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I bought this house from micheals


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It really is a cute, cute house. I've seen a lot of them done up very differently. I haven't decided what to do with mine, yet. Too many others in my mind right now!

I have the chimney ready to attach to my fairy house, but couldn't make myself do it last night. Afraid it won't work right, I guess! I know it will take some more touch up once it's attached, and I'm soooo tired of gravel!

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I posted some pics of my Violet House but they might be less than perfect. Its hard to take a good close up with my camera. I am not done but thought it would be fun to make my first album...don't laugh too hard now what a novice I am! I had fun though! :wub:

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Thank you so much! Yes I made the couch from cardboard. Did you see the mouse next to the pink checked kitty bed in the upstairs bedroom?

I love yours! I have never been a green fan but yours is so soft and pretty and the folk painting did you freehand that? I love your fish gravel (?) chimney! So cute! Good job!

I think I am going to make a Halloween house with the two room one. I was thinking how often would I want to look at Halloween the rest of the year but it would be so much fun!

I REALLY want to start on the Orchid but I am a little stressed right now and have little time to get started...

Planning in my head stage though!

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Beads are my friends...lol

I don't know if you can see the laptop computer on the desk in the small bedroom. I keep thinking of things to add all the time.

I was dreaming of all the stuff I can make for my Orchid. It will be interesting switching to a larger scale.

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Is that the printie laptop? I have to admit, I hate doing printies that have to be folded up into boxes! But yours look really good. I just am not that coordinated, I guess! I tried it once and decided my kitchen would have all the boxed supplies in a closed pantry!

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I used two pieces of wood that I saved from punching out the house or furniture. I saved a baggie of all the scraps they came in handy. I just painted them and then cut out a computer screen from a newspaper ad, sprayed with a little acrylic spray and thats it. I did use half scale printies for the cereal boxes in the kitchen. I find them really hard to fold also.

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Thank you kindly! I want to do some minimal decorating on the outside and then call it done. Do you ever really know when a house is done?

I keep getting ideas for more of these...I use to teach pre-k and kindergarten I was thinking of making a classroom since I miss teaching so much. I dont know where I would get little kids. So many ideas once you get started.

Who is going to live in your house? I never did find Tinkerbell.

I made more Toad Houses yesterday but no idea if I have any customers out in the garden. Its so dry out there I wonder if a toad can survive. I put a dish of water in there just in case.

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I used to teach preK and K too, Roxxie! If I had still been teaching that, I probably would not have quit. I sure don't know where to find kid dolls, though. It would make a cute little schoolhouse, though.

I'm still shingling, then will do stucco touchup and chimney touch up. I haven't even thought about what to put inside, but I'm getting tired of pink and green now!

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I thought for some reason you might be a teacher! I quit the PS and did my own thing teaching piano! I liked much better!

Have a bad migraine so nothing mini getting done today :)

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DS1 just called from DisneyWorld and has found the set of 3 inch Snow White and the 7 dwarves for me! So now I have to start thinking about how to do it. Stucco and half timbered is what I remember from the movie, thatched roof, and a great big fireplace. I guess I'll have to get the movie and watch it. I think the house with the bay windows can be bashed to make a dwarf house!

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Hello Ladies!!

I'm a newby I purchased the Orchid at HL for 50% off last week. It scared me so I brought two of the houses from Micheals. Last night I dry fitted the house without the porch. I loved it!!!!! I thinks it's a church. It just seems natural. I'm trying to figure out a way to make church pews. I'm thinking of using those emery board blocks that the nail techs use.

I think I might need one more kit before the Orchid!!!

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Aren't these little houses adorable? You could also use the scraps for pews. (The frames) There are some pieces big enough for pews. Emery boards might snag a little worshipper's nylons.

I have the porch one all together. I need to paint the inside. I have the other one punched out. I need to measure for the new windows. I am making this set a 'serious' set with lots of upgrades. I have another set that will be a fun set.

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Oh!!! Yippee, I'll upload some pictures later this morning.

I forgot about the stockings!!! No emery boards. Me and my DD made the 3D floamie house on Monday for her 4th birthday. I'll add that one too. I am so excited!!! I should be doing homework...

Later for that!


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Welcome Queen!

I just got the Orchid house too! I have read through the instructions and it scares me a little! I am not sure where to start even WITH the directions...pretty bad huh? I looked online at pictures of Victorian cottages for colors and have to plan it out in my mind a bit before I attempt it.

I was thinking I would like those new diamond shaped laser shingles for the roof but no idea how to roof. My Puzzle house has sandpaper shingles and they didn't mesh that well with the porch peaks since I didn't know what I was doing. I am thinking I need to make my other puzzle house before I get brave enough for the Orchid. This will drive Deana crazy I am sure but I have to work up to it! :groucho: Stay tuned.

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lol Sherry...I see there are updated instructions on this site to download but until I get my DSL hook up I can't download anything...It would take hours.

I just went to AC Moore...had to use my 50% coupon. They have very little for dollhouses. I got Paint...I am going to make mine light yellow with white and blue accents....same as my real house. I am so use to looking at 1/2 scale now the 1:12 scale looks huge!

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