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I am bit stressed out


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I got some interesting news from my friend. She had to drink two bottles of contrast for a catscan and she said it made her have to visit the facilities ALOT!

I told Fred this and you should have seen his face..not happy. He has to go pick up the stuff today and he has to start drinking it in the morning tomorrow. I guess I will probably be bringing him to the hospital tomorrow. I do not know if he will be able to drive with gastro spasms and cramps..

Has anyone else drank this stuff and had the same results?

You have to like drink some and then 30 mins later drink some more..etc until it is all gone. You have to finish drinking it 1 hour before the catscan.

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Everything is a-okay. Fred waited around for the catscan to be read and since he knew most of the people working in the film library they were able to tell him his results within the hour.

Nothing unusual in his film.

He has a appt coming up so I guess the Gastro will monkey around with his medications to help with the acid reflux.

Thanks everyone for your support! :o

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  • 4 months later...

Update on what has been going on...

The gastro had figured that Fred was dealing with acid reflux. Well after 3 med changes and no relief from the chest pain and other symptoms, Fred called to ask him what he should do. The gastro thinks that if the new medicine isnt working by now, then it isnt reflux. He wanted him to call his regular dr to get checked out for other stuff. The nurse practioner thought he needed to be seen tomorrow. Even though his Dr isnt in the office, he will be seeing someone else in the practice.

Maybe a fresh pair of eyes will do the trick.

The gastro said that if they still think it has to do with his gastro innards, there is a test that can be done but they only do it at Yale in New Haven or in Hartford. Didnt tell him what test. Wonder if it is that camera pill I heard about?

I am going to be a pain in the a** and go with him tomorrow for his appt. Needs the lil woman to ask the questions!

Gastro thinks that if it is some other organ (like the heart) then Fred might need an ultrasound to really look instead of just blood tests.

So I am worried..as usual. He still has the chest pain, burps sometimes, and he says his arm tingles sometimes. Why didnt he tell me this before???

His appt isnt until after 4pm, so I will let you know what we find out tomorrow.

Cross your fingers everybody!

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When my heart was acting up (rapid heart rate) I had major stomach problems. Now that the heart problem is taken care of (cross my fingers) I don't have the problem. The heart was beating too fast to get blood where it needed to go. It needed me to wear a monitor for a period of time to diagnose because the rapid heart rate was sporotic. :)

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So I am worried..as usual. He still has the chest pain, burps sometimes, and he says his arm tingles sometimes. Why didnt he tell me this before???

Because men can be as stubborn as a mule and are convinced that if they keep telling themselves it's nothing serious, it will eventually be true. That's why Bruce spent the last week arguing with me that it was just acid reflux and the pins and needles in his right elbow couldn't be related to it at all. I'm sooooooooo glad you got Fred to go to the dr today.

Okay, it's after 4 there now. You should be home soon. I'm anxiously awaiting word about what they found out and singing your praises for making him go.

<sigh> Fred is a health care professional and Bruce was a paramedic and they both totally ignore the signs of what they *know* could be a serious health risk. Shall we beat them separately or you wanna meet somewhere and beat them at the same time? I kinda like the second idea coz then we could drop them at an ER somewhere, tell the hospital to keep an eye on them, and you and I could go out for lunch and maybe a manicure and some shopping.


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It is good to be a busy body wife. I told this Dr about the stomach attack he had and I said offhandedly *I know they checked his gallbladder and they didnt find anything....* with like a trail.

This doc gave him a prescription for something for stomach spasms. He also told him his blood pressure was lovely so no need to up or change that med.

He asked if Fred had some gallbladder test where you drink a dye and they check the gallbladders function. He hadnt. So he wants him to take the pills and when he sees his regular dr in 3 weeks it should be set up for him. He wants to see if the meds help first.

I told him if this keeps up I am going to make him a vegan. He laughed and said he would become a quasi-vegetarian but never a vegan like Chelsea. *Quasi-vegetarian= animal meat every once in a blue moon*

So I feel a bit better now. He is going to owe me $20 when they eventually find that it is his gallbladder that has been giving him all these symptoms. LOL

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This doc gave him a prescription for something for stomach spasms. He also told him his blood pressure was lovely so no need to up or change that med.

So I feel a bit better now. He is going to owe me $20 when they eventually find that it is his gallbladder that has been giving him all these symptoms. LOL

<sigh of relief> Yay!! I'm so glad that it wasn't anything more serious and that his BP is in good shape.

If you win that $20 bet, buy something cool that you can show it to him once in awhile as proof that he should listen to his wife. <cackle>


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  • 4 weeks later...

Fred was put on this spasm medication. He thinks it is helping but he is a man so you know what that means. He has an appt next month with the GP and they will probably have him do some test that I mentioned before. It is a dye thing where they can really see the workings of the Gallbladder.

No severe pain and he is still avoiding alot of the foods that were bothering him (dairy, tomatoes, coffee, caffeine, etc) So we will see what happens next month.

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It's frustrating when it takes a long time to figure out what's going on - in any case, it sounds like it's happening, slowly but surely. You are such a good caregiver of your "flock". I hope they know how lucky they all are!

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Not so great update:

He got a call today about his bloodwork. He has high cholestrol so he will have to take a statin drug..and they are pretty sure he has diabetes. He has to go for a fasting blood sugar in the morning. He thought he would bite the bullet but he has it on both sides of his family..Mother and Father.

I told him that maybe they need to really check his blood pressure now. Everytime he goes it is fine. The symptoms he has been having definitely are blood sugar related. And I never even thought of that.

So life is going to change in the house. He said NO more junk, no more take out, home cooked meals only that are healthier. (not to sound a teeny bit ticked) but more work for me. I will have to cook all of his meals to take to work. With more variety that will not bore him.

I will update you all on what I have to do now...He also wants to join a gym. Crossing fingers that is pre-diabetes so that he can reverse it before it is too late!

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I don't know if I mentioned before that I had bad acid reflux and spasms when my heart was in fibrilation. It was beating extremely fast off and on. I hope they have your husband wearing a portable monitor for a few weeks. that will tell you a lot. My prayers are with you. (also ask your doctor to check magnesium) (I am also diabetic)

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