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    the beautiful glacial lake region of SD


  • Member Title
    Mini Addict

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  • Dollhouse Building Experience
    Five or more
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  1. Tams

    back again

    Thanks, everyone! Heidi - Sonny will be 5 months on Friday. Holly - I sure couldn't agree more!
  2. Hi Everyone It's been what seems like forever! Real life has taken many queer twists and turns for me. I just don't have a lot of online time anymore. We currently have temp custody of our grandson, long story there. Taking care of a baby again is awesome, yet it takes up quite a bit of my time. I've been trying to catch up here on the threads, pm's, photos, everything. You miss a day here, it takes a month to catch up. Imagine how long it's going to take me after more than a month! Mini wise, well, haven't had a lot of time there, but have done a few things. We finally moved and now all my houses have permanent homes. I had to re-do Tamales, which I just finished this afternoon. I'm working on a back yard barbecue since the deck for my Newberg didn't fare to well in the move. I just this evening came up with an awesome idea for the next HBS contest. I'm multi-tasking by doing research in another window! Good to be back. I'll check in as I can.
  3. I was thinking along the same lines as the wedding idea, but with Christmas - wrapping the presents, decorating the tree, Christmas Eve - waiting for Santa, and after all presents are open on Christmas day.
  4. This story reminds me, tremendously and painfully, of Eric, a man in our community who passed away Saturday. He had been born with arthrogryposis and spent his life in a wheelchair, yet most people in our community never saw him down - not once. He was a greeter at a grocery store here and knew everyone by name and cared so much about everyone. He won the governor's hospitality award a few years back. He had so much he could have complained about, but he never did. He often told me he was praying for me for various situations and such. I felt so honored to have known him. Check out this link to see what an impact he had on so many lifes.
  5. These plants are beautiful! Well done! Can't wait to see more pics!
  6. Your kitchen is absolutely darling! I really love the colors you picked out! Great job - I can't wait to see more!
  7. This covered wagon would look great with my log cabin! Thanks for sharing!
  8. I live in eastern South Dakota and we didn't get it as bad here as they did out in Rapid and that area - they had four feet, we only had around 4 inches. Still too much for me, since they last three or four winters we didn't have snow until after Christmas!
  9. We are more traditional with Thanksgiving than we are with Christmas. There are several recipes that have been handed down for generations in my Mom's family that I still make every year. It's also a tradition to watch the Macy's parade, because one of my Gran's uncles way back when did the make up for the clowns. Christmas is never the same. The only childhood Christmas dinner I remember was the year we had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! The power went out when the turkey was still in the oven and didn't come back on until pretty late, so we had to have sandwiches on Christmas day and our real dinner the following day! When the kids were young, we'd open one present on Christmas Eve, and the rest very early on Christmas Day. Once they were all old enough to know the truth about Santa, we'd open all presents on Christmas Eve, stay up late playing with everything and sleep in a bit on Christmas Day. This year we'll change things a bit for Sonny's first Christmas.
  10. Tams

    Bread machines

    Greg - would Russ have a recipe for sourdough starter? I love sourdough breads, but have no clue how to make the starter. Thanks for the English muffin bread recipe - I can't wait to give it a try! I love my bread machine - I don't use it often any more, but I still love it!
  11. Congratulations on finding such a wonderful bargain! So far, there haven't been many dollhouses on my craigslist - this one lady had three listed, but all were terribly expensive so I had to pass.
  12. Beautiful! I join the rest in saying my favorite is the morning glory vine, but they all look wonderful!
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