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Calgon take me away!


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I am soooooo tired. Dunkin Donuts couldnt brew enough Large Regulars to make me feel normal today.

Yesterday was a nightmare. Both my dd`s had to finish up on school reports that are due today. The oldest had write a brief 200-250 word historical background on the Libertarian Party. This report also includes 75 word min. paragraph describing what her party`s philosophy is regarding the role of gover. in american life. And 3 major issues. And a copy of a campaign poster. And draw a mascot/logo for your party! Hey that is what she gets for taking AP English Comp. (LOL JK)

Youngest had to do a Oral and visual presentation on the drug methamphetamine.

She has a partner (that lives right up the hill) but she was AWOL all vacation so poor Nat had to do it herself. She had to do a tri-board, notecards that she will use in her presentation, and I worked on a DVD presentation called Faces of Meth. You can see the pics of these people at www.facesofmeth.us

Older dog decides that she is going to start howling like a hounddog at 2am! Nothing wrong, she was just lonely.

Can I go live with one of you until my kids turn 18yr and move away? :)

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Oh my gosh,

Im so glad to hear someone else feels like this. We are scrambling around like mad trying to get all the little reno's done before our house goes up for sale, all this and a son who is a year and a half almost. Hes also getting in his molars, and we have been getting no sleep.

Im so tired, and not looking forward to homework when ben gets older. Ahhhh I had enough trouble when i was in school. LOL Feel for ya.

I read this on one of my barbie boards and thought that you would enjoy this.

SOMEBODY SAID...........

Somebody said it takes about 6 weeks to get back to normal after you have a baby...................

somebody doesn't know that once you're a mother normal is history!!

Somebody said you learn how to be a mother by instinct...... somebody never took a 3 year old shopping!

Somebody said being a mother is boring....... somebody never rode in a car with a teenager with his drivers permit!!!

Somebody said if your a "good" mother your kids will "turn out good"......somebody thinks a child comes with directions an a guarantee!

Somebody said "good" mothers never raise their voices..... somebody never came outside just in time to see your child hit a baseball right through the neighbors kitchen window!

Somebody said you don't need an education to be a mother.... somebody never helped a fourth grader with his homework!

Somebody said you can't love the fifth child as much as you did the first.... somebody didn't have five children!

Somebody said a mother can find all the answers to her child-rearing questions in the books.....somebody never had a child stuff a bean up his nose!

Somebody said the hardest part of being a mother is labor an delivery.....somebody never watched their baby get on the bus for the first day of kindergarten!

Somebody said a mother can do her job with her eyes closed an one hand behind her back...... somebody never organized a 7 giggling girl scouts to sell cookies!!!!

Somebody said a can stop worrying after her child gets married.... somebody doesn't know that marriage adds a new son or daughter-in -law to a mother's heartstrings!

Somebody said a mother's job is done when her last child leaves home......somebody never had grandchildren!!!!!!


I LOVE YOU MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Can I go live with one of you until my kids turn 18yr and move away?

What! And miss all the satisfaction of having survived your kids' adolescence? Heidi, honey, I wouldn't deprive you of that experience for the world!!!

BTW, they'll probably turn out to be very nice, neat grownups if you let them live that long! :)

The dog probably can't help it...

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Okay had to reply to the bean in the nose thing....... One day at dinner I looked at ds number one to see him stuffing a carrot piece up his nose. I quickly told him to stop and pulled that one out. He still looked funny and started messing with his nose again. I looked closer and he had another one up there so with some work I got that one out. I watched for a minute only to have him start playing with his nose again. There was another one up there!! It was almost all the way in his sinuses! We tired to get him to blow it out but that did not work. I tried a toothpick but it was stuck and would only spin. Well after a little while I ended up gettting an upolstry needle and getting it out.. Dh was holding him down and I was VERY carefull. Would you believe about two weeks later I caught him trying to stuff something else up his nose. I let him know he was not to put ANYTHING in his nose again. ( I did that the first time too) So far he hasn't but I still watch him very closely. :)

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OMG! LOL Shaky that made me laugh and gave me the willys at the same time.

