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I bought this house from micheals


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The paperclay came out really nice! I might try something like that on a Michaels house just to learn how. I am assuming there is a tutorial on here somewhere for making this? I like the colors you did on your house.

Oh my Sue! Your cat "wolf" is cute. Now I have to go haunt the Dollar Tree again and see what they have there.

I could kick myself for not picking up the dh furniture they had a while back.

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You mean the wooden stuff? I have a drawer full of it! I love the Dollar Tree! I'm papering the bottom floor of the verandah house, and trying to decide how I'm going to do the exterior. I think this will be a fairy house-these little houses just beg to be make-believe homes for make believe creatures!

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I checked the Dollar Tree yesterday but they only had a ton of Pooh's and Tiggers.........no Tinkerbells or princesses at all :yes:

They had one piece of that red colored wooden furniture that looked like a chinese phone booth or something to me....lol I didn't get it. There is another one on the other side of the city I should check out one day.

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I dunno but I couldn't figure out what I would use it for. I should just get it for $1 and save it.

I am not finished with my verandah house and I managed to get distracted by wanting to make some toad houses for my garden. So off I go on that sidetrack. I might finish something if my brain didn't get so easily derailed.

I can't imagine how I will ever do a large house if I can't stay focused on this little house. :D

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You don't stay focused, you just bounce from one to the other! It keeps you from getting burned out! I need to finish the bedroom curtains for my farmhouse, but too busy painting windows and doors for the fairy house. I'm excited right now, I won a set of 1930's dollhouse furniture like my mom had as a child! It's pretty nearly 1/2 scale I think-won't know for sure until it gets here. It's even decorated with pink and green flowers! How odd is that? I can't wait for it to come!!

I have a plastic cabinet full of odds and ends of furniture that I bought because it was cheap and I thought it might come in handy some time. Have you seen the cute plastic playground or carnival rides that the Dollar Tree has? I bought the merry-go-round, you just never know when you might need a half scale ride!

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Yes I did see them last week.....didn't get them :lol:

I am all crazy about the toad house I want to put in my garden. I live in the woods, so to speak, and have tons of bark and stuff everywhere in my woods.....I could go crazy! I think I will decorate a cracked flowerpot and maybe turn it into an outdoor fairy house. IDEAS are flowing but not much happening other than typing on this computer.

I wish I still had the metal dollhouse I had as a kid in the 50's! ( yeah I am that old)!

Still fixated on Tinkerbell. lol I always loved the Peter Pan plays, stories and especially the ride at Disney World.

I wonder if I never grew up? :D

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I had a tin one, too, Roxxie, until my dad built me one from a magazine pattern.

I want to see the toad houses! I'm wanting to put houses in my flowerbeds but can't afford the ones I see for sale online.

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I know what you mean. I am on a very limited budget and its so tempting to spend on needful things...lol

I am looking around at old clay flower pots and on a treasure hunt in my yard. Its very soggy out right now from all the rain but I am collecting stuff and putting it under the deck to dry. I will see what developes...sometimes I get these wild ideas and they don't amount to much. Research is half the fun though.

I am working on the kitchen in my verandah house. I made a bowl of fruit with beads and a mop from a toothpick and embroidry floss. I love that stuff!

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Holly sent me a bag of beads in a swap some time ago. I found the cutest little bunch of grapes with a leaf in it. I've got to see if I can get them painted a real grapes color. I'm starting on the baseboard painting now. I hate, hate, painting strip wood and it seems like I am always having to do some.

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I made myself mow the lawn yesterday ( when I would rather be playing with my dh!)...it was up to my knees!

I need some paints...I use Folk Art because I like how creamy it goes on and doesn't need several coats.

I changed my mind once again and put the crown on the top of the house. I couldn't get the roof to come out right and that seemed like the logical thing to do...it works. Next time I will know.

