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Medieval/Gothic/Renaissance Swap Sign-up


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I know what I am making, and I've purchased my supplies. I've even done my research. Just haven't progressed past that point yet. Trying to gear up for a job change and Thursday is the youngest's 18th birthday, so trying to plan a surprise party, and the never ending job of cleaning the house so that we can have a surprise party ...

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I was halfway through one idea when another came to me in the form of a clearance item at WalMart!! :holloween: Now I've got two ideas - both small - hopefully they'll both work out. I've got such a bad habit of starting one project and then starting another and another. The Haunted swap was the result of that too! :spider:

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whew!!! :wave:

i'm glad i'm not the only one who hasn't finished yet! when i read that some of y'all had already finished i thought i might have a panic attack! i've only got one item done so far. i'm a big procrastinator! and i'm itching to start working on my haunted house. ah, so many things to do!!!

this is my first attempt at making this type item, so i hope y'all will like it and be up to par.


***Edited by moderator to remove description of item.

Edited by LPCullen
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Brenda, this is my 2nd swap..ever. I was down to the wire on the last one. The only reason i got this one done so fast is it came to me right away and i worked like an assembly line. Plus it is October. Halloween, college tours, and Nat`s birthday. I had to get the swap out of the way.

I am very happy with it...but no hints...it is a secret :wave:

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How do swaps work?

Most of that is in the Official Swap Rules, which is here: http://www.greenleafdollhouses.com/forum/i...p?showtopic=275

Here are the people signed up for the October Swap, which contains just a few more rules: http://www.greenleafdollhouses.com/forum/i...?showtopic=2893

If you have any more questions after you read those, just let me know.

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Oh! I'm soo so so so sorry, Linda!!! I'm so embarrassed!!! :)

I thought I was being vague enough, but I guess not!!! I give you permission to hit me over the head now.


I'm dumb, so sorry. :wub:

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Oh! I'm soo so so so sorry, Linda!!! I'm so embarrassed!!! :)

I thought I was being vague enough, but I guess not!!! I give you permission to hit me over the head now.


I'm dumb, so sorry. :wub:

LOL! No worries Brenda, and no need to hit you over the head either, LOL! Just didn't want your surprise spoiled, so I changed it. Glad to know I got it quickly too!

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just a reminder that if ya need my snail mail addy to just pm me and Ill get it to you asap!

I have already heard from a few peeps....waiting very patiently for the rest of you....NOT :wave:

nutti :thumb:

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Well, my first idea doesn't look like it's going to work out so it's on to plan B. I'm feeling a little anxious since some people are already done and I'm just getting started. :lol: Hopefully I'll have a box ready to ship to Nutti by the middle of next week though. :lol:

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oooooo Im getting so excited!

the first item is here and wowzers! I cant wait to see more!

this is going to be so much fun for me.

any packing things you can send would be nice...just send in your box what you can.

nutti :thumb:

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Well, I'm getting close to being done. Still working on some. My skills weren't what I hoped they would be so my items didn't turn out quite the way that I hoped, but you're all getting them anyway ...

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My box just went in the mail! Bought little boxes for everyone, but my stuff was too big and wouldn't fit, so I wrapped everything up in bubblewrap and tissue & hope nothing breaks on the way....

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I will probably be a day late mailing out. I was trying to locate some information, and when I got it, I didn't have time to work on the swaps because my schedule went haywire. I have to wait for things to dry before I can wrap and ship. They will go priority mail though.

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WHEW!!! :thumb:

FINALLY shipped my package out today. I was up until 4 a.m. this morning working on my items! Yay! I'm done!

I really hope you guys will like what I made. I had to switch gears last week when I realized that I wouldn't be able to finish making my original idea in time.

Boy, talk about procrastination, huh? Why do I do this to myself every time? :blink:

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