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MHM MDF is poop!

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Holy cow, I went to check all the pieces fo my next build ( I know, I know, I'm not done with 2 others yet :) ) but, I went to get a check on the mdf pieces and 2 of them look like they were cut by a wild bear, or termites, or some gawd-awful thing. They have been shredded and up to inches of damage can be found on 2 of the pieces.

I don't think I'm going to be building that one next. Not such a fun build at all....I think I'll do the Newburg instead.

Anyone else have this prob with Duracraft MDF?

I have 4 of their houses but, have not noticed the amout of pre-repair that need attending to.

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Hi Monica~

I went to start on my Madison (Dura-Craft) and was missing a piece. The bad part was, it was one of the main pieces to hold the shell together. So, I couldn't do anything. (And, I haven't even developed the skill(s) to make my own or even improvise.) But, someone on the forum told me to contact Manchester Dollhouse and Woodworks and I did. I gave them the part number that I was missing and I received that exact part a few days later. I thought the pricing was VERY reasonable too. The turn-around time for the part was extremely quick. I'm not sure if you are interested in that, but you may want to give it a try. Especially if you really want to build the house!

Good luck.


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Thanks Bre!

I'm sooo glad you were able to find the piece that you were missing. I was reall bummed out about that whole thing for you.

I'll give them a shot!

I'm still not sure I really wan to do that house next but, I'm going to get the pieces for when I decide I'm ready.

I guess I just got spoiled by the greenleaf houses, especially the laser cut :)



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Hi Holly, yes they can be templates fer sher :) Not all that damaged but, bad enough not to use.

The depth of the mdf however is unbelievable and the weight of a sheet of that stuff probably weighs more than my entire family put together lol

If need be, I can have hubby cut them for me...I hope!

I know....I wanted to say a few choice words about mdf myself but, we are in Grreeleaf land :)



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I went to get a check on the mdf pieces and 2 of them look like they were cut by a wild bear

:) sorry about your woes, but this statement cracked me up! The visual alone of (a) a wild bear gnawing the pieces into shape or (b ) a wild bear wearing goggles and wielding a chainsaw...I think I need to get to bed. :)

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