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Child Safety Amber Alert GPS System


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We are thinking about getting an Amber Alert GPS device for our 4 year old. Does anyone here know anything about these, have any experience, input or advice?

This concept is new to me and seems like a really good idea but I'm never heard of anyone using it.

Thanks for reading this and I welcome ANY input.


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I have not heard of this at all. When mine were that little they didn't go anywhere without me. It does seem like a good idea although it kind of reminds me of those chips they put in puppies now. I do know there are brands of clothing companies that put GPS chips in ski jackets to find people after an avalanche. Let us know what you decide...interesting all the new stuff that's out there.

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We're researching it hard. The Amber Alert System is incredible. I am not into alot of modern stuff. It causes more harm than good. But we've got to find a way to keep children safe.

We have highly respected professionals giving us input. I will post the results.

Oh, and as for going anywhere without me.....as many of you know, we just gained custody of this little girl. She came with court orders for visitations. We have no control over that. And next year, she starts school. This device is like a tiny pager. It has an SOS button. She can use it to contact me anytime she wants. A feeling of security for her. Considering she is afraid to be away from me, this might help that.

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That sounds wonderful for her! The world is so different even in the short time since mine were young. I'm glad they have something that would be so reassuring for your little angel.:-) She definitely deserves it. I can think of a few times when it would have been really good to have one on my littlest who didn't speak until he was about 4. Please keep us posted. My neighbor is in a somewhat similar situation with her granddaughter. They have full custody, but the girl's mother who was until recently a heroin addict has some visitation. The child's father is in jail,but her other grandparents are around. They are not very nice, sad to say. The little one just started school which she loves, but she still gets insecure about things.

I'm so sorry if my earlier post sounded a little off. The full coffee had not kicked in:-( Whatever makes you and your little one safe and secure is awesome!

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Sarah and Cynthia both....

THANK YOU for your replies. Sarah, you did not sound off at all. This is a new concept for me and for all I know there are many reasons not to do it. I couldn't think who to ask and duh, the forum came to mind. I felt like I'd get honest opinions here and am thankful for any input. I will definitely follow and post on this topic until we make a decision, or longer if it's active. The topic of child safety, especially missing children, has always meant alot to me.

I believe the website is amberalertgps.com

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Because child security is a huge issue for me as well, I went to the website you listed and poked around a bit.

I don't want to sound negative but here is what came to my mind.

The only concern I could see that would be a problem in my situation is that the offending person could quite easily take the device away from the child rendering it useless for the intended purpose.

We've long thought that the track phone idea would be just as easily taken away from the child.

A friend of my son has an ongoing threatening situation in her custody arrangement and tried to solve location issues when on visitation by using cell phones for each child.

Their backpacks and suitcases were searched on arrival and the all phones were immediately collected and turned off as soon as the children reached the visitation site. The children had absolutely no access to them.

It is a scary world out there and while I don't like the idea of the implanted chips, more and more I can see value in certain situations.

sigh .... isn't it heartbreaking to think of how we must think and live these days ....

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One of the things that bothers me most is having to teach a 4 year old how to stay safe. Having to tell her all the things you have to in order to keep herself safe. Protection from drugs, sexual abuse...... It's sick! It upsets me to think about these things. What mist a mind be like that does them.

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  • 1 month later...

I think if I was having children these days I would have them outfitted with a chip. That way they could always be located!! I recall as a child in the late 1950's, my mother would take me shopping wearing a harness and leash! I have always heard people bad-mouthing them, making children feel like a dog. On the contrary, I felt secure knowing my mother was at the other end and I would not get lost! I had wrist "leashes" for my kids...with velcro wristbands for the child and parent, with a phone-type cord (for those of us that remember them!!!) attaching them to each other. Regardless of what the "experts" say about leashing a child, it's much easier to keep track of them to begin with, than find one that is lost!

Unfortunately, down here in South Florida, it seems a common practice among some people to walk into a store, such as Wal-Mart, and let their children just run off in all directions, without any supervision whatsoever! I see children 3 and 4 years old wandering throughout stores, pulling things off the shelves, tearing open packages....no parent in sight! Then are generally in another section of the store!

I was in Michaels awhile back and saw a child, no more than 2 years old, alone, sitting in the scrapbooking paper section, happily taking sheets of 12x12 scrapbook paper off the display and tearing them in half! She had a trail of paper as she went up and down the asile tearing up paper! I was actually standing in a very long line at the time waiting to check out while I watched her. Someone notified a store employee, who secured the child, and made an announcement requesting her parent to come to the front to get her. Eventually a woman wandered to the front to claim her, and put up a fuss when made to pay for the damage her child did! I could not believe that a child that young had just been left unattended by her mother, who was somewhere else not giving a thought to her child. And when the store employee picked up the child, she went willingly with her without a sound. Anyone could have picked her up and taken her out and been gone!!!

All I can say it, do whatever it takes to keep your child safe!

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Sally, and everyone else, of course :)

I did not use a child leash when my son was little. I never lost him, never was one of 'those' mothers you are talking about. I WISH I had used a leash! I don't know why I didn't. He was soooooo active. Because of the public perception of child leashes, I have made it a point, every time I see one in use, to compliment the parents on being brave enough to do what's right.

My son is 30. He is my only child. This world has too many issues. I have made it clear 'don't ever have kids to make me a Grandma, I'll accept what you want'. I have been saying for several years, 'I'm glad I don't have kids in these times'. And trust me, the thought of me having another was a joke! I'm too old, too into my crafts, writing and dogs and this former social butterfly is a recluse unless the words craft store, garage sale or some such are involved. Welllllll.............there IS a God and yes, He does have a sense of humor. Only someone that powerful could come up with this one. I took care of my friends daughter for a weekend some time back and what do you know??? Next thing I know, a big pile of papers tells me I'm Mommy now.

Being thrust so unexpectedly into Mommyville is quite the adventure in CRAZY! And I love every moment. I have my very own real live excuse to build dollhouses! I don't have to justify them for me anymore. Ok, so back to the topic.

Amber Alert GPS......nowadays, kids have to spend time away from home with non custodial parents. That is the case here. I don't always have control. This device would tell me if she is traveling over a certain speed, taken outside an area I specify, would allow her to reach me by pushing just one button, allow me to listen in to what she's doing.......technology is amazing.

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