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Help please! Harrison Window Issues


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My good and patient friends,

I do not understand what is happening here.


I am trying to create the interior frames for the bay windows, above the window seats.

When I dry fit the interior frames, I see a lot of mess from the outside...

I am positioning the exterior windows exactly where they should be. What is happening here? And what color should the interior of the windows be? 


I am IMG_8447.thumb.jpeg.b5ef5369e1a26b315832acf0e88a2edb.jpegpositoningIMG_8447.thumb.jpeg.b5ef5369e1a26b315832acf0e88a2edb.jpeg






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Do you think the original builder put this together wrong? It looks like the windows are supposed to align bottom and top, My side Bay windows are about half an inch lower than the center bay window...

Any thoughts on how I can get that interior trim on and not have that craziness when looking in from outside?

Many thanks again! I so want to get trough the window replacement.

Window Issues_Kit@2x-3.jpg

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I notice that on the interior the side windows don't appear to come up as high as the big center window.  Try dry fitting those side windows to correspond in height to the center window, and dry fit the interior frame around the center window.  It looks as if the original builder might have tried shortening the side window openings without shortening the side windows...

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Hi @havanaholly. Thank you! What would we do without your sage knowledge and advice? Oy. I am 99% sure the original guy placed the side bay windows way too low...maybe the piece is put in upside But it is already glued and painted...so I can't really dry fit it and change it...

If I move the side windows up, I get a hole at the bottom...

I painted the back of the interior frame white (just one coat so far). It's less offensive. Maybe I will have to put a shrub inf front of it///

Thoughts or ideas?

Many thanks again! And yes you are right, I should have just rebuilt the house!!!!


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Apparently  your original builder put the bay side walls in upside down.  If there were some way your could carefully pry them off and switch sides and turn them right side up I betcha it would solve your problem.

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1 hour ago, havanaholly said:

Apparently  your original builder put the bay side walls in upside down.  If there were some way your could carefully pry them off and switch sides and turn them right side up I betcha it would solve your problem.


1 hour ago, havanaholly said:

Apparently  your original builder put the bay side walls in upside down.  If there were some way your could carefully pry them off and switch sides and turn them right side up I betcha it would solve your problem.

Hi @havanaholly. Thank you! What would we do without your sage knowledge and advice? Oy. I am 99% sure the original guy placed the side bay windows way too low...maybe the piece is put in upside But it is already glued and painted...so I can't really dry fit it and change it...

If I move the side windows up, I get a hole at the bottom...

I painted the back of the interior frame white (just one coat so far). It's less offensive. Maybe I will have to put a shrub inf front of it///

Thoughts or ideas?

Many thanks again! And yes you are right, I should have just rebuilt the house!!!!


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Holly said—"Apparently  your original builder put the bay side walls in upside down.  If there were some way your could carefully pry them off and switch sides and turn them right side up I betcha it would solve your problem."

Hi Holly, Yes he did! What a mystery this has been! Unfortunately, I don't have the wherewithal to do that. I got into this to decorate and tell a story.

BUT. I have an idea. I can place trim around 3 sides don't the small bay windows. Not perfect, but better than that botchgalupe I see from the outside. Maybe I will place a small pillow or a plant up against those windows. Here is a poor picture. This frame is not the right height, but it's a piece I had in progress.

Oh I cannot wait to get through these windows and get onto wallpaper and floors!

Thanks again for your ongoing advice and support. It is very much appreciated!


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I would raise the window if it was me. Meaning I would cut out the top of the narrow side windows to where it was even with the big one and then take that piece and fill in the bottoms. It's not a big cut and you could do it probably with a sharp utility knife or small bladed handsaw. Wallpaper would cover pieced seams on the inside, a window box or some clever spackling would cover it on the outside.

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Hi @havanaholly and @FurMama,

Where would I be without this group! Thank you so much for your support.

I admire your skills @FurMama, but I am going to take the easy way out (very unusual for me) and leave the side windows as is, and add plants or something. I am not a builder...just an unintentional rehabber.

I will receive my Macro Mark jig tomorrow, and hopefully, I can systematically build some nice square, clean windows and get them in. Today I painted a bunch of window frames (on all 3 sides of course) so I can create an assembly line.

@havanaholly I can see how you became Queen of Spackle. Everything needs spackle. I started to work on a flower box from the second used kit, "the parts kit" I bought. Even though I will never get this house as "crisp" as I would like, I think it is better that I did not try to build a new one from the second set. The wood in that second kit is terrible. The wood in the original house is relatively smooth. The wood from the second kit, is awful. So grainy and splintery.

The one benefit of having so many windows off, is I can paint through the windows. Laughing. But it helps.

I truly hope to get into the inside next week. I hope I will do ok with the wallpaper. I am not putting the windows back on until I have the wallpaper and floors in...although I will likely blue tape the windows on temporarily to give me a sense of peace. I can not wait for the day I glue on the windows!

Thanks again for all!

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