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Removing glue from a doll's hair - suggestions please


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Here's my before and after shot:


I searched through posts looking for an easy way to remove glue from a doll's hair and the only thing I could really find was to use a hair dryer. Well I tried that and nothing really happened except the hand that was holding the doll got very warm. What I finally did that did work was to use my hot glue gun. I of course removed all of the glue from inside the gun first. Then I just took the nozzle and pressed it again any spot there was glue. When the glue melted I either pulled off the hair decorations or just used the glue gun to sort of scoop the glue off. I was fairly please with the results. I will admit that I still have a lot more work to do (that's why you only see part of her hair in the 2nd pic!). The glue gun didn't damage her hair at all and I didn't lose any hair in the process either, which was a good thing.

I was wondering if anyone had any other solutions for removing glue. Is there such a thing as glue remover? There has to be some chemical out there in the world that just dissolves hot glue that way you could just rub the remaining glue out. And something that wouldn't damage the hair as well. My method works, but it is going to take a LONG LONG time to finish :flowers:

I ranted about this on my blog as well, but I wish that doll makers would first wig the entire doll - no bald spots no matter what the hair decoration covers. Second I wish they would stay away from hot glue. There has to be another way to style a dolls hair - tiny removable pins, or clips, or something. As creative as all of the people on this forum are I know there has to be a solution out there somewhere.

Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated!

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She is looking very nice!!! You have done a good job on her!!! I have had success with fingernail polish remover for some glues, don't know if it works with all. I use the quick dry tacky on my dolls, it can be soaked off with water or sometimes just peeled off. The general reason for not covering the entire head with hair is it would end up really thick and out of proportion for the doll. There are some very nice tutorials for doing miniature hair styles online. I don't think any of them cover removing the hair though.

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I think nail polish remover could damage the hair, especially the color. If you have a small piece you might try it. A blow dryer will usually remove hot glue but it can damage some hair, the nylon type will melt. I don't think heat would hurt mohair or the viscose type but again I would try it on a scrap piece first.

Forgot to mention that if it isn't fired on paint, nail polish remover may damage the paint too.

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The dry glue gun was the only thing I found to remove impossible to pull off old dried glue gun glue too, so you are on the right track. I have a never been used $ store gun for this reason. It works on dissaembling rehab houses that silly folks put together with the stuff too. You doll is looking fabulous.

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I make dolls and I would never think of using a glue gun! honestly i find glue guns horrid for most things! LOL seems to always come apart....I wonder if acetone would work? It wont harm the doll i dont think, assuming it is porcelain? I use fabritac on my hair and dolls. And I usually leave my doll's hair down, with a head covering of some kind, so people can do more with the hair if they want. Looks like you are doing a good job!! she looks much better with her hair down I think!!

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I agree, she does look great with her hair down. And yes, she's porcelain. I guess I could try the nail polish remover (which is the same thing as acetone, right?) on a tiny piece of hair and see if it does anything. If all else fails I'd wind her hair back up the way it was to begin with.

She does have a bald spot though, she was strategically wigged to where you wouldn't know it unless you took her hair down like I did. She's going to be a saloon owner so depending on how this turns out she may or may not be wearing a cowboy hat permanently!

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Nail polish remover comes both with acetone and non acetone, just have to read the label. Works great on getting superglue off fingers!!! I keep a bottle handy when using it. Also got the glue off the scissors that glued shut! LOL

So which one would I use?

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You can always rewig her. I strip old hot glue using a heat gun, but that would melt acrylic hair. If the glue gun works, why not finish the job with it? Are you on a deadline? Seriously. Once all the hot glue is out, work a little fabric softener into the hair, if it's viscose, to comb & restyle it.

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  • 10 years later...

I know this is an old post, but I recently bought a beautiful porcelain doll that had a Victorian hat glued to her head and once I removed the hat, there was a big chunk of dried glue left stuck to her hair on top of her head. I did try soaking the top of her head in white vinegar for at least 24 hours, but had very little results with that. It was rubbery dried glue. I remember a great company that makes great products - Mostenbocker's lift-off products, as they have one called Mostenbocker's lift-off adhesive remover. They also have a latex paint remover that will take paint out of clothes, which I have used before successfully also. So I covered the doll up to the top of her head and then sprayed the clump of glue with the product and underneath it, and was slowly able to pull it all off. Success! I did have to let it soak in a little on the most difficult parts, but this product is fantastic. The hair is okay underneath, but doesn't have the gloss and shine like the rest of the hair that didn't have a glue problem, so I'm looking for ways to restore that lustre. 

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