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December 2006 Swap Sign Up


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Hey, Linda - Can you let me know if you received my box? Sorry to bug, just want to make sure it arrived safe and sound! :lol:

I will update this soon. I know there are some packages sitting in Charlotte that I haven't logged in yet. I will be there tomorrow.

I'm not sure about ITH

ITH = In The Hand Syndrome. Ever been looking for something (usually my cell phone or my keys) and realize it's already In The Hand? I am so BAD INFLICTED with that!

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ITH = In The Hand Syndrome.

Yes I suffer from this.....sad very very sad right? I guess it just comes with "age" or just have to much information on the brain....whatever :lol:

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Sounds like my funniest memory of my grandmother!! I wa at her house and my cousim Greg and I were fighting over tv channels when I noticed Grandma running all over the house frantic! I asked her what was the matter and she said that she couldn't find her glasses. My cousin and I laughed so hard. The glasses were right on top of her head!

I don't think the ITH has happened to me ... yet. I'm sure it will soon. I have however, been gone crazy looking for something only to find it right in front of my face the whole time. What it that called? LOL

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Hey, Linda - Can you let me know if you received my box? Sorry to bug, just want to make sure it arrived safe and sound! :p

Is your last name Parker? If so, I have it. I haven't opened it though.

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Yes I suffer from this.....sad very very sad right? I guess it just comes with "age" or just have to much information on the brain....whatever :p

I like to think it is too much on the brain. That and having kids. Anybody else noticed how after you had kids your memory started going?

I have updated the list, and we are waiting on Ladybug324 and Jeninky, who is staying in the swap and plans to ship on Monday.

I have both PMd La Dolly Vita, and I also emailed her through her website and have gotten no response, so I think she's out for sure. If you want your extra item returned to you, then please let me know that. If you want to know what the plans for the extra item are, then please PM me and I will tell you. I don't want to post it.

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The only box I haven't received is Ladybug324, and I have not seen her on here in a while. Anybody know where she is?

Her last post was Dec 16, in this thread. She was last on line Dec 25 but didn't post. Have you PM'd her lately?

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didnt we decided early on this month that we were going to move on without her? i could be wrong im just checking :whistle:

No, that was La Dolly Vita.

Could I get all participants in this swap to PM me please? ASAP.

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Just a little update .....

Ladybug has completed her items and has them packed and ready to go out, as soon as mail runs again.

I have all items sorted (poor little guest bed, LOL!), and am awaiting Ladybug's items to complete the piles. Some are already in their boxes and ready to be sealed, but I need more boxes ....

Anyhow, we're getting close to the end of this swap.

Ordinarily, I DO NOT allow delays like this with swaps. A day or two being behind is OK, but .... However, I know that this is/has been Christmas time, with shopping that has to be done, cleaning that has to be done, cooking that has to be done, etc., and sometimes the best laid plans just don't pan out because of other things that come up during this time of the year (usually without warning) and time sneaks up on you real quick. Having said all that, believe me, when you get your boxes you will see that is has been WELL WORTH the wait!

I'll let you know the minute that the boxes leave my hands!

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