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This Dollhouse has running water


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I think the few museum quality doll houses that have it are wonderful. I can't see any of our collector doll houses needing it. I personally would want real little people to live there before I give them all the amenities. LOL then they will need more than lighting hooked to the electrical. Stoves fridges etc.

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I intertained the thought of including plumbing when I started my first house, but I heard that the faucets are so small that it doesn't look real when you turn on a sink or tub. Fitting the pipes inside the wood framing would be relatively easy, and adding a drain that would be attached to the water tank would make it easy to transport dry. But the risk of water damage if something went wrong later was the driving factor for not installing water works.

If I ever build Frank Lloyd Wright's "Falling Water" in miniature, I'll install an aquarium pump and a drain plug so that the waterfall will actually work. I just don't know where I would find the time and space for it.

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  • 3 months later...

These scans came from hisibley.com, which I manage. A link to that site would be appropriate, especially since the latest post is http://hisibley.com/?p=70 Four foot doll house stores flat

Google has put online most of Popular Mechanics and Popular Science, and the running water dollhouse plan can be reached at:


Howard Fink

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One of the old issues of either MC or DHM had directions for making a wall fountain with running water. I duplicated the fountain, but without the water feature; just too many technical problems, as already cited.

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Okay, running water could be fun. Mounting the water supply tank at the top of the house makes sense, bypassing the need for a pump. And I know you can buy small scale copper or plastic tubing. But I don't see where you could get or how you could make a real working faucet to turn off and on. The toy steam engine whistle valve they mention in the article- I have no idea what that is or if it is still made. Anyone have an idea? Not saying I'll do this, but it would be neat!

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When I was a child my older brother made me a dollhouse complete with running water.. and electricity for me to play with my barbies in. I loved it.. and remember spending many hours with my friends, doing dishes like the grownups, giving barbie a bath etc. Water added another play element and was another cool factor for me. Would I make one with running water now? perhaps not.. but I sure loved that dollhouse!


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As a kid I got plenty of spankings (they were called whippings back then) for playing in water in the house but, I kept doing it because it was fun. I'm still the same kid and this sounds like a great project to me!!

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