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I made a bed!


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Oh wow, this is a blast from the past! That was my very first bed and my work has evolved a lot since then, just as any art form does when you keep trying new things and setting new goals. If you would like to see what I've been up to in the past eight years, you can check out my galleries here: http://www.debsminis.com/galleries.htm <grinning> Obviously, I really enjoyed trying new things because it sort of got out of hand but oh, it was all just as exhilarating as that first bed.

The funny thing is that I just got a pleater last year and haven't even used it yet. I do more fabric sculpting than pleating but it never fails that when I want to put crisp pleats in something I kick myself for not having a pleater. I was just digging around in my tubs of undressed furniture today and so many things jumped out at me that I want to do but when I get back to dressing furniture, my first priority is the opium bed in the Willowcrest. It's by far the coolest bed I own but never had the time to do justice to the dressing of it. However, I did eventually get around to dressing beds for the Lady Pierce and Maharet (those are some of the ones with silk ribbon embroidery), so I'm not giving up on one for the lady's salon in Willowfaire. It has the potential to be extremely exotic and if that's what it wants, that's what it'll get.

The steampunk bed is definitely the most unusual of all the beds I've done. That combined so many mediums that I literally used all the "crayons in my box" for it. It's also the only one of the retail beds I made that I ended up keeping for myself. After all, Dr Thaddeus has to have a place to sleep sooner or later. LOL!

Holly, it just tickles me that you still have that bed. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was packing it into a box and giggling at how surprised you'd be. BTW, Jadis says hi. It's muffled because she's still in bubble wrap but it won't be long before she's back in her rocking chair in the Pierce tower room. Lynette is going to come help me restage all the dollhouses and we'll let Jadis supervise. :-)


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Speaking of Deb's beds ... Mardi Gras: the Morning After

Apparently I never photographed the finished roombox. It's here in New Orleans, a gift to a favorite cousin who also has an interest in miniatures. I'll add a mini photo session to my To-Do list.

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Oh Kathie, that looks so totally cool! It's exactly the setting I'd imagined for that bed right down to the cup on the floor. It's always such a thrill for me to see how the furniture I dressed looks in someone's dolllhouse or roombox. I'm honored that so many of them have homes among the talented builders of Greenleaf. (Those aren't just words either.......when I run across a picture in the gallery and realize that I'm looking at something I made that's a part of a gorgeous dollhouse, it makes me squeal with delight.)

BTW, this seems as good a place as any to mention it so I'll just take a deep breath and get it over with. I couldn't keep up with the business so there's no more "Deb's Minis" and at this point I don't have any plans to make anything to sell again. I grieved and grieved about that because I loved it so much and it was terribly hard to admit that I couldn't do it anymore. I kept my website up (and one of these days I'll remember how to update it to remove the custom order pages) just for the eye candy on it. But the bright side is that when I start creating again, it'll be just to satisfy my own whims 100% of the time and who knows what kinds of minis that might lead to. LOL!!! As long as I can get back to making minis, that's all that matters.


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...when I start creating again, it'll be just to satisfy my own whims 100% of the time and who knows what kinds of minis that might lead to. LOL!!! As long as I can get back to making minis, that's all that matters.


I figured out a while back that if someone sees something I've made and offers me enough money to cover the cost of making it again twice, I might part with it; but I make things to an inner image.

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So glad this thread came up again :) That's one thing I like about this forum - nothing is lost. I made one bed, about 30 years ago, and just used lace and mini-fabric for the dressing. I'd like to try this pleating and make new linens for the bed.

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I wanted to be sure other newbies here got another good taste of how talented this lady is! Deb,when I was looking for dressed bed ideas online,I used to come across "Deb's Minis" and just ooh and aah at everything! I've played with making myself a couple of dressed beds using fabric,batting,and foamcore,and though none could compare to yours,I am still gonna try to get close to your level.:) Looking forward to seeing what you create in the future!

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