I am going to work on painting the toad houses later today. I am going to take clay pots and paint on them, tuck them down into the soil a little so there is about a third of the pot showing for an entrance and see if I get any customers. I had one huge toad with one eye who use to come up and sit on my deck. Maybe he will like a new house! :D

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Well, I am going to put the verandah house together without the pinwheels. It just does not fit like it's supposed to without them. But I will cut some porch braces of some kind, I really think they look good. I got the bottom floor papered and trimmed, and the top floor in, but that's it for today!

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I am also not going to use the pinwheels as in the directions. I might cut them apart to use as porch braces (or whatever they are called). I wanted to paint today, but got to busy with RL. But I just love the way this house looks. Nice wood for a "cheap" house. I need to decide on the family or theme yet as then I will be able to decide on how I want to decorate it. I still plan on donating the 2 houses to 2 children for Christmas. I have an extra for myself or to donate next year. At this price I can afford to do a couple for Christmas gifts.

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In my humble opinion you don't even need anything for support on the porch. I just glued it onto the house and the porch railings hold it in place pretty firmly. I have very little building experience so don't take that as gospel...it might fall apart next week for all I know :D

Its raining again so I am messing around making teeny weeny bottles, jars etc for my kitchen and vanity. A nice way to spend the afternoon while driving myself crazy dropping itsy bitsy beads all over the rug!

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What did you find???? ( nosey aren't I?) I am having fun with this project and I plan to fill it up to the top with tons of STUFF! ( that is if I can find STUFF!) Mostly making everything from beads and whatever catches my eye.

Other than the Dollar Tree there aren't many places to find good STUFF around these parts.

I had to put my toad house on hold...its raining so much everything is totally soggy.

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No, you're just gonna have to wait and be surprised on this one! Still pink and green, though. I can't believe I'm doing pastels, but once the inspiration about what to do with it struck, I went crazy digging out green and pink beads, ribbons, stickers, etc from my stash.

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I like surprises! I haven't exactly posted my latest progress on my Violet house either...tee hee.

Now I have some things all done I wish I had done them differently.

I think your colors of pink and green will be lovely. The challenge for me was to use any colors except red white and blue! I had fun with purples, yellow, pink and green so unlike me!

I see the Lasor cut Brimbles Merchantile has arrived! I really thought this would be the one but I don't know if it should be my first real build in 30 years. I also see my Jefferson ( my first and only DH) is back lasor cut. Also a lack of space in my house is going to make me have to think hard because I can only fit one if I do it. These little puzzles are perfect for my space problem but I want a REAL DH! Ok done airing my thoughts. :D

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I am giggling because I just happened to go to the GL store online to see if they had my Haunted House and low and behold there was the Brimbles and the Jefferson! I am sooooooo tempted to do my Jefferson over and this time do it right! I would love that store though...you could collect so many miniatures in that building. I wish I had some pictures of what other people have done with it just to see what it looks like built. I am afraid I don't have the skill level to do the store.

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Skill is not the main tool one needs to buils any house. IMO, I think patience and perserverance are the main ones. You could build anything if you put your mind to it! Take it from me! I was "Clueless"(the cap C is not a typo) and my first GL was the Beacon Hill!

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Sure you can do it! You did these without even any instructions! But where did you see the Brimbles, I couldn't find it.

i've been running errands, spreading fresh mulch in the front, and now have a batch of floors to mop. Maybe then I can get back to my house making.

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Its in the GL Company online store. I found it pretty much by accident.

The last time I built a dollhouse I hot glued the entire thing. It lasted 30 years and is still intact according to the mother of the little girl I gave it to. Shows you what I knew then about it and not much more now except this great site would be helpful...its certainly motivating!

I just went to Wally Mart and on the way home my car automatically drives into the Michaels parking lot...lol

They had Joshua's Lifestyle Collectibles for 49 cents! I wish they had more of them but I got a couple of cute things just in case I decide to do Brimbles. They were in the clearance section.

I thought about that Brimbles all morning and its calling my name big time. I wish I had more space in my real house but where there is a will there is a way? I could always get rid of a chair or something.

Yesterday I went to Ollies junk store and bought a cardtable cheap for a workspace so now I have that crammed in this room too. :D

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