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Sharing a Nice Compliment


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Yesterday, we had a Kirby salesman stop by, and like a lot of saleman you just have to let him show his merchandise before they will leave. As he was talking, I noticed he kept looking over at my Lily (which btw I finally have on a display table) and over at my partially built Coventry Cottage, finally I asked him if he would like to see the houses, and he said yes. He was blown away, he said he had never seen dollhouses like this and had no idea you could have the detail in a dollhouse like you would a real house. He told me that he had whispered to his supervisor (who left to show another customer) that I must be a professional builder. Later, when his supervisor returned, he had to take him over to see the houses and point out the little things like the tissue paper and even that I had a miniature "George" for the house. He asked how long it took to build, how difficult, and where did you get the accessories. He was surprised that you could buy kits and not have to start from scratch.

Before they left, they both had asked where they could get houses because they thought their wives would enjoy them. I assured them that their wives would indeed love the house.

It was a very nice unexpected compliment and it was fun to watch his reaction as he investigated the "mini" things the house holds.

Since it took the help of all of you on the forum to complete the house, I want to extend the compliment to you .

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Peggi -

That's an incredible story. Isn't it wonderful to share minis with a first-timer? The miniature world is one that all of us on this site live in. But there are many people who haven't experienced this remarkable hobby/obsession. I have to laugh when I wonder whether this fellow knows the pandora's box that might open when he introduces a miniature dollhouse kit to his wife.


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Ill share a story also....I am being seen by the home Health nurses for my wound care

well I guess the first 2 nurses had a long conversation about my houses at the office and when the 3rd nurse came (with a student) they were all eyes! seems the "dollhouse lady" set quite a stir at the office!

today when she came she oooed and awwed over the plant I was making. at a time when I am feeling so crappy its so nice to see strangers smile over my "toys"

perhaps we have met future customers! it would be nice to make enough money to support my ever growing addiction!

nutti :blink:

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I still wonder at everyone elses and it still amazes me to see all the talent here.
What she said!

Since each of us is a separate individual we each see the world through eyes different from anyone else's, so it always inspres awe & wonder to get up close & personal with another person's work, because now you share, through that work, a vision different from your own.

As he was talking, I noticed he kept looking over at my Lily

The last time we had the plumber out to replace the kitchen plumbing he kept looking for excuses to go through our livingroom, where my Cambridge lives, and the Glencroft had just moved downstairs. After he was finishing me up he began to ask me about the tools I use to build the houses, and what I made that was in them. Turns out his hobby is woodworking, and we had a lovely technical chat (AFTER he'd been paid for the plumbing job, the chat was on HIS time :blink: ), and hopefully I sold a few Greenleaf kits that day, or at least grew the hobby.

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B) I had to laugh here... because the same thing happens to me....

My house is set up for the displays...most of the items to be shipped are in the studio. People from church or just dropping in are amazed and are always asking, how long does it take? Such patience! ;) One of the ladies from church stopped by to cut some flowers for the service, and had never really visited, but when I took her on a tour, (I was painting windows and doors for the Queen's Row that day --) she was really amazed at 'the windows really open and close!' :blink: She was like a little kid in the house, going from the sugarplum to the arthur to the Primrose. Funny thing was, she didn't cut any flowers but said she would be back and brought her daughter! :) I guess she was more fascinated than the daughter (her daughter is about 11 or 12) and was looking for another excuse to come in and look. She was even more amazed that Chris helped build and like to design his own.

I think men are really more appreciative sometimes then the ladies who are not into this hobby--since more men do woodworking and such. I've had men who you can tell are just fascinated by the detail of the houses, but their wives keep pulling them along, thinking it is a toy....well, it is... but for us grownups who haven't grown up! :):)

Sounds like you really made that service tech find a new hobby..

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Before they left, they both had asked where they could get houses because they thought their wives would enjoy them. I assured them that their wives would indeed love the house.

LOL - Awe those guys can't fool me - what they were saying is "we think our wives would enjoy them" what they were thinking is "How cool! I want to build one!!! and I can do this and this and we could do that and we could decorate it this way and that way and...." :blink: mwahahaha more male miniaturists hooked! ;) heheh


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David -

I so agree with you. Ray pretends that the miniatures are my hobby, but he's always front and centre to lend a hand (when he's not at work). He usually commandeers the glue gun or any tools. Is the glue gun the remote control of miniatures?


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