I got one for ya. Oldest dd was 2 yrs old. I was in the livingroom vacuuming and it got quiet. You know what that means. But before I took a peek I could hear her squealing with glee and then a thump. I go into the kitchen to find that within 2 minutes she had poured a whole bottle of Suave shampoo on my clean kitchen floor and was running and sliding!! :)

It took a whole lot of towels and more towels to clean up that mess. Worse than bowling alley wax.

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Yesterday was a nightmare. Both my dd`s had to finish up on school reports that are due today. The oldest had write a brief 200-250 word historical background on the Libertarian Party. This report also includes 75 word min. paragraph describing what her party`s philosophy is regarding the role of gover. in american life. And 3 major issues. And a copy of a campaign poster. And draw a mascot/logo for your party! Hey that is what she gets for taking AP English Comp. (LOL JK)

Youngest had to do a Oral and visual presentation on the drug methamphetamine.

She has a partner (that lives right up the hill) but she was AWOL all vacation so poor Nat had to do it herself. She had to do a tri-board, notecards that she will use in her presentation, and I worked on a DVD presentation called Faces of Meth. You can see the pics of these people at www.facesofmeth.us

Older dog decides that she is going to start howling like a hounddog at 2am! Nothing wrong, she was just lonely.

Can I go live with one of you until my kids turn 18yr and move away? :)


Do you know that I love writing reports. I enjoy setting out a scenario (theory) and then providing supporting evidence. The more research I have to do to lend credence, the better. Give me a political topic and I think I've died and gone to heaven. I have a great time on the phone with my nieces discussing how to lay out an argument in a report.


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I know the feeling. :) That same ds took the shampoo and decided to wash his bed and the area rug. I never did get it out of the rug completely and dirt just stuck to it. I ended up just throwing the rug out. It was a large rug too, like 8x10. Needless to say he does not have a rug anymore.

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Do you know that I love writing reports.  I enjoy setting out a scenario (theory) and then providing supporting evidence.  The more research I have to do to lend credence, the better.  Give me a political topic and I think I've died and gone to heaven.  I have a great time on the phone with my nieces discussing how to lay out an argument in a report.



They used to love to get the help and feedback. Now it is just like " Maaaaa, I dont want to use that!" Procrastination is an evil thing. They didnt get that gene from me.

Heidi how old are your kids?



Suzyq, My oldest, Chelsea is 17yr. Junior in high school. Junior year is always the hardest.

And my youngest, Natalie is 12yrs. She is the one that is going to give me grey hairs. She figures if she ignores it, it doesnt exist. Like homework and dirty laundry.

And my biggest is kid just turned 40! ROFL :)

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When my oldest was about 3 (she's 32 now) she got up very quietly one morning and instead of running straight to me like usual, she got a jar of vaseline and by the time I realized she was up; she had rubbed it on all the furniture (luckily the couch was leather) the stereo, coffee and end tables and all thru her hair. She was so proud cause everything had such a shine to it. :rolleyes:

She had so much in her hair that when I tried to wash it, water would just run off, I had to rub dirt in it to soak up some of the vaseline and then it still took several washings to get it all out.

I could only laugh, she was just to proud of her handy work, but boy my first thought was to throttle her LOL

See Heidi you will survive, just hang in there. This same daughter is now mother of two, and in the air guard. She has called me after having a trying day and apologized for giving me grief when she was small, because now she realizes how trying it can be. (BTW I laugh even louder now when she calls to tell me how her kids are driving her nuts--sweet revenge happens when they have their own.)


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Peggi, That's an old, cheap & very effective treatment to get rid of headlice I wish I'd known about when my kids were small & got 'em once.

One of my best friends told a story on her eldest daughter, when she was a toddler they were on their way to the grocery and the little one kept poking at her nose and when her mom asked what was wrong she was told quite matter-of-factly "I have a rock up my nose"; the pediatrician's office was on the way to the store, so she stopped & sure enough, the doctor pulled a good-sized pebble out of her daughter's nose.

In my time as a school nurse the only "foreign body" I ever retrieved from a child's nose was a partially melted red crayon, but a colleague doing a well-child workup was checking a child's ears with an otoscope and nearly dropped it when she found a roach in one of the ears.

These are the stories you'll tell at family gettogethers when your kids are home with their families, that will embarass the heck out of them. Revenge is sweet :rolleyes:

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