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I bought this house from micheals


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Sherry, you did a fabulous job on that thatching! It looks fantastic! I wouldn't have noticed the chimney was missing if you hadn't said so. Also think the hinges on the door are great - very authentic looking. Thanks so much for the pic! :p

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Darn I wish I had that stick furniture I made for an Adirondack cabin I did... I made a one room cabin a couple of years ago that I totally forgot about. I just went out in my yard and collected twigs and glued them into beds and tables. Then I wrapped the joints with brown string to look like rope. Of course I don't have that one either anymore :p

Another day I got nothing done. I wanted to stop into Lowes on the way but a wicked storm came up and I just beat it over to Stan's house.

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LOL Rosalind...I was thinking of the furniture for Sherry's Snow White House! I don't need stick furniture for my project. I am trying to finish my 1950's shop but I can't seem to finish the last details. I need a motorcycle that doesn't look like 2009! I live in the middle of Harley country but the only toy ones I can find are too modern or the scale is way off....I will keep looking. Don't you like to have characters in your DH? I think it adds so much to the scene! I want to start my big house but the idea of making a house for Halloween out of my last puzzle house is haunting me :p

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Actually, the dwarfs had very primitive furniture, but it was made from lumber, not logs. No telling who ran the sawmill, a troll maybe? But it is all very heavily carved, and I'm not even gonna try that! We will have simple tables, stools, and benches.

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Aww Sherry you aren't going to sit and carve those nice tables and chairs? :p Kidding...

I made that little Christmas house from the Michaels CD holder...now I wish I had used a puzzle.

Oh well...I want to build my big DH and decorate it for each season and holiday! That is if I EVER get it out of the box and DO something. I keep playing with my puzzles...love these things!

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Roxxie, have you tried looking at models? You know, the plastic car kits - they do motorcycles too. I would think you stand a better chance of finding a vintage model in with those kits. They are usually a little small for 1:12 scale, but may be good for the puzzle houses.

(I didn't think you wanted twig furniture for the ice-cream parlour, but I thought you had another project in mind. Other than Sherry's, of course!)

Yes, I do love to have characters for my settings - I can't do much of anything until I know who lives there!

Sherry, what about doing a little folk art painting on the furniture? Just some simple brush strokes ... that might give it an "olde worlde" feel.

A Christmas house would be very cute in one of those houses - which one do you have left?

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I still have the one with the long porch, but I think the Orchid might make a good Christmas house. It's under the dresser waiting on me. I know I'd find more stuff to put in one that size.

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Oh I can see the Orchid painted red with lots of pretty wreaths and swags tied with red ribbons!

I spent an hour and a half trying to buy sample paint size cans in Lowes this morning. What a struggle! I thought they would copy your paint you bring in but she insisted on hunting through tons of their color samples instead.

I hope I like the color. I am picky! LOL

The UPS man is at my door....I wonder what I ordered? :p

I have this picture in my head of the seven little dwarf beds in a row...seven pairs of dwarf shoes...lol

Hi ho hi ho...

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No, I tried making 7 stools and putting their names on them to circle the fireplace. No way to fit 7 of them in there and have room for anything else. Their bedroom is in the part of the house we can't see, unless I think of something else.

Correction-I just ran to Hobby Lobby and think I have something that will work for stools and not take up too much room. I'll let you know if it works!

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It has turned out so cute! It needs a bit of parking lot with that motorcycle, and a tall sign, and it will be perfect! Maybe a giant ice cream cone like the one on front, only on a post in the parking lot. that's it, there's no big sign with the name on it! I love it, inside and out!

I got a pitcher and a bowl made for my dwarf house, that's about it until I get a tray to hold the house and can start landscaping.

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The pink sign next to the front window says Roxy's on it but its too small and it got lost in the graphic. I think it looks kind of plain...have to think about this but I am too tired and the t- storm is coming back!

What did you make the pitcher and bowl out of? Can I see? LOL

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I am not happy with this......its needs something but I am stuck so haven't done anything in days. I want to finish it.

bad picture too!

The windows are too plain O.o Need flower boxes or something, maybe.

Otherwise it looks great! My step-dad would love that old-timey Coke machine :)

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Out of fimo, but I'm just not much good with that stuff. I'll take a picture later, I want to put some fruit in the bowl. Today I'm going to try an experiment. I found some great samples of upholstery fabric that i bought to use in my hacienda one day. But one of them would be perfect for a rug in the dwarf house-they probably didn't have rugs, but I need some color in there! So I'm going to try scanning the sample and see if I can print a rug from it. Wish me luck!

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You know what you need in front of that little window? Not flowers, they don't fit-you need a newspaper rack! One of those square boxes they use, with a little window so you can see if there are any papers before you put your money in. That shouldn't be hard for you to make, and would look really cool!

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Thats a good idea Sherry. I didn't think flower boxes worked either. I stuck pictures in the windows but they are probably too small to see in the pictures. I was thinking of a striped awning or something but I used up all my striped paper that would work perfectly of course. I like the paper box idea...just wonder if they had them back then. I also thought of an old phone booth but couldnt figure out how to engineer that one. I am not that good!


Why can't dwarfs have some kind of grass or rush rug? Wind brown twine into a big circle and make a natural looking mat type rug?

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I have some pieces of upholstery fabric that ought to work. I scanned them, reduced them to get the pattern in scale, and printed them off. Now I'm working on Snow White's bed.

I know they had newspaper stands back then, but not sure if they were like the boxes or not. I've got it! What about a trash barrel, with overflowing trash and paper soda cups on the ground around it? Now, that would be realistic! Add a tiny bird picking through the crumbs and it would be perfect!

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