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A plague upon my house ... or at least my body


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Glad you are feeling (and looking) better.

I am not. I was feeling great with just a little cough left over. Chelsea showed me these presents that Chris gave her yesterday. He is helping in his Dad`s business and they are cleaning out an old house full of stuff. He gave her a notebook diary dated between 1916-1917 and a passenger log from a cruise ship in 1937. Very cool stuff. But very musty gusty.Did not see mold on it at all but it had that smell. After about 10 minutes of reading the diary, my throat was burning. I told her to get it away from me. Now my cough has creeped back into the picture.

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I know. What I should have said that it didnt have visible mold on it. If I get any worse, I will make a dr appointment. I was feeling so much better and then this happened. I can tell a difference from how my lungs and chest felt before and after.

I may tell her to get rid of it..but you know children. She will fight me tooth and nail to keep these things because they are gifts. Very cool gifts I might add. This woman kept this diary and there is mention of her husband going to town to work on the draft effort. It was in 1916 so if I am correct (need more coffee) she was talking about WW1.

Too bad she will have to toss it.

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Am happy to report I'm nearly back to normal this morning. At least normal enough that I'm ready to drop this topic. :)

Heidi, get rid of the diary etc., and scrub down/wash areas where they have been, double vacuum any upholstered areas where you were sitting, etc. All mold is unhealthy when inhaled, but old paper can carry a mold that can be very dangerous. When I was working at the historical association, we received some old papers, books, etc., from the courthouse. The archivist and I had to wear masks, gloves, and smocks as we sorted it all, and then most of it was incinerated. We actually should have been wearing respirators, as mold spores are so small (as Holly said) that they can penetrate regular dust masks. We were lucky.

Part of the guidelines from the North Carolina Preservation Organization state that People removing mold from books, paper, or other surfaces should wear a respirator to reduce the risk of infection. Even non‑toxic mold can cause respiratory problems. People with asthma or immune deficiencies should not participate in mold removal. Pregnant women should also be excluded. Other protective measures include wearing gloves, safety glasses, and lab coats.

They recommend that the library quarantine the sectio of the library where the mold is found until it can be tested. The NCPA link has other links.

This isn't a matter of pitching a gift. It's a time bomb. You probably aren't interested in paying to have it tested or the mold removed professionally. Getting rid of it is the only safe option. Chris and his father should be wearing respirators if there is mold where they're cleaning.

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I am in the shower and I come out and there is a message on my answering machine. It was Kathie! How cool is that?

Yeah, I am going to tell her to get rid of it. If she does not comply...they will mysteriously disappear. I am going to tell her that his gifts are wonderful but I personally cannot afford to have them in my house with my compromised immune system. Thank you for the call!

I will not ignore this either. My throat got sore, my eyes were watering, and my lungs didnt feel too great after sitting there reading the diary for that short time.

Now my chest (lungs) feel tight...nothing scary but enough for me to know to not have that in the house anymore.

Thanks for the heads up. I am pretty sure the boy and his dad are using protection. Kind of stupid to bring it to someone and not just pitch it.

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