold things temporarily, and temporary is all it is. I don't think a spray finish would be sticky enough to hold the window. Maybe some tiny dots of clear nail polish if you have it.

Alene's has a quick grip glue that doesn't have any odor and works great. i use it a lot to glue things that would be hard to clamp in place while they dry and they probably have it at your walmart.

I'm working on the rails for the 2nd staircase in my farmhouse right now. I keep hoping UPS will show up with some things I'm expecting so I can work on them this weekend!!

Roxxie, HBS has some cute half scale stuff, that's where I found my little living room set. I saw it a couple of other places but his is cheaper by a couple of dollars, plus I had a coupon, so I ordered a couple/three Chrysnbon kits I wanted, too!

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I got all the pieces from HBS. The windows I got are plastic. They come apart so you can put in glass. They were cheap and mostly fit the openings. The wood windows are nicer, but narrower and I would have had more work to do. However, after all the other altering I've done, it would not have mattered and I wish I would have gotten them.

I moved the door to the kitchen to the front so the stairs would not cross over the opening. I made the door to the bathroom shorter and put in a door. I have some spackling to do and then I can paint.

Sherry, what is the wicker furniture you are getting? Is it the white wire stuff?

I am opting to make my living room furniture. I got the most gorgeous mantle from HBS also.

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Yes, I got the wire stuff. I cut out the pieces to make a sofa, and they were too large. so I went browsing instead, and found those. I think they'll go great with my flowery, summery decor. I'll just have to cover the cushions in the right fabric. What did you decide about the kitchen window?

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Thanks, Sherry the glue and fumes problem is difficult for me. I will look for the Alenes since I use other products.

I try to use stuff I already have around for these houses so I don't modify them plus the only tools I have is an exacto knife and scissors. I did buy an easy cutter with my coupon so I hope I use that. Moving doors and windows is not in my skill lever yet. lol

Those wire pieces are cute I was looking at them in Oakridge Hobbies, has anyone bought from them? They are half scale too.

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I have used Oakridge Hobbies a time or two in the past and found them cooperative and responsive. I feel quite comfortable in ordering again if I see what I want on their site.

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They have some neat stuff, and some of the same as HBS. But as I said, HBS is actually less expensive, and if you have a coupon, it really is!

Roxxie, talking about exacto knives. I just bought two more packages of blades this morning to finish my stair rails and start on picture frames for the big house. But I have this thing about throwing knife or razor blades in the trash. I'm always afraid someone down the garbage line will get cut on them. so I have a jar full of blades that I keep saving! I'm the same way about syringes, since DH uses one a day. I used to save them in coffee cans and throw them away like that, but we don't get any cans with lids on them anymore. So, anyone have an original idea for dozens of knife blades? Other than a mini prison with a wicked security fence?